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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

The classic formulation from US officials and commentators is that “Israel has the right to defend itself”, never “Palestinians have the right to defend themselves”,

I dare any US sitting president to just say those words highlighted, every American believe with his/her AR-15 how they will protect their homes and land, heck so many USA states have laws like hold you ground where you can kill a intruder and wont get charged with homicide or murder, but every time Israel-Palestinian conflict begins US issue the same statement that Israel has the right to defend itself, but never once they say that Palestinians have the same right as well... What a shame for the most powerful nation with most powerful economy and military the world has ever seen to be controlled and scared of a Lobby.
She means Palestinian Resistance fighters this weekend inflicted the biggest massacre on Jews since WW2.

HezbAllah launched attacks on the occupied Shebaa Farms.

What did Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the rest of the USA-allied Arab governments and Turkey undertake in comparison? That is not shameful?
They fired a few mortars on a empty outpost. Where is their promise to fight by Gaza side by side in any major conflict ? The Egyptian police man that shot Israeli's did more than Hezbollah did. In this thread we are clearly calling for all nations to get involved. But Hezbollah is a resistance movement supposedly and ally of Hamas. Those nations are not allies of Hamas.

How the United States helps to kill Palestinians

Through the supplying of arms, financial support and UN vetoes, the US has played a key role in the decades-long Israel-Palestine conflict

Medea Benjamin Nicolas J S Davies
18 May 2021, 12.26pm

The US corporate media usually reports on Israeli military assaults in occupied Palestine as if the United States is an innocent neutral party to the conflict. In fact, large majorities of Americans have told pollsters for decades that they want the United States to be neutral in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

But US media and politicians betray their own lack of neutrality by blaming Palestinians for nearly all the violence in the region and framing flagrantly disproportionate, indiscriminate and therefore illegal Israeli attacks as a justifiable response to Palestinian actions. The classic formulation from US officials and commentators is that “Israel has the right to defend itself”, never “Palestinians have the right to defend themselves”, even as the Israelis massacre hundreds of Palestinian civilians, destroy thousands of Palestinian homes and seize ever more Palestinian land.

The disparity in casualties in Israeli assaults on Gaza speaks for itself.
  • At the time of writing, the current Israeli assault on Gaza is reported to have killed at least 212 people, including 61 children and 35 women, while rockets fired from Gaza have killed ten people in Israel, including two children.
  • In the 2008-9 assault on Gaza, non-government organizations estimate that Israel killed between 1,387 and 1,417 Palestinians, while Palestinians’ efforts to defend themselves killed nine Israelis, six of whom were soldiers.
  • In 2014, more than 2,100 Palestinians and 73 Israelis (mostly soldiers invading Gaza) were killed, as at least 6,000 bombs and missiles were dropped on Gaza, many from US-built F-16s, while Israeli tanks and artillery fired 49,500 shells, mostly massive six-inch shells from US-built M-109 howitzers.
  • In response to largely peaceful March of Return protests at the Israel-Gaza border in 2018, Israeli snipers killed 183 Palestinians and wounded more than 6,100, including 122 who required amputations, 21 paralyzed by spinal cord injuries and nine permanently blinded.

American responsibility

As with the Saudi-led war on Yemen and other serious foreign policy problems, biased and distorted news coverage by US corporate media leaves many Americans not knowing what to think. Many simply give up trying to sort out the rights and wrongs of what is happening and instead blame both sides, and then focus their attention closer to home, where the problems of society impact them more directly and are easier to understand and do something about.

So how should Americans respond to horrific images of bleeding, dying children and homes reduced to rubble in Gaza?

The tragic relevance of this crisis for Americans is that, behind the fog of war, propaganda and commercialized, biased media coverage, the United States bears an overwhelming share of responsibility for the carnage taking place in Palestine.

US policy has perpetuated the crisis and atrocities of the Israeli occupation by unconditionally supporting Israel in three distinct ways: militarily, diplomatically and politically.

On the military front, since the creation of the Israeli state, the United States has provided $146bn in foreign aid, nearly all of it military-related, as of November 2020. It currently provides $3.8bn per year in military aid to Israel.

In addition, the United States is the largest seller of weapons to Israel, whose military arsenal now includes 362 US-built F-16 warplanes and 100 other US military aircraft, including a growing fleet of the new F-35s; at least 45 Apache attack helicopters; 600 M-109 howitzers and 64 M270 rocket-launchers. At this very moment, Israel is using many of these US-supplied weapons in its devastating bombardment of Gaza.

The US military alliance with Israel also involves joint military exercises and joint production of Arrow missiles and other weapons systems. The U.S. and Israeli militaries have collaborated on drone technologies tested by the Israelis in Gaza. In 2004, the United States called on Israeli forces with experience in the Occupied Territories to give tactical training to US Special Operations Forces as they confronted popular resistance to the United States’ hostile military occupation of Iraq.

The US military also maintains an estimated $1.8bn stockpile of weapons at six locations in Israel, pre-positioned for use in future US wars in the Middle East. During the Israeli assault on Gaza in 2014, even as the US Congress suspended some weapons deliveries to Israel, it approved handing over stocks of 120mm mortar shells and 40mm grenade launcher ammunition from the US stockpile for Israel to use against Palestinians in Gaza.

Diplomatically, the United States has exercised its veto in the UN Security Council 82 times, and 44 of those vetoes have been to shield Israel from accountability for war crimes or human rights violations. In every single case, the United States has been the lone vote against the resolution, although a few other countries have occasionally abstained.

It is the United States’s privileged position as a veto-wielding permanent member of the Security Council, and its willingness to abuse that privilege to shield its ally Israel, that gives it this unique power to stymie international efforts to hold the Israeli government accountable for its actions under international law.

The result of this unconditional US diplomatic shielding of Israel has been to encourage increasingly barbaric Israeli treatment of the Palestinians. With the United States blocking any accountability in the Security Council, Israel has seized ever more Palestinian land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, uprooted more and more Palestinians from their homes and responded to the resistance of largely unarmed people with ever-increasing violence, detentions and restrictions on day-to-day life.

Political support

On the political front, despite most Americans supporting neutrality in the conflict, pro-Israel groups, including the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), have exercised an extraordinary role in lobbying US politicians to provide unconditional support for Israel.

The roles of campaign contributors and lobbyists in the US political system make the United States uniquely vulnerable to influence peddling, whether by monopolistic corporations and industry groups like the Military-Industrial Complex and Big Pharma, or well-funded interest groups like the National Rifle Association, AIPAC and, in recent years, lobbyists for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

On 22 April, just weeks before this latest assault on Gaza, the overwhelming majority of congresspeople, 330 out of 435, signed a letter to the chair and ranking member of the House Appropriations Committee opposing any reduction or conditioning of US monies to Israel. The letter, a repudiation of calls from some progressives in the Democratic Party to condition or otherwise restrict aid to Israel, supports one of the main demands of the AIPAC.

The US president, Joe Biden, who has a long history of supporting Israeli crimes, responded to the latest massacre by insisting on Israel’s “right to defend itself” and inanely hoping that “this will be closing down sooner than later”. His UN ambassador also shamefully blocked a call for a ceasefire at the UN Security Council.

The silence and worse from President Biden and most representatives in the US Congress at the massacre of civilians and mass destruction of Gaza is unconscionable. The independent voices speaking out forcefully for Palestinians, including Senator Sanders and representatives Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, show us what real democracy looks like, as do the massive protests that have filled US streets all over the country.

US policy must be reversed to reflect international law and the shifting US opinion in favor of Palestinian rights. Every member of Congress must be pushed to sign the bill introduced by representative Betty McCollum insisting that US funds to Israel are not used “to support the military detention of Palestinian children, the unlawful seizure, appropriation, and destruction of Palestinian property and forcible transfer of civilians in the West Bank, or further annexation of Palestinian land in violation of international law”.

Congress must also be pressured to quickly enforce the Arms Export Control Act and the Leahy Laws to stop supplying any more US weapons to Israel until it stops using them to attack and kill civilians.
The United States has played a vital and instrumental role in the decades-long catastrophe that has engulfed the people of Palestine. US leaders and politicians must now confront their country’s and, in many cases, their own personal complicity in this catastrophe, and act urgently and decisively to reverse US policy to support full human rights for all Palestinians.

The United States is the reason why Israel gets away with these crimes against humanity. It is clear as daylight.
Hamas' official spokesperson Ghazi Hamad is of a slightly different opinion, bro. Here's what he told the BBC yesterday.

Last Updated:
Oct. 9, 2023 at 2:52 AM EDT

22 hours ago

Hamas Says Attacks on Israel Were Backed by Iran

By Summer Said


If the Iranians were that invested they would have asked their proxy Hezbollah to be involved... seems unlikely what you have stated...

A lot of BS info goes around these days...
If the Iranians were that invested they would have asked their proxy Hezbollah to be involved... seems unlikely what you have stated...

A lot of BS info goes around these days...

So you're saying Hamas are talking nonsense?

The Wall Street Journal may be biased but it will not blatantly misquote an official in this context.

They fired a few mortars on a empty outpost. Where is their promise to fight by Gaza side by side in any major conflict ? The Egyptian police man that shot Israeli's did more than Hezbollah did. In this thread we are clearly calling for all nations to get involved. But Hezbollah is a resistance movement supposedly and ally of Hamas. Those nations are not allies of Hamas.

Military support can take different shapes and Hamas already acknowledged Iran's assistance. A lot of which goes through HezbAllah.

Also HezbAllah's move made zionist forces stationed in the north panic enough to get involved a serious friendly fire incident, which according to "Tweets" resulted in seven "I"DF casualties.

These graphics are very embarrassing for the occupation regime, but in reality they are nonsense. A small presence of a few dozen Palestinian fighters in certain Israeli towns is impressive enough (especially after 48 hours), but it is very misleading to suggest they control that territory and can press forward.

Those 10kms will not be connected bro. Israel will pull a massive genocide in Gaza and maybe west bank. Palestinians will lose the gain very soon.
So you're saying Hamas are talking nonsense?

The Wall Street Journal may be biased but it will not blatantly misquote an official in this context.

Could be... I don't know. There is no credible source.

We live in an age where appearances and reality are usually opposite to each other...

Those 10kms will not be connected bro. Israel will pull a massive genocide in Gaza and maybe west bank. Palestinians will lose the gain very soon.

True. But at least they will go down fighting instead of slow extermination.

They have nothing to lose.
I mean those children. That HGV chose to refer to as " Young prisoners " . Intresting choice of words . . .
I gave a list of the categories of prisoners that I think should be released. That included young prisoners, indeed children. Stop crying and pretending to care about children while you ritualistically slaughter babies from the sky.
Could be... I don't know. There is no credible source.

We live in an age where appearances and reality are usually opposite to each other...

The quoted statement in the link is from a Hamas spokesman, Ghazi Hamad. If this doesn't, then I'm not sure what will qualify as a credible.

Here's the primary source:


Israel faces 'long, difficult war' after Hamas attack from Gaza

1 day ago

( ... )

Ghazi Hamad, a Hamas spokesman, meanwhile told the BBC that the group had direct backing for the attack from Iran.
Hamas has destroyed whatever little goodwill it had by killing Israeli and foreign nationals in this assault.
Many muslims are also showing their displeasure at such barbaric killings done by Hamas.
They could have gained immense worldwide support if they had limited their offensive to the Israeli military and police forces.
Now Hamas is being compared with isis and the likes...!
HAHAHAH....Seriously though, since when has Hamas ever been different from the other Islamic jihadist and Mujahideen like Isis, Al Qaeda, TTP ? etc lol They are all the same. They have NEVER DESCRIMINATED between civilians amd Military whatsoever. In fact for them the more of them they kill the better. Have you never asked yourself why Hamas supported its terrorists brothers Islamic Jihad in Syria against the Assad government for Example ? Or the terrorist in Sinai against Egyptian government or trying to outright overthrow the Jordanian king Hussein through terror? Etc etc lol
Hamas and other Palestinian jIhadist groups have never been different from their terrorist and jihadists brothers in the region. Even a fool can see this. The only reason some Muslim will turn a blind eye to Hamas but blame other jihadists groups is because Hamas main opponent is Israel take Israel out and they will see things differently. 😂 For many Muslims(even some members on here) a death Jew is a good Jew. Though some won't say it openly/publicly 🤣
Hamas' official spokesperson Ghazi Hamad is of a slightly different opinion, bro. Here's what he told the BBC yesterday.

Last Updated:
Oct. 9, 2023 at 2:52 AM EDT

22 hours ago

Hamas Says Attacks on Israel Were Backed by Iran

By Summer Said


All it means is Iran backs them. Meaning is in solidarity with them and supports them. It does not they took part in the operation or planned it. They help with some equipment and tactics.

Hezbollah needs to get involved in a big way and not let this opportunity lost. I don't know why you talk like Gaza is okay on its own. It's not and can't sustain this much more. And shouldn't have to bear brute of whole Israeli fire power alone over and over again.

I'm not saying Iran should get involved as a country. They shouldn't. Hezbollah and factions in Iraq/Syria , however, should.
Palestinians are alone in this world.

That is the bitter truth. They have been alone the moment European Jews were imported to Palestinian land. The Brits played a very nasty role here.
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