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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

That's a parody Twitter account. The Taliban are not the good guys.

Taliban, Hezbollah could join current Palestinian war on Israel: top US foreign-affairs pol​

I’ve seen indications that the Taliban wants to come to liberate Jerusalem, in their words, to fight the Zionists. That’s very concerning,” McCaul told CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Host Dana Bash name-dropped both the Taliban and Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah in her question.


Ireland and the Scandinavian countries are significantly pro Palestinians.
Actually, in a heart beat, Germans, Brits, French too would be but they are under the American spell--or more precisely, under the spell of the American govt under the control of the Israeli Lobby.
If you live in this country and follow the Beltway politics then you'd know what I am saying. The Israeli Lobby has bled America for Israel and for decades and, with the exception of very few politicians like B. Sanders, the politicians are afraid of losing their seats if the Lobby decides to.
Never in human history such a tiny remote country had managed to get hold of the mightiest military and economic power. Never!
Absolutely - Hamas should release all foreigners. This is not good.

I am not sure what Hamas was thinking.

What will be definition of foreigner here, because all settlers came from other countries and most of them maintains dual nationality/
Some people never forget their roots!


Bro, nationalities are important. WE do not paint all Jews with the same brush. This is not right.

This is bad press for Hamas. More trouble for Hamas.

Yeah but these are Jews, their are even verses in the Quran that warn us against the type of people Jews are
Ireland and the Scandinavian countries are significantly pro Palestinians.
Actually, in a heart beat, Germans, Brits, French too would be but they are under the American spell--or more precisely, under the spell of the American govt under the control of the Israeli Lobby.
If you live in this country and follow the Beltway politics then you'd know what I am saying. The Israeli Lobby has bled America for Israel and for decades and, with the exception of very few politicians like B. Sanders, the politicians are afraid of losing their seats if the Lobby decides to.
Never in human history such a tiny remote country had managed to get hold of the mightiest military and economic power. Never!
I think American Jewish community is rich and strong. Israel is not that big of a factor.

Yeah but these are Jews, their are even verses in the Quran that warn us against the type of people Jews are
Medina Jews.
I think that the people are too harsh to the Grease Balls. Maybe I am saying this because I have good experience with The Grease Balls. I was often there, ie India, the masters give names to the dogs when they aquire them, so did the Brits. We must call it Bharat.
Anyway back to the topic
I have a good experience from my travels to India, sorry Bharat. I usually wear a white linen suit and my Cartier watch. Anywhere I go people love me . I give them a pretty penny and they clean , usually Loeb brown shoes. I always have a bunch of them around me, some bring cooled mango milkshake, some iron the shirts , well I have to admit some provide even pussy. Hell, even some like to touch my hair and call me an Ariyan. I like how they make me feel, I am so comfy that sometimes I think that I am Pichy Callahan. Once Minjita had a shit next to the Caffè I was sitting in , and the owner without me asking burned a piece of oud to lessen the stink.
Everyone should have such experience, even if you come to the hotel room and have imprecise shit due to the extra glass of whisky, by the morning Minjita will clean that spotless.
Not all is perfect, sometimes they ask me Sahib Mehmed why are you a Muslim, you could be a Swedish, you look like them. It is hard to explain to those nice and simple people that in order to be a proper Swede, you need to be a swinger and nudist. I know that they like the Kykes only on the net because while there I saw a few Israelis. Cheap suits , a bit distant with toothpicks, not so light , usually Panjeets are disappointed with that.
So please try to have a deeper insight in regards of The Grease Balls, pay them a penny and they will **** even their own sisters
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