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US to use Afghanistan as base of drone attacks in Pakistan - Times of India

If we were to go by your logics, then shouldn't India be sanctioned too for its treatment against the Kashmiris?
If the Indian government allowed its men to torture Kashmiris, shouldn't that be of concern to the international community?
Besides, someone saying doesn't mean it is a fact right?

Kashmir is an internal matter and no matter what your propaganda source is no ones dares finger India on Kashmir.

Kashmiris defy Geelani's boycott call, 1st phase J&K panchayat poll records 78% turnout - Times Of India

The Hindu : News / States : 82% polling in J&K second phase panchayat elections
I say you are sock puppet. Prove it otherwise.

I can say the same thing about you. Since you cannot prove anything but to come here and throw dirt on to Pakistan and base your entire arguments based upon allegations?

You dont know jack about Afg my friend and you are just arguing for the heck of it. Ask the Afghans here if you are interested whether Al-Qaeda exists or not. They experienced the brutality first hand.

And you know about Afghanistan? And yes Aghanistan was a better place until it became wartorn. Now you just have a land with various sects fighting eachother and NATO is amongst the group fighting. Are you trying to divert attention away from NATO's brutallity now?

When NATO involves in Syria come back kiddo. Till then no use in 'predicting' things. The fact that they lauch rockets intentionally on civilian areas makes them a terrorist.

Until NATO involves? I did say they were trying to get involved didn't I? So not quite the predicting thing that you are talking about. Should no one veto against or unilaterally agreed to it, it would have happened Kiddo. Which means it is quite possible that they can make it an international issue and go into war even if they are killing its own people (not internationally).

The civilians around Ben Ghazi and Misrata who were bombed the shyt out by Qadaffi called for help. They were Libyans .period.

They were Libyans alright, but have you any idea how many weren't actually Libyans but are paid to cause trouble? And have you any idea what the ratio were in favour and against the Libyan government? If there are more rebels than the pro Libyan supporters then they wouldn't be the one to be labelled 'rebels'.

And need I remind you genius that a no-fly zone was useless as the primary weapons used by Qadaffi for his genocide was tanks,armored cars ? No, in libya Tanks or armored cars dont fly.

Then let me also remind you genius that the purpose for securing a no fly zone wasn't about bombing tanks; infrastructures and civilian targets. It is called a 'no fly zone' for a reason, as you have clearly stated too - tanks don't fly. Why not call it a 'no tank zone' instead?

Do you see anyone attacking Syria for that ? What the heck are you arguing ?

I do see them wanting to attack Syria for that and it was also on the news is it not?

The Libyan Govt propse a ceasefire while all the time bombing the civilians. You must ne dense enough for not looking up the news. Leave the news, even if you had been here in this forum you would have got to known that.

more allegations. There wasn't even an international team of investigators in there to investigate those claims. Being on the forum does not mean you will know the truth right? You cannot build a case by browsing up forums right? Let me also remind you that the Libyan government is faced with 'armed' rebels. You expect the Libyan troops to stand there and take the bullet?

Are you literate ? Did I not say "neither you nor me" have any moral high ground ? Read properly before hitting the keyboard kiddo.

Yes I am literate, but I am not talking about myself. I was refering to you. In response to you talking foul of another government right after you said that.

The bottom line is the tribal areas of Pakistan are a nuisance to the entire world and to Pakistan itself and if Pakistan is not acting to prevent them then the rest of the world will. No use in whining.

Whining? more like flamers such as yourself trying to justify the bombing of Pakistan and whined about Pakistan not doing anything about it. So is drone attacks the best way to solving it? and in what way will it solve the problem? perhapos you can elaborate how the mission can be achieved by droning? Bottom line is, it is better to sit down and draw up better plans to tackle such problems and by fly drones and bombing places isn't one of them.
Yes, because I am not like you who is here to flame and smeer dirt on to Pakistani people's face? I am not quite the sheeple like you and others who has little prove to back up their arguments.

Don't bother. Some Indians like to bash Pakistan vicariously through American might because India realized after 26/11 that it was powerless to do anything against Pakistan.
And Obambam what has Syria or Libya got to do with the topic ?

Your America hatred is well known but why vent it in a thread that has no relevance.

The Tribal areas of Pakistan are a nuisance to the whole world and to Pak itself, acting as the graduate university of terrorism and the Pak army refuses to act against them. So the drones.

If you have a better solution , suggest or just sock up.

No use in these shrill anti-imperialism, anti-US cries bringing in irrelevant arguments.

Then what does China and Sudan got to do with the topic? We all know your hatred for Pakistan, but that doesn't mean you can yap about with little evidence to support your claims and flame.

If you haven't got anything better to say than to use drones, then perhaps you should cut the hating and suggest that they need to be bombed and it is the right thing to do. No use pretending to be democratic on one side and then play devil on the other.
Don't bother. Some Indians like to bash Pakistan vicariously through American might because India realized after 26/11 that it was powerless to do anything against Pakistan.

It is a shame that we have some ignorant people who likes to think with their rare end.
Thankfully not all Indians are the same.

I wouldn't be so sure, especially with NATO around. They can make things out of anything. Like some say, the only prevention is the nuke. But the likelyhood of India retaliating against NATO is practically very slim. That's why I am against people getting their nose tips brown and then try interfer with other's internal matters.
It is a shame that we have some ignorant people who likes to think with their rare end.
Thankfully not all Indians are the same.

Most Indians, like everyone else, are reasonable except when they get emotional. Happens to the best of us.
I wouldn't be so sure, especially with NATO around. They can make things out of anything. Like some say, the only prevention is the nuke. But the likelyhood of India retaliating against NATO is practically very slim. That's why I am against people getting their nose tips brown and then try interfer with other's internal matters.

Unless the Kashmiris or people trained in Kashmir explode bombs all around the West the NATO has no locus standi here.

Even if they come we will undertake a joint op as it is in India's full interest to crush the terrorists there.

Infact we will be happy if NATO fights our war on their own cost and own equipment.

Then what does China and Sudan got to do with the topic? We all know your hatred for Pakistan, but that doesn't mean you can yap about with little evidence to support your claims and flame.

Go back and see who brought in irrelevant issue of Syria,Libya etc here first. I just saw and it was you.

If you haven't got anything better to say than to use drones, then perhaps you should cut the hating and suggest that they need to be bombed and it is the right thing to do. No use pretending to be democratic on one side and then play devil on the other.

What better thing when the drones are the best things now ? You think the GoP did not talk to the terrorists in the Tribal Areas ? These scums know only the language of the gun not talks. If you think the drones are going on without the knowledge of the PAk army you are sadly mistaken. And being on the democratic side doesnt mean you dont wish death to the terrorists. That is basic human nature.

What are the options available to the US/Pak in dealing with them ?

  • Talk with them - Already tried, no use
  • Military op by Pak - Pak says no.
  • So the only rem option without actual boots on the Ground by US is Drones.

Either the Pak Army must clean up its house or the Drones will attempt. The ball is in Pak's court.


Don't bother. Some Indians like to bash Pakistan vicariously through American might because India realized after 26/11 that it was powerless to do anything against Pakistan.

It is a shame that we have some ignorant people who likes to think with their rare end.
Thankfully not all Indians are the same.

Oh well well. Bring in India into anything and justify your action.

Like it or not the Drones operate with the full co-operation and intelligence of Pakistan Army and I honestly think the drones are doing a good job in killing the terrorists who might just end up killing innocent Pakistanis or Afghans.
And yeah - my hate for Pakistan doesnt have anything to do with the US Govt's action through drones. they do for their own interest not for my hate.

And yeah if I have hated Pak I would love the terrorists in NW to remain free from Drones -you know why the Drones dont kill civilians in Karachi or Lahore or Peshawar through suicide bombings.

But the terrorists trained in the Tribal Areas of Pak do. Thats why I wish death on them.Every terrorist killed in drone means few dozen Pakistanis saved in the cities.

And do you think you are the only genius out here when you suggest the drones are not good while the whole lot of the Americans and Pakistani establishment who go by it are fools ?
Not trying to change the topic. Just following up the questions and countering some questionable answers.
Did Pakistan said they will not do anything to sort it out? and why not negotiate and find better ways of dealing with it?

dnt you know they made theory of good and bad terrorism

Those who harm they are bad and those who are not creating problem for them are good

like taliban in afghanistan and LeT in India is not bad for them

even they calling LeT freedom fighters

Is flying drones over Pakistan airspace and killing innocent civilians the one and only way of dealing with such a problem?

If they stop them in their beginning so situation not become that worst

Its their mistake so they have to pay for that
Which demands of yours have been fulfilled as a result of blocking the supply routes for 10-12 days.

Oh and don't come back saying, "The US apologised.". Like it means anything!

Even if US hang those who did those killing you'll still be saying "like it means anything" because your intention is not to have good discussion but just to troll and degrade anything even remotely related to Pakistan. So thats why It means nothing to you. our demand was apology and they did apologies... So you failed again
Unless the Kashmiris or people trained in Kashmir explode bombs all around the West the NATO has no locus standi here.

So are you saying they have no 'locus standi' now?

Even if they come we will undertake a joint op as it is in India's full interest to crush the terrorists there.

Strong words coming from a non influential kiddo?
I can assure you it will hurt India more than Pakistan if india gets themselves involved.

Infact we will be happy if NATO fights our war on their own cost and own equipment.

Of course you do.

Go back and see who brought in irrelevant issue of Syria,Libya etc here first. I just saw and it was you.

Yes and it was you who conveniently butted in and is now conveniently skipping the relvent points of the arguments? :no:

Syria are killing its own people is it not? And NATO wanted to get involved is it not? Therefore the claim that they do not care as long as their own people aren't harmed was debunked.

Libya - NATO are supporting the small rebel groups, arming them and assisting them to overthrow the majority who supports its government is it not? That in itself is undemocratic and it is obvious that they are trying to control the ME and strangle the growing economies in Asia. Also, 'No fly zone' are not meant for destroying tanks (unless they can fly?) and they are not meant to hit civilian targets. They have already gone across the line.

What better thing when the drones are the best things now ?

I asked you, you should tell me and tell me how it will solve the problem in the region?

And being on the democratic side doesnt mean you dont wish death to the terrorists. That is basic human nature.

Wishing and committing are quite different. For example if something committed a crime, does it mean it is ok to not put them through trial? Hang them instead?

What are the options available to the US/Pak in dealing with them ?

  • Talk with them - Already tried, no use
  • Military op by Pak - Pak says no.
  • So the only rem option without actual boots on the Ground by US is Drones.

Either the Pak Army must clean up its house or the Drones will attempt. The ball is in Pak's court.


United States has linked the halting of the drone campaign in the tribal belt with the Pakistan military launching a full-scale operation against the influential Afghan insurgent group, the Haqqani network, allegedly based in North Waziristan.

The Pakistan’s security establishment has long been accused of having links with the Afghan Taliban particularly the influential Haqqani network.

The American officials say Pakistan’s reluctance to go after the deadliest Afghan militant outfit in its tribal belt is the main reason the Obama administration had to rely on unmanned drones to take out “high value” targets.

But General Kayani strongly dismissed such perceptions, saying the military is committed to defeating extremists.

A lot of allegedly going on. Moreover what makes them think that they are only in North Waziristan? Can they gaurantee that it will not be an installation of further attacks on Pakistan? And who are they looking for in there? are they trying to say that everyone in there are terrorists? and should no one is allowed to live, then wouldn't that be an act of genocide?
For me, they are doing nothing but to invent its own enemies as they go along, making out claims to legalize its wars.

Oh well well. Bring in India into anything and justify your action.

I don't have to justify anything. you are already doing it yourself in the name of India.

Like it or not the Drones operate with the full co-operation and intelligence of Pakistan Army and I honestly think the drones are doing a good job in killing the terrorists who might just end up killing innocent Pakistanis or Afghans.

Yes we all know there are levels of co-operation involved. That doesn't mean the people are happy about it. Nor does it mean the future governent cannot put a stop to the operations.
Hmmmm....Nice twist in the story...

So NATO supply will be through central Asia...
and Drone base will be in Afghanistan..
But the target will be the same....:eek:

Waiting for the next episode ..:alcoholic:

Stike by pakistan and Imran khan worked...Supply route is changed
Air base also removed..

Now pakistan should stop drone attacks..
US says it will stop drone attack when Pak army launched a offensive strike on NW and kill those terrorists hiding
So,If Pak army launches the attack on NW,Drone strikes will be stop..so better go for it ...
dnt you know they made theory of good and bad terrorism

Those who harm they are bad and those who are not creating problem for them are good

like taliban in afghanistan and LeT in India is not bad for them

even they calling LeT freedom fighters

If they stop them in their beginning so situation not become that worst

Its their mistake so they have to pay for that

No they don't have to pay for that. It is also wrong. Pakistan doesn't have to fight the American war. And the Americans doesn't have the right to meddle with Pakistan's internal affairs.
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