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We showed you a photo of the US's own Korean War monument with the numbers etched in rock. Also, Chinese estimates show 183,108 deaths. The US overestimated our deaths by 100%. It's impossible to lie about the deaths because from the 50's to 80's, if your family member dies in a war they get free housing, subsidies and a medal saying "home of a martyr". You think half the families that lost members to a war would accept not getting those subsidies?

Would have been another revolution if that happenened
Wikipedia obviously. He took the US estimate instead of official data which is of course inherently unreliable.

US intelligence sucked during Korea.Before China joined they thought we only had 30,000 troops on the border. In fact there was over 300,000. They were not 100% wrong. They were 1000% wrong.

:coffee: Americans have been a fire destroyed the Korean War information, Leaving only a Korean War Monument. South Korea and North Korea has so far not the statistics of loss.
The Chinese govt is the only country with detailed information and the provision of death query. Are they qualified to question the authority of China?

Western journalists have been paying attention to China. If the provision of death query appears omission-phenomenon, Will be no news?
The one etched in rock on the US's own monument.


Here from the Korean memorial.

Dead — United States: 54,246,[5] United Nations: 628,833
Wounded — United States: 103,284, United Nations: 1,064,453.
Captured — United States: 7,140, United Nations: 92,970.
Missing — United States: 8,177,[6] United Nations: 470,267.

Missing means dead so overall more than a million KIA officially.

Looks like even with the ridiculous US estimate they have had more deaths and casualties than China and North Korea.

No wonder Westerners try to forget Korea so much. It was beat down whatever way you spin it.
Korean War Veterans Memorial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Engraved on granite blocks near the water pool at the east end of the monument are the casualty statistics for the soldiers who fought in the war.

Dead — United States: 54,246,[5] United Nations: 628,833
Wounded — United States: 103,284, United Nations: 1,064,453.
Captured — United States: 7,140, United Nations: 92,970.
Missing — United States: 8,177,[6] United Nations: 470,267.
We showed you a photo of the US's own Korean War monument with the numbers etched in rock. Also, Chinese estimates show 183,108 deaths. The US overestimated our deaths by 100%. It's impossible to lie about the deaths because from the 50's to 80's, if your family member dies in a war they get free housing, subsidies and a medal saying "home of a martyr". You think half the families that lost members to a war would accept not getting those subsidies?

I also noticed that the Wikipedia Korean War entry has the US deaths edited lower and lower every time I visit it :lol: first it was the official estimate, then it dropped to 45k, now it dropped to 36k :lol:
Monuments is not source of information.

Historians have said for a generation that 54,246 service members died during the Korean War. Most Americans assumed that's how many died in combat in Korea. Not true, DoD officials said this week. The death toll from 1950 to 1953, the time period encompassing the Korean War, is correct. But that figure includes all service members who died on active duty for any reason, not just those killed in battle.

DoD changed its reporting procedures in 1993 and divided the total into 33,686 battle deaths, 2,830 nonbattle deaths in Korea, and 17,730 other deaths DoD-wide, said Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. Craig Quigley in a press briefing June 6. The breakdown isn't new, but with the 50th anniversary of the Korean War raising the issue in the national consciousness, Pentagon officials thought it prudent to clarify the numbers.

Defense.gov News Article: Korean War Death Stats Highlight Modern DoD Safety Record

Number of UN deathes on monument is even more absurd. Maybe they counted South Korean civilian deathes.
US did get away relatively well but they let their allies get freaking massacred.

Note to US allies. Do not go into battle with them unless you want to be used as a meat shield.
Note to the Chinese boys, in Desert Storm, the US was the lead. In Iraq the second time around, the US was pretty much alone. Note to China's allies, the Chinese believe you are 'inferior' Asians, so guess who is going to be used as a meat shield.
Note to the Chinese boys, in Desert Storm, the US was the lead. In Iraq the second time around, the US was pretty much alone. Note to China's allies, the Chinese believe you are 'inferior' Asians, so guess who is going to be used as a meat shield.

Doesn't change the fact that UN casualties were more than ten times US casualties in the Korean war.

We don't have any allies that would get into a full scale war with us so you don't need to fear their safety.

---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 PM ----------

Monuments is not source of information.

Historians have said for a generation that 54,246 service members died during the Korean War. Most Americans assumed that's how many died in combat in Korea. Not true, DoD officials said this week. The death toll from 1950 to 1953, the time period encompassing the Korean War, is correct. But that figure includes all service members who died on active duty for any reason, not just those killed in battle.

DoD changed its reporting procedures in 1993 and divided the total into 33,686 battle deaths, 2,830 nonbattle deaths in Korea, and 17,730 other deaths DoD-wide, said Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. Craig Quigley in a press briefing June 6. The breakdown isn't new, but with the 50th anniversary of the Korean War raising the issue in the national consciousness, Pentagon officials thought it prudent to clarify the numbers.

Defense.gov News Article: Korean War Death Stats Highlight Modern DoD Safety Record

Number of UN deathes on monument is even more absurd. Maybe they counted South Korean civilian deathes.

I already sent you a PM explaining.

And no they did not count SK civilians or that would be over a million casualties by itself.

You are right about the inflated kill counts though. The SK military had over 170,000 acknowledged KIA and a proportionate amount of MIA which added up to around 300,000 KIA by themselves.
Doesn't change the fact that UN casualties were more than ten times US casualties in the Korean war.
And what does that prove? That the US ordered non-US troops to the front and American troops stayed behind? Even wikipedia is good enough to debunk your argument...

Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The list of casualty figures is on the right. Excluding the Koreans, the US has the highest casualty figure when we look at individual countries. Your argument rests upon the deceit that all countries sent the same amount of combat troops, which we know is not true. So if you add all those individual country's combat deaths and compared it against only American combat deaths, of course it is going to look skewed. Not even a first year statistic student is going to take that 'analysis' seriously. But we should not expect intellectual honesty from you Chinese boys here.
And what does that prove? That the US ordered non-US troops to the front and American troops stayed behind? Even wikipedia is good enough to debunk your argument...

Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The list of casualty figures is on the right. Excluding the Koreans, the US has the highest casualty figure when we look at individual countries. Your argument rests upon the deceit that all countries sent the same amount of combat troops, which we know is not true. So if you add all those individual country's combat deaths and compared it against only American combat deaths, of course it is going to look skewed. Not even a first year statistic student is going to take that 'analysis' seriously. But we should not expect intellectual honesty from you Chinese boys here.

You're right that Americans didn't intentionally use their allies as a buffer but that was how it turned out anyway. Weakest links were attacked first. And sometimes they did it voluntarily like the Turkish brigade which was decimated to protect a retreating US force.

Why would you use wikipedia as a source? I figured you would at least get better sources than that

The Korean War memorial literally set the statistics in stone. No fire here.




And seriously stop with the Chinese boys crap. Its disturbing.
Monuments is not source of information.

Historians have said for a generation that 54,246 service members died during the Korean War. Most Americans assumed that's how many died in combat in Korea. Not true, DoD officials said this week. The death toll from 1950 to 1953, the time period encompassing the Korean War, is correct. But that figure includes all service members who died on active duty for any reason, not just those killed in battle.

DoD changed its reporting procedures in 1993 and divided the total into 33,686 battle deaths, 2,830 nonbattle deaths in Korea, and 17,730 other deaths DoD-wide, said Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. Craig Quigley in a press briefing June 6. The breakdown isn't new, but with the 50th anniversary of the Korean War raising the issue in the national consciousness, Pentagon officials thought it prudent to clarify the numbers.

Defense.gov News Article: Korean War Death Stats Highlight Modern DoD Safety Record

Number of UN deathes on monument is even more absurd. Maybe they counted South Korean civilian deathes.

:lol: more "creative accounting" from the Americans who classify things like General Walker dying because his car spun out of control after being damaged from artillery fire, as a "car accident".

So the americans lied on their own monument? Who knows who died for reals then, maybe it was actually 100,000 and the US just lied? Not like they didn't do this before, 10 million Americans disappeared during the Great Depression and not 1 word from the Statistics Office. The US in the 40's and 50's had conscription and right after WW2 service members were scattered around the globe and may not have had contact with relatives.

We may never know, because a "fire" occured that destroyed 80% of the records in 1973. Destroying all evidence, of course, of "creative accounting" :lol:

:lol: more "creative accounting" from the Americans who classify things like General Walker dying because his car spun out of control after being damaged from artillery fire, as a "car accident".
Numbers I provided include both combat and non combat deathes in Korea.

So the americans lied on their own monument?
Just mistake, they included 17,730 deathes outside of Korea.

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