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US to use Afghanistan as base of drone attacks in Pakistan - Times of India

we all know about the above(fascinating) story, but that doestn prove the taliban didnt shelter bideen laden.

Nobody's denying that he was their guest before and during 9/11. The Taliban claim that he had promised to refrain from terrorism while he was their guest, which is why they demanded evidence of his guilt from the US.

Again, no country is going to extradite people without evidence. The Taliban response was in accordance with international norms; it is the American intransigence that was abnormal. The reason, as stated earlier, is that the Americans wanted to invade -- they were not interested in negotiations or evidence.
perhaps you havent been haunted by al qaeda, that is why you call their existence fake.

So were they proven to exist and not just a name given by someone on to someone? Where did the name Al-Qaeda come from I wonder? Did Osama bin Laden make it up? He is the leader afterall?
Same? China will nuke them. I can give you this on stamp paper.

The world should be thankful to US that they didn't nuke Afghanistan. Only a democracy can do that.

China would not think twice before nuking them.

Nuke who? who is them? Nuke Al-qaeda? or Nuke Afghanistan? is that your claim or is it factual?
I think it is just your wet dream. So far democracy have only demonstrated that they are more likely to go into war than Communist countries. Mind you, America was also the first and the only one to use nuke on a sovereign nation. Proved wrong? I think so :coffee:
So were they proven to exist and not just a name given by someone on to someone? Where did the name Al-Qaeda come from I wonder? Did Osama bin Laden make it up? He is the leader afterall?

i dont know where that name comes from, but there must be a reason for it, and i know that it is not a european and american name as well, but a part from the name, this organization with its leadership and followers exist/ed in afghanistan, the region and other parts of the world, your countrymen were also part of it and china have every potential to be attacked by al qaeada.
Nobody's denying that he was their guest before and during 9/11. The Taliban claim that he had promised to refrain from terrorism while he was their guest, which is why they demanded evidence of his guilt from the US.

Again, no country is going to extradite people without evidence. The Taliban response was in accordance with international norms; it is the American intransigence that was abnormal. The reason, as stated earlier, is that the Americans wanted to invade -- they were not interested in negotiations or evidence.

well, the taliban did alot of things against the international norms including masacring their own people and destroying their own country, they could have violated just another norm by handing osama bin bideen to save afghansitan from nato attacks.
i dont know where that name comes from, but there must be a reason for it, and i know that it is not a european and american name as well, but a part from the name, this organization with its leadership and followers exist/ed in afghanistan, the region and other parts of the world, your countrymen were also part of it and china have every potential to be attacked by al qaeada.

Those were claims. It is not factually proven. It maybe Arabic, but it doesn't mean others cannot paint a negative image on others and give them a bad name? I am sure people can give a random group an English name and accuse them of being white terrorist too.
well, the taliban did alot of things against the international norms including masacring their own people and destroying their own country, they could have violated just another norm by handing osama bin bideen to save afghansitan from nato attacks.

I am not defending the Taliban regime's philosophy or atrocities. Only setting the matter straight on this particular point.
Nuke who? who is them? Nuke Al-qaeda? or Nuke Afghanistan? is that your claim or is it factual?
I think it is just your wet dream :coffee:

This is no wet dream. In fact, why would I dream of Afghanistan being nuked? They are our friends.

But that's the hard truth.

If 9/11 had happened in China, China would have straightaway nuked Afghanistan.
Are Afghanistan and the Al-Qaeda proven to be behind it together? There is no prove and therefore the war was not justified. Mind you Chinese people died too on that fateful day. I am not saying terrorism is fine, but to blow it out of proportion and use it as an excuse to wage war based solely on allegation cannot be justified. And patriotism is no excuse for any war.

If you dnt want to believe on reality so its your ignorance

Even China block UN for LeT and Hafiz Said what else we expect from you
I am not defending the Taliban regime's philosophy or atrocities. Only setting the matter straight on this particular point.

well, matters are connecting to each other. if you are talking about this norm, there are other norms as well which you are keeping quiet about.
This is no wet dream. In fact, why would I dream of Afghanistan being nuked? They are our friends.

But that's the hard truth.
If 9/11 had happened in China, China would have straightaway nuked Afghanistan.

Have you got any facts or hard evidence to back your claim? I too can say that if it happened to India, India would do the same too. Being democratic obviously have nothing to do with it.
Those were claims. It is not factually proven. It maybe Arabic, but it doesn't mean others cannot paint a negative image on others and give them a bad name? I am sure people can give a random group an English name and accuse them of being white terrorist too.

forget about the name, name it carrot if you want. but do you deny the existence of bin ladeen, his men,their actions, ideology etc?
Have you got any facts or hard evidence to back your claim? I too can say that if it happened to India, India would do the same too. Being democratic obviously have nothing to do with it.

It's ironic that you live in a democracy and yet are not familiar with how democracies work.

I would not take the pain of getting started with you on this one. An ignorant Chinese who doesn't even know what China's reaction was to India's proposal in the UNSC to ban LeT and JuD, can be expected of even stranger renditions. I have had my share of your follies for the day.
It is also said that Al-Qaeda is fake. Made up to give them a reason to start a war in Afghasnitan. Both the media and the US government, in chorus, continue to point to the 9/11 attacks and the role of Al Qaeda led by "terrorist mastermind" Osama bin Laden. To this date, however, there is no proof that Al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 attacks? Other than 'claims' and 'allegations'? So are you suggesting that it is fine to wage war on a nation of 28million people based on allegations?

Again Conspiracy theory :rolleyes:

Ask the Afghans who suffered and are suffering due to them - Taliban and AQ.

What is the justification for waging war on a country of 28 million people?

It was a war on medieval Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Not against innocent Afghans. Learn the difference before lecturing others.

And your point is?

No ad-hominems - everyone is perfectly capable of it.


Contradicting when they are not saying the same about Syria. Excuses to bomb Syria is they are killing its own people is it not? Now they are trying to spin it and say they armed terrorists? So when America said Iraq has WMD did they find any? I suggest you to think clearly and not just go by what people say and become a sheeple :no:

First you genius must know it is not Syria - its Libya.

secondly the Libyans themselves asked the West to intervene and save them from the violence Qadaffi as unleashing on them.

And is that factual? and if say for arguments sake it is, does it not resemble what NATO is doing? i.e. arming rebels against Libyan government?
And I never compared Syria with Hindu Terrorism. So don't get things mixed up here. I suggest you go and read from the earlier pages and stop being foolish. Then you will see the argument was about - it does not take killing civilians in foreign countries to turn things into an international issue. NATO will do it's best to turn things around and taylor iit in favour towards them. Are you also trying to say Israel is innocent and is in danger, but not the other way around?

The crucail thing that seems to have escaped your high IQ brain is that the Libyan rebels themselves asked for an international intervention. An UN resolution was passes and then only the bombing started. Learn facts before yapping here.

By force or via trade? care to explain the difference?

By whatever means possible. You call it trade, they call it influence.The end point is the powerful countries exploit the lesser powerful under all sorts of pretexts - trade,help,influence etc etc. You or I dont have any moral high point in lecturing them especially when your Govt is supporting a genocidal regime in Sudan.

I said pretext; not conspiracy.

Please learn the difference instead of getting angry because your premise (Taliban sheltering Bin Laden) has been shown to be false.

So you agree that the AQ which was at that time hosted by the Taliban did 9/11 and killed Americans ?

Why would the Americans listen to the demands made by the killers. The Taliban could have just handed over the AQ and America would not have invaded it. But instead they made all sorts of stupid demands (as you say) like neutral country, submission of proof etc.

They just put sand on their own head.
If you dnt want to believe on reality so its your ignorance

Even China block UN for LeT and Hafiz Said what else we expect from you

Again, was his association with terrorist group factually proven? Or was it allegations only? Is it fair to sanction a country based on allegations made on an individual? You too are of course free to live life by accusations. What can we expect from sheeples who lacks critical thinking.
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