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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The arab armies combined can’t defeat Israel in wars in the past, nor in the future. Second, Russia is not a friend of Muslims. Putin prefers throwing Russ minority especially the Muslim ethnics to dead march in Ukraine.
Perhaps it’s time to accept the reality and move on.
they do not need to, it is enough that they support russian cause vs western one.
Western nations have made it clear

If you support Palestine you will be arrested

They are only the ones who can kill babies

Support Russia so Russia teaches these Nazi a lesson they won’t forget

And actually that’s why entire Middle East and Turkey are supporting Russia and that’s why Russia is surviving

All the wealthy Russians have moved to Turkey and UAE and kept theirs assets

Israeli + Ukraine = Satan

obviously it is and even if it is not, it does not help anymore, they are stuck and lost all realistic chances to change situation on fronts.
How is being stuck a problem for a defending force? The russian narrative changes like the wind, trying to sell its failed invasion/demilitarization/denazification as a success fending off ukrainian counter offensives. Russia lost all initiative a long time ago and the strategy seems to be flooding the information space with stories about Ukraine losing support.

Watching drone footage from Ukraine is evidence of russian desperation. Eventually Putin is running out of poor plebs willing to die for $2.000 per month.
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"Steadfast Noon"
60 aircraft from the NATO practising nuclear bomb run.
Of course no link to Russia aggressive actions and war in Ukraine, says the NATO.

How is being stuck a problem for a defending force? The russian narrative changes like the wind, trying to sell its failed invasion/demilitarization/denazification as a success fending off ukrainian counter offensives. Russia lost all initiative a long time ago and the strategy seems to be flooding the information space with stories about Ukraine losing support.

Watching drone footage from Ukraine is evidence of russian desperation. Eventually Putin is running out of poor plebs willing to die for $2.000 per month.
Changing narrative is good thing, it means they are adapting, that problem will become bigger for ukrainiams they are under delusion that they will liberate whole country, last atempt failed miserably and depleted their material and human potencial for longer time.
Next big offensive will be russian one,
Changing narrative is good thing, it means they are adapting, that problem will become bigger for ukrainiams they are under delusion that they will liberate whole country, last atempt failed miserably and depleted their material and human potencial for longer time.
Next big offensive will be russian one,

Yes we are seeing it in Avdiivka. The whole thing is just becoming an open massacre.

Yes we are seeing it in Avdiivka. The whole thing is just becoming an open massacre.

Avdivka is hard place for russians for long time, do not know why they persist there, probably it has some operational tactical value but in bigger picture irrelevant, ukraina has less and less support in the world while russia gains more, in time it will materialize trough decisive military success and political defeat of their counterpart.
Changing narrative is good thing, it means they are adapting, that problem will become bigger for ukrainiams they are under delusion that they will liberate whole country, last atempt failed miserably and depleted their material and human potencial for longer time.
Next big offensive will be russian one,
Its two sovjet armies having a slugfest. Neither side is going to do any big succesfull offensives. Ukraine because they lack a potent airforce and Russia because they are inept. Russia is going to lose in Ukraine if Putin doesnt call for generel mobilization, and that is not going to happen before the 2024 sham election in Russia is over.
Its two sovjet armies having a slugfest. Neither side is going to do any big succesfull offensives. Ukraine because they lack a potent airforce and Russia because they are inept. Russia is going to lose in Ukraine if Putin doesnt call for generel mobilization, and that is not going to happen before the 2024 sham election in Russia is over.
I agree mostly but russians are more comfortable with that and it would be their advantage in future, especially as their war time production starts to make influence along the aquired support around the world.
Usa made huge blunder in middle east and ukraina wll suffer consequences.
because the currency is worthless... Russia did not even accepted Indian money for oil trade deals they wanted uncle Sam $ not worthless Rupie that no one accept on the world market... same goes for chinese currency... fact is the global trade is done mainly in $ and € and even China cant do shit against this

2022 world trade payed in
$ 58.36%
€ 20.47%
Yen 5.51%
GBP 4.95%
CAD 2.38%
AUD 1.96%
CHF 0,23%
thats the western block
thats 93,86% of the total world trade is payed in currency controlled by NATO and friends...

now China and the rest of the world
CNY 2.69
all other together 3.45%

I always start to laugh my *** off if I hear we will break the $ .... no chance mate.. if you hurt the $ the €, Yen, british pound, canadian $ or Aussi $ jumps in

A number to think about... in 1970 the worldtrade was payed 8,7% by none NATO block and friends currency, that number is down to 6.14% by 2022
There appear to be a couple of mistakes that you made there m8,its not "payed" its "paid",as in "world trade paid in...."

Indian refiners have started using yuan to pay for some of that cheap russian oil.

Also the numbers that you are referencing dont appear to be payments but instead the percentages of currencies making up global forex ie foreign exchange reserves.
Oh,by the by,the global forex percentage share of usd$ has dropped from 61.5% in 2012 to 58.4% in 2022.

You might want to take a little look-see at this tho`,as I strongly suspect that we will only see this sort of trend continuing to accelerate.
I agree mostly but russians are more comfortable with that and it would be their advantage in future, especially as their war time production starts to make influence along the aquired support around the world.
Usa made huge blunder in middle east and ukraina wll suffer consequences.
Russias production is not going to make up for its sovjet inheritance wasted in Ukraine, and what support do they have besides the voice from some countries recieving some russian natural ressources basically for free?
Russia is invading a nation fully mobilized to defend its territory, backed by the largest economies and military alliances in the world. Ukraine is not running out of soldiers, weapons or money. Now why would the russian population accept sending their loved ones to die in Ukraine indefinitely? Eventually Putin is going to run out of people signing up for personal financial reasons.
Sure, let us grant you that. But is that helping Russia now?
it help middle east and the rest of the world

How? They don't have more industries than Russia obviously.
Russia have no industry , china is industrial engine of the world

The Russians Are Looking For Weak Points In The Defense Of The AFU. Military Summary For 2023.10.16

in short its stalemate

The arab armies combined can’t defeat Israel in wars in the past, nor in the future. Second, Russia is not a friend of Muslims. Putin prefers throwing Russ minority especially the Muslim ethnics to dead march in Ukraine.
Perhaps it’s time to accept the reality and move on.
Israel with support of USA or without USA support .
after one week fight with Hamas USA had to replenish Israel Arsenal
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How is being stuck a problem for a defending force? The russian narrative changes like the wind, trying to sell its failed invasion/demilitarization/denazification as a success fending off ukrainian counter offensives. Russia lost all initiative a long time ago and the strategy seems to be flooding the information space with stories about Ukraine losing support.
well as far as I'm aware its for several month that Ukraine stuck while in offensive mode.

Russias production is not going to make up for its sovjet inheritance wasted in Ukraine, and what support do they have besides the voice from some countries recieving some russian natural ressources basically for free?
Soviet inheritance in the year 2023 = useless Shit
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