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India's Cold Start Is Too Hot

Kargil was not even close to the scale at which Cold Start would unfold

and who are you to know the scale at which CS would unfold in future, what kind of opportunity India will seek and how it be able to conduct such strikes will decide the scale, not you and me. What was so assuring about India that it would never open another front during kargil?
Pakistani underestimating India is not something new but a facility for sure.

It took 'sometime' for the international community to understand that Kargil was not infact initiated my Mujahideens but the regular troops, thus hurting the idea of a full scale retaliation from the very outset Kargil was not supposed to be a deliberate and open scale operation whereby the offender is mindful of not strucking that nerve of the enemy whereby the enemy might initiate a nuclear response without going into much deliberation, Cold Start on the other hand totally hinges upon this assumption that it would die at the point where there's a chance of crossing the enemy's nuclear threshold

When CSD will die the other contingencies will kick in straight away. Indian IBG will not move into Pakistani territory by just sacrificing a goat head to lord almighty. The decision is going to be political and political class will hide in special bunkers before first wave of IBG ransack fences.

Lastly, but most importantly, around Kargil your COAS has not opened his beak where he hinted upon the possibility of a Limited War, thus both the countries had no laid down procedure in case an event like Kargil unfolds.

Indian COAS takes orders from GoI. If GoI could have asked him to do so then there was going back, he did this post Parliament attack. BTW Musharah has categorically opened his big mouth that he has briefed about all contingencies in place to Nawaj Sharif; ''air force and navy is on alert and there is nothing from Indian side happening alarming on these fronts''.

Now let's see if you can respond without acting like any other countrymen of yours. You wear a Professional Tag, damn it!

His pay scale is far more better than a self glorifying, grumpy PDF think tank, to let him selectively respond or let the discussion not halt without many thoughts from other Indians; getting under your skin..
this kind of mentality and indeed no one can stop a war. Bring your own house in order rather then blaming Pakistan for whatever goes wrong in India.

well the history says much so many things have been traced back to pakistan that there is no hope left but only a full scale war if any thing like 26/11 happens again you will have to see the whole idea behind this before any diplomatic presure comes in complete your job be in a position were you have an upper hand during time of negotiation
and you are who to tell it personally am tired of these troll statements how can you even base something on 65 war thats long gone iaf is not what it was in 65 so keep your false ideas to yourself

And Pakistan is not iraq and neither India the US OF A who can achieve total air superiority over Pakistan. Cant predict the out come of war but one thing is for sure if indeed your SU does cross over to attack the so called terrorist camps, it will turn out to be a one way flight for them.
And Pakistan is not iraq and neither India the US OF A who can achieve total air superiority over Pakistan. Cant predict the out come of war but one thing is for sure if indeed your SU does cross over to attack the so called terrorist camps, it will turn out to be a one way flight for them.

Air superiority is no longer a term that is used.

It is favourable air situation and more in the line of local favourable air situation.
All i can say on your response is that you are as baffled as Adam was on Mothers Day. Nevertheless, i would like to respond to a few points of yours...

Good that you think so.

On how Pakistan viewed the kargil War and the nuclear response even though you feel it was not great shakes, you may mull over this from a Pakistani newspaper:


Now if it was just another fun and games then why should Pakistan warn on the use of nuclear weapons?
See, there's a difference in hinting upon a move and actually being ready to execute the move. During Kargil it was the former case, during any misadventure involving Cold Start it would be the latter.
So, this brings us one step nearer to the fact that Kargil and Cold Start are indeed incomparable, so you were wrong when you countered my argument by quotes the Kargil instance.

As far as the Doctrine of Cold Start, it was not in vogue at that time.
This further strengthens my stance. As CSD not in effect during Kargil how would you view the both cases with a single eyepiece that's to say, the nuclear one.

The Doctrine was a fallout of the tardy mobilisation observed in Op Parikrama.
No doubt about that.

Since I do have a professional tag, while I can accept unprofessional comments, yet comments meant to inflame and embitter the already hostile opinions and cause further bad blood, does upset me. Wars are not the answer. Having seen quite a few of them, I presume it equips me to realise the horrors that accompany war and the distress it causes thereafter.

i have been trying to add the following to my signature, but couldnt as the text exceed the signature limitations:

Anyone who has ever looked into the glazed eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think hard before starting a war. ~Otto Von Bismark

i say so because i have also seen 'quite a few of them' (as if there were hundreds. But then speaking frankly the way i have seen you advocating CSD, i dont see that in consonance with your declared stance. Anyone who favors the possibility of a Limited War via the execution of CSD (that too under a nuclear umbrella) is nothing but someone who itches for war.

Further, Pakistan is going through a horrid time. There are the Drones. Its territorial integrity and sovereignty is being violated at will, and without even caring for the population's sentiments. The sectarian violence has reached a zenith where Pakistanis are killing Pakistanis in the name of religion. Where law and order is merely in deep slumber in the statute books. Where the economy is in such dire straits that a Central Minister has to visit Saudi Arabia for assistance for Pakistan's national budget. Where people are so fed up that they are in dharna to wake up the Administration including the military to protect Pakistan's pride. In that scenario, it is time for calm nerves, not only within Pakistan, but also in the neighbourhood. Whipping passions with half baked ideas is hardly the way ahead. If one believes that India revels in Pakistan's discomfort, then that is being shortsighted, for an implosion in Pakistan would hardly be in India's interest.
What this has to do with the topic? Refer to the opening statement of this post of mine.

Kargil, from the Pakistan point of view, may have been just another pinprick to India.

Cold Start would not be the same for Pakistan.
Now, see it from the Indian point of view and which one who analyse wars or plans war must take into consideration.

It is not Kargil that was important, it was the concept of Kashmir.

Let me give a Pakistani example to what is anguish of a symbolic issue:

Now, what is Saichen. A mere wasteland to many.

But is it to this Pakistan officer who claims 'my roots are in my boots'?

Powerful emotions.

The same emotions that spurred Musharraf who wanted to restore his military reputation having lost the Qaid Post - the name of the Post itself should give the importance that Pakistan assigned to the Post!!

How about if i tell you that i have been around the post lately?

Likewise, Kashmir is powerful emotions for Indians.

A loss in Kashmir is as if the world has collapsed.

Therefore, Kargil touched the Indian nerve, but good sense prevailed is all I can say. Many Indians dispute that such good sense should not have prevailed and India should have gone gung ho, but then they are history. A good thing that such wild ones were not charting the Indian response. It is not the worry over the nuclear war that makes me say so, it is just that after a full scale war, nuclear or conventional, both countries would have become economically backward and it would take a long time to recover. And who would suffer? Not the politicians, but you and me or should I say the common man.

Our COAS had to say what the politicians had decided and they had decided that there was no need to escalate the war or cross the LC to do the same.

i agree as regards to the emotions. But my question still begs an answer. For you Kashmir/Kargil and the concept of it thereof was very important, but how do you forget that Kashmir and its concept is also equally important to Pakistanis? You claim that 'sense prevailed' back then, but who is going to guarantee the same when the theater where Cold Start would be unfolded would not be limited to Kashmir only? Here i say, if you can synonymize Kargil with Kashmir (which is right though), we on the other hand synonymize every part of the LoC, Working Boundary and IB to include the deserts in the South and the marshes in the very South to Kashmir. Do you guarantee that that touching our nerve this time (by executing CS) would not let our sense to prevail? Can you? What calculus do you have to measure the threshold levels this time, since the world has become a more dangerous place ever since Kargil?

i reiterate, most importantly, that Kargil (which dwindled you concept of Kashmir) is no where near what Cold Start would dwindle this time when the theater would not be Kashmir alone, but the remainder of Pakistan!

You guarantee me this, i'll be happy to improve upon Cold Start alone with you. Until then, i dont buy your pasifistic stance, whatsoever.
well the history says much so many things have been traced back to pakistan that there is no hope left but only a full scale war if any thing like 26/11 happens again you will have to see the whole idea behind this before any diplomatic presure comes in complete your job be in a position were you have an upper hand during time of negotiation

What history and who is going to verify the authenticity of this so called history. I am tired to listening to Indians all the time another 26/11 happens, this will happen, another 26/11 happen, that will happen........what exactly do you think will happen? Do you really believe India will go to war over this and even if it does at what cost and what is India going to achieve out of this? Questions like these needs to be thoroughly examined and then answered before making assumptions. Going to war is not like walking in a park and that too when your enemy too possess nuclear weapons and can hold off on its own despite of being its small size.
Air superiority is no longer a term that is used.

It is favourable air situation and more in the line of local favourable air situation.

Air superiority is the term used to describe what made the foundations of striking your enemy and paralyzing its defense before ground forces move in.The term used by the US and NATO. However the question arises here.....is the term valid as far as India Pakistan are concerned even in terms of favorable air situation like you put it? Can we predict this for any side in India Pakistan context? Can you say with utmost certainty that India will have the favorable air situation? If yes on what basis and if no then why the whole hot air and chest thumping and predicting results over what will happen if another 26/11 happens?
and who are you to know the scale at which CS would unfold in future, what kind of opportunity India will seek and how it be able to conduct such strikes will decide the scale, not you and me. What was so assuring about India that it would never open another front during kargil?
Pakistani underestimating India is not something new but a facility for sure.
i know it because it's my job to know it.

When CSD will die the other contingencies will kick in straight away. Indian IBG will not move into Pakistani territory by just sacrificing a goat head to lord almighty. The decision is going to be political and political class will hide in special bunkers before first wave of IBG ransack fences.
Hey kiddo, i would suggest you not to overload your common sense and try reading the comments in context of the ongoing discussion. My response was in context of the fact that the Cold Start or the concept of Limited War is based on the conjecture whereby it has to reach climax (wherein the indian forces aim at destruction of Pakistani armed Forces and/or so called terrorist camps) before the international community intervenes or the nuclear threshold of Pakistan is crossed.

It's better to learn to walk before one tries to run, kiddo!

Indian COAS takes orders from GoI. If GoI could have asked him to do so then there was going back, he did this post Parliament attack. BTW Musharah has categorically opened his big mouth that he has briefed about all contingencies in place to Nawaj Sharif; ''air force and navy is on alert and there is nothing from Indian side happening alarming on these fronts''.

His pay scale is far more better than a self glorifying, grumpy PDF think tank, to let him selectively respond or let the discussion not halt without many thoughts from other Indians; getting under your skin..

i feel honored to skip this off topic rant of yours. And believe me, the pleasure was all mine.
And Pakistan is not iraq and neither India the US OF A who can achieve total air superiority over Pakistan. Cant predict the out come of war but one thing is for sure if indeed your SU does cross over to attack the so called terrorist camps, it will turn out to be a one way flight for them.

come out of your dream world what 18 f16 will stop the whole iaf compare how much we spend on our pilots and how much you do dont stay in you fairy land 65 is long gone its the era of bvr in which indias has far more experience then you guys have just saying if su enters it wont go back is a silly joke you say this crap only to satisfy your down ego
In modern warfare, in near parity, air superiority being impossible, it has gone out of fashion.

It means total command of the air space.

The operational words are 'near parity'.

Yes, for a limited period of time, local favourable air situation is feasible, depending upon the assets available and the air threat envisaged.
Good article.

I am just thinking of one of the scenarios.

While Pakistan has developed Nasr to strike Indian army concentrations, what would Pakistan do and how would they react if Indian cold start actually consists of nothing but Su-30 strikes on Muridke and like locations, Indian naval attacks on Pakistani forward resources incl missile attacks.

What if no army is used at all?

To Counter MKI, we have F-16's.....
Besides that MKI is not battle proven n its quite hard to think abt it especially NOV 08, when India tried to invade in Pakistan Airdpace using MKI's and sent back by PAF falcons.

Secondly from ur side every thing will not be used (Army) but from our side every thing will be used including nukes.
What history and who is going to verify the authenticity of this so called history. I am tired to listening to Indians all the time another 26/11 happens, this will happen, another 26/11 happen, that will happen........what exactly do you think will happen? Do you really believe India will go to war over this and even if it does at what cost and what is India going to achieve out of this? Questions like these needs to be thoroughly examined and then answered before making assumptions. Going to war is not like walking in a park and that too when your enemy too possess nuclear weapons and can hold off on its own despite of being its small size.

what else has to be verified we all know from where did those guys came from well thats not the topic here and there are plenty of threads regarding it
To Counter MKI, we have F-16's.....
Besides that MKI is not battle proven n its quite hard to think abt it especially NOV 08, when India tried to invade in Pakistan Airdpace using MKI's and sent back by PAF falcons.

Secondly from ur side every thing will not be used (Army) but from our side every thing will be used including nukes.

again these stupid statements give me a proper government source which says mki was locked by f16 not any bs fanboy video or pic coz i can produce plenty of them
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