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On Musharraf, in All Fairness


Jan 10, 2007
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On Musharraf, in All Fairness

By Ahmed Quraishi
Islamabad, Pakistan

An educated, presentable, and nationalistic middle class Pakistani citizen cannot lead Pakistan. Our ‘democracy’ won’t allow it. Unless, of course, he comes through a military coup like President Pervez Musharraf did. As a Pakistani citizen, I will vote anytime for a Pakistani leader who does not own a house and a list of bank accounts abroad. These days, only President Musharraf fits the bill. For all his real and imaginary sins - and embroiled in what is supposed to be his toughest moment in power - he continues to outshine those feudal lords, wealthy industrialists and family-run political parties that want to see him out.
Personality cults are the lowest and the most primitive forms of governance. But when our twisted democracy thrusts on us civilian personality cults and civilian dictators who prefer a 19-year-old to giving a chance to other ordinary Pakistanis, then forgive me if - as a young Pakistani citizen - I believe that Mr. Musharraf, with his failings and strengths, is a leader that I admire, even if I disagree with a couple of his policies, which is my democratic right.
If President Musharraf blundered with the NRO under American pressure, why did our intelligentsia join in the sin by encouraging Pakistanis to vote for and recycle leaders who have been tested, tried and discredited? If they can get a chance at the top, with their foreign houses, bank accounts and bad accents, what is so wrong in giving a chance to someone with at least more credentials than just wealth and lineage?
Pakistanis watching today Mr. Aitzaz Ahsan’s ‘Long March’ should remember that this is exactly what we don’t want to see in 21st century Pakistan. The last time the world saw a great long march was in China in the last century. The world has gotten over long marches. No one uses this language or these tactics anymore. The United States and United Kingdom went to war despite history’s biggest anti-war rallies in London and Washington. George Bush became a president on a razor thin margin. But we don’t see their lawyers, judges, and ex-servicemen making a joke out of their homeland before the whole world.
And the world is watching the gross failures of leadership in Pakistan. Those who are not amused are disgusted. In Saudi Arabia, an Arab reporter showed his frustration at Pakistani affairs by asking the visiting Pakistani prime minister why his country can’t have stability like India does. Mr. Yousaf Raza Gilani, our Prime Minister, replied with a line befitting a party worker and not the chief executive of a nation. He said it’s because military interventions aborted democracy many times in Pakistan and that his party founder and his daughter paid with their lives for democracy.
No Mr. Prime Minister. If there is instability in Pakistan, it is mainly because of the substandard quality of leadership that politicians have been giving us so far. Those who practice politics here do it with a ‘hooliganistic mindset’ that leaves no room for stability. The past three months since the general election are a telling story of leadership failure, and they strengthen the case of hawks who say Pakistan is ripe for a complete change not just in faces but in its entire political system.
President Musharraf is not more important than Pakistan. The unnatural and manufactured crisis over his presidency is a crime against Pakistan’s interests, where energies are being wasted on a non-issue. And what a lawyers’ movement we have. Those supporting it in good faith should know that the politician leading your movement helped Benazir Bhutto exploit the movement to negotiate a better NRO deal. The movement was long hijacked by vested political interest. No one in his right mind sees any victory for the rule of law. If anyone wins in the end, it will be this shallow and corrupt political system.
In our suicidal politics, even military secrets are not sacred anymore. We have taken freedom of expression to dizzying heights. Those who are encouraging retired military personnel to come out on television and ridicule their former bosses are playing with fire and are setting the stage for politicizing the Pakistani military, which will prove disastrous for our country.
These days, President Musharraf, an upright soldier of Pakistan who gave his best, is under attack from all sides. With a stroke of a pen, he gave birth to Pakistan’s vibrant television news business. Today, when he needs support, he doesn’t even have people on his payroll – like dictators normally do - who could get his side of the story out. He never did. If that was his style, independent news channels wouldn’t be out there today without kickbacks paid into some offshore company account.
Pakistan is a resilient nation and it will survive with or without all those who are in power in Islamabad today, including the president. But here’s something that all Pakistanis should remember: Pakistan can live with an imperfect political system, but not a failed one. It just is not in our interest. And patriotic, nationalist Pakistanis will not let their nation go down. Period.

I can guarantee you the winner of this lawyer's movement, will not be law but political leaders. In all fairness the government has failed on all issues and failed to put the country onto the path of prosperity.

Today we are worse than what we were in feb or in december and especially 9th march 2007. If you want to compare with Musharraf don't compare with his worst times. Compare pre- 9th March, 2007.

This government's going to take Pakistan to hell.
^^That's democracy for you under these conditions.

Musharraf's real mistake - letting these idiots back in power and bringing on this type of "democracy" too quickly
On Musharraf, in All Fairness

By Ahmed Quraishi
Islamabad, Pakistan

An educated, presentable, and nationalistic middle class Pakistani citizen cannot lead Pakistan. Our ‘democracy’ won’t allow it. Unless, of course, he comes through a military coup like President Pervez Musharraf did. As a Pakistani citizen, I will vote anytime for a Pakistani leader who does not own a house and a list of bank accounts abroad. These days, only President Musharraf fits the bill. For all his real and imaginary sins - and embroiled in what is supposed to be his toughest moment in power - he continues to outshine those feudal lords, wealthy industrialists and family-run political parties that want to see him out.

I wonder how much money he made for his book deal.....?was it not over a million
Mushy has already done that

Yes. Building up the economy is taking them to hell. Giving people jobs is taking them to hell. Building roads is taking them to hell. Your right he did take us to hell. Lets see after his hell what this new hell will feel like.
Yes. Building up the economy is taking them to hell. Giving people jobs is taking them to hell. Building roads is taking them to hell. Your right he did take us to hell. Lets see after his hell what this new hell will feel like.

With due respect as far as i am concern he has done nothing for Pakistan, Why NAB was created? Why the NRO? Can a single person allow the most corrupt leader of so called nation can be set free, like they never did anything, NAB used for blackmailing, His rubber stamp cabinet had the very same corrupt politicians and he still likes them to roam around him, Privatisation scam, Steel mills scam and there is a lot more, The aid thats arrived for the rehabilitation of Kashmir most of it is in the pockets of high army officials and generals, the kind of so called work you mentioned was always taking place in Pak thats not a new issue, the same old game is being played here again and again only the change is the name of the players because even the families remain the same but players change, CAn you please describe what is the big reason having the brand new GHQ for Pak army? :)

No one cares dear bro, we have lost our ground, only Allah can save us
In all fairness Musharraf should resigned gracefully after his term came to an end. It defies logic that an assembly which is about to finish their term chooses a president for next five years.

Not withstanding the above. This is a fact that Pakistan's polity is not democratic. Pray tell me how can an leader nominate her 19 year old son and her crook of a husband to lead PPP in her place and all accept it. Is it democracy or hereditary kingship? No one in the media is questioning this fact or that Asif has all the authority and he is not even elected!

The man who arranged an attack on the supreme court and also exit of a sitting CJ is now biggest champion of the judges!! This is a travesty of the democratic principles. But do Pakistanis care at all about who they have elected??

My compatriots you deserve the likes of Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharif. You shall reap what you are sowing.
^^That's democracy for you under these conditions.

Musharraf's real mistake - letting these idiots back in power and bringing on this type of "democracy" too quickly

But isn't Musharraf an "Indian" in your books?

If so, mistakes are but expected! No?
With due respect as far as i am concern he has done nothing for Pakistan, Why NAB was created? Why the NRO? Can a single person allow the most corrupt leader of so called nation can be set free, like they never did anything, NAB used for blackmailing, His rubber stamp cabinet had the very same corrupt politicians and he still likes them to roam around him, Privatisation scam, Steel mills scam and there is a lot more, The aid thats arrived for the rehabilitation of Kashmir most of it is in the pockets of high army officials and generals, the kind of so called work you mentioned was always taking place in Pak thats not a new issue, the same old game is being played here again and again only the change is the name of the players because even the families remain the same but players change, CAn you please describe what is the big reason having the brand new GHQ for Pak army? :)

No one cares dear bro, we have lost our ground, only Allah can save us

Yes. Building up the economy is taking them to hell. Giving people jobs is taking them to hell. Building roads is taking them to hell. Your right he did take us to hell. Lets see after his hell what this new hell will feel like.

I think you forget it was all blood money that helped in "Building up the economy".
Keep attacking the taliban/afghanistan and pakistan will keep getting paid.
I think you forget it was all blood money that helped in "Building up the economy". Keep attacking the taliban/afghanistan and pakistan will keep getting paid.

That bloody money was only around $10 billion BUT our economy boomed by $85 billion.

Our economy was worth $75 billion in 1999 and now its worth $160 billion.

Economy swells to US$ 160 Billion
The Indonesian Embassy, Islamabad Pakistan - Economy sweels to US$ 160 Billion

GDP worth $74 billion - World Bank
Originally Posted by Mansoor A Qureshi
With due respect as far as i am concern he has done nothing for Pakistan, Why NAB was created? Why the NRO? Can a single person allow the most corrupt leader of so called nation can be set free, like they never did anything, NAB used for blackmailing, His rubber stamp cabinet had the very same corrupt politicians and he still likes them to roam around him, Privatisation scam, Steel mills scam and there is a lot more, The aid thats arrived for the rehabilitation of Kashmir most of it is in the pockets of high army officials and generals, the kind of so called work you mentioned was always taking place in Pak thats not a new issue, the same old game is being played here again and again only the change is the name of the players because even the families remain the same but players change, CAn you please describe what is the big reason having the brand new GHQ for Pak army? No one cares dear bro, we have lost our ground, only Allah can save us.

Why was Ehtesaab Bureau established? What was Saif-ur-Rehman doing with Ehtesaab Bureau? Was he not arm-twisting?

What was FIA under Rehman Malick? Didn't he issue a 250 pages report against Nawaz Sharif and issue in British papers?

NRO was offered as our people (Public at large) and our democratic forces in the world wanted to see our demon-cratic leaders back in Pakistan and accepted! Otherwise, our elections were deemed NOT fair & free!

For fair & free elections - we had to allow these corrupt leaders back in Pakistan. Therefore, NRO was offered two months before elections. Which did NOT include PML-Q members - which is appreciable!

GHQ has been delayed now for coming years. There's NO Budget! Personally, I wish it should be made. It should be more active like Pentagon. GHQ should be modern and well-equipped like Pentagon - in order to cope with modern day dangers with India and Afghanistan and the upcomning world! World future Security requires this modernization and upgradation - yet its been halted! This weeks' DAILYTIMES reported this.

Steels Mills scam is nothing BUT a political PUBLICITY Stunt in order to make the PCO Judge more popular and against government.

This privitization reports INCLUDES Financial Statements & BAlance Sheet extracts, which prove that:

1- Steels Mills worth was rightly being sold!

2- From the financial statements, July 2005 Net WORTH shown in Citibank statement for 2005 is $349 (including LONG term assets –which includes LAND) and while Saudi Group was buying it for $362 million.

3- This report confirm, as of 1999, PSMC had accumulated long term local currency commercial debt of Pkr 19.1 billion (US$ 318 million). http://www.privatisation.gov.pk/industry/PDF File/PSMC Summary Info - 27-09-05.pdf

4- Statements confirm, of June 30, 2005 PSMC had total long term debt of Pkr 9.2 billion (US$ 153 million).

5- Net Income for 2004 is Rs.4.8bn and only current liabilities Rs.5.14bn. Total liabilities exceed the Net Income. The worth can hence be concluded.

"Saudi group pays $362 million for PSMC"
Khaleej Times Online - Saudi group pays $362 million for PSMC
Basic comparison of 1999 and 2007

Pak Economy in 1999 was: $ 75 billion
Pak Economy in 2007 is: $ 160 billion

GDP Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) in 1999: $ 270 billion
GDP Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) in 2007: $ 475.5 billion

GDP per Capita Income in 1999: $ 450
GDP per Capita Income in 2007: $ 925
GDP per Capita Income in 2008: $1000

Pak revenue collection 1999: Rs. 305 billion
Pak revenue collection 2007: Rs. 708 billion

Pak Foreign reserves in 1999: $ 700 million
Pak Foreign reserves in 2007: $ 17 billion
Pak Foreign reserves in 2008: $ 12 billion

Pak Exports in 1999: $ 7.5 billion
Pak Exports in 2007: $ 18.5 billion

Textile Exports in 1999: $ 5.5 billion
Textile Exports in 2007: $ 11.2 billion

KHI stock exchange 1999: $ 5 billion at 700 points
KHI stock exchange 2007: $ 75 billion at 14,000 points
KHI stock exchange 2008: $ ----------- at 13,000 points

Foreign Direct Investment in 1999: $ 1 billion
Foreign Direct Investment in 2007: $ 8 billion

Debt servicing 1999: 65% of GDP
Debt servicing 2007: 26% of GDP

Poverty level in 1999: 34%
Poverty level in 2007: 24%

Literacy rate in 1999: 45%
Literacy rate in 2007: 53%

Pak Development programs 1999: Rs. 80 billion
Pak Development programs 2007: Rs. 520 billion
Pak Development programs 2008: Rs. 549.7 billion

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