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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Smoking gun....


Told you guys - something is not right. Netanyahu wanted bodies. More of them.

Complacency kills, it happens in militaries large and small. Complacency, false sense of security or oh it can’t ever happen here. Hamas is what the joker was to Batman big mistake by tel aviv

It’s like saying missed 9/11 intel was a inside job to wage war in the Middle East and central

Mahmoud Abourjila was identified thanks to having uploaded a number of pictures to his Google phone account which shows him wearing the same polo-shirt, pants and sandals.

You can tell he smells like shit too
This is their manliness! Their "honor"! Their "pride"! Their "Identity"!

I used to sympathize with the Palestinian cause and supported PA in their efforts for a two-state solution. Now with this absolute anarchy and total disregard for lives, both Israeli and Palestinian, Hamas has effectively killed any support or sympathies anyone would have had. These people have no identity except for their abhorrent anti-semitism and religious fundamentalism. Take those two away and they are NOTHING. Zilch. Zero.
So yeah, they are getting what they invited. I hope and pray that Hamas is wiped out. Every single one of them. Every piece of their tattered ideology too.
Do you wash your *** or clean wipe it with tissue ? i can assure you smell like shit like he does ... both of you keyboard warriors are despicable and low lifers like this low lifer. This guy desecrating body needs to be send to gallows, and you two need a spanking for condoning violence against Palestinian people and having a biased view..

War is war, both border town of Israel and Palestinians Gaza are suffering.

Ruthless terror attacks will be met with ruthless countermeasures.

When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, the US annihilated the Japanese military, firebombed Tokyo and nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan is now a prosperous society today.

Hamas will be dealt with
Slaughter ho gaya, aur kya

The internet keyboard warriors thought this would be just like Call of Duty, were gloating over the death of Israelis thinking that Palestine defeat Israel. Well now they will face the wrath of Israel; its already cut of food, electricity and all other supplies. You will have thousands and thousands of dead Palestinians in Gaza. They will further turn the screws on the blockade and will only let in the bare essential items making Gaza one of the poorest areas in the world. Egypt is not going to open the border because they are deathly scared of Hamas and its ties with the Muslim Brotherhood.

This is the reality that the Call of Duty playing keyboard warriors wanted, now enjoy the bombardments.

Goodness me. This will be an everyday reality for Gazans now.

Exactly what I was trying to convey from Saturday, when keyboard warriors cheered the deaths of Israeli citizens.

This is what HAMAS has done: put everything in place and then leave Palestinians to pay a very high price for it.

Palestinian status has been damaged by this attack throughout the world, including Arab and Muslim countries that are unable to support Palestinians on this incident.

No Arab or Muslim nation that is now backing HAMAS or the Palestinians has made any comments to that effect, as far as I can tell.

Just a tragedy for them; Israel has the license now, and most people and country won't say anything until after many Palestinians have been slaughtered.

honestly, a terrible, sad circumstance...
Destruction of the second biggest electricity power station in Israel

Other than energy Israel has about 5 desalination plants to convert water from mediteranean. These can be targeted as well to create water problems by precision missiles.

Just saw a video where a Hamas terrorist executes an injured civilian at the music festival.

You’re not fighting oppression when you attack a music festival. Thats just a target of opportunity. That’s pure terrorism.
There was an incident in Iraq where a marine shot an old men on cycle because he didnt like the old man.
Indeed You’re not fighting oppression when you attack unarmed civilians. Thats just a target of opportunity. That’s pure terrorism.
After 260+ pages of false bravado, guess it's time to spam "pray for gaza" everywhere
It was fun and games while they raped innocent women and dragged them through the streets,but,now that Jewish hammer comes down on them,it's time to play the victim card.
Unfortunately for them,after what we saw,the civilised world doesn't give a toss if Israel dumps the whole Gaza strip into the sea.
Other than energy Israel has about 5 desalination plants to convert water from mediteranean. These can be targeted as well to create water problems by precision missiles.

everything on time .. we are going to paralyze israel by destroying the infrastracture which is electricity and water stations.

those are the main targets
Israeli sources suggest that they will eliminate Hamas and annex Gaza.
Keyword being - "they will"- so when will they actually start this damn Gaza ground offensive?
Gaza is being subjected to non-stop bombardment.
Its taken it before, it will survive and fight back, they're prepared, Israel isnt, actually.
More than 120,000 Gazans are displaced and many have died.
Unfortunate and God bless these palestinians, but time has said that it is now or never for Palestinians to break the backbone of their oppressor and gain the most freedom they can take from Israel.
100,000 troops are amassed near Gaza as well.
so what are they waiting for? Hezbollah enters Israeli territory once the serious land invasion of Gaza starts...everyone is ready, and i hope the rumors of ISrael being low on artillery ammunition isnt true- but why did Israel so quickly ask US for help on day 2 of a conflict with a "rag-tag" militia like Hamas?
This is a massacre in the making.
genocide, Israel has a record of that already, its said, hopefully the right international courts make Israel pay for those genocides.
People rejoicing on short term gains as usual.
You think the gains the short term thinkers are feeling is a short term feeling, thats the issue, and it probably wont be.

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