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PDF Being Allowed To Turn Into Pajeet Dangar Farm !!

It's OK. @ThunderCat is misinformed and misled.

He doesn't know what Bangladesh is really like....we have nothing in common with Indian rape and open defecation records.

There is at least some hope for @ThunderCat . :-)

Since his name is on the nose of Sqn.35 F-7s of BAF.

If you bothered reading my posts, I mentioned the grand difference between ordinary Bangladeshis and Binglo nationalists. Same for Bharatis.

If you can't make sense of that, then I guess you're on the negative side of the intelligence fence. :-)

As for my name, it's attributed to this:

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Hi guys,
Due to an ongoing project in Pakistan, been travelling back and forth thus been absent from the forum for the last six months or so. However I have been reading all the emails and messages from all the well-wishers and friends here and elsewhere, sorry if I have been unable to reply to everyone. Although I did every now and then browse through the forum but as mentioned before, for some reasons couldn't log in while in Pakistan. Anyways back in UK now for a few months so let's get rolling. Sadly it seems due to the lacklustre attitude of the PDF Admins and MODS, several credible Pakistani members have left the forum while at the same time strays and rif raff have been allowed to run amok . Specially some Bayghyrat Bhartis are allowed to have a field day liberally badmouthing Pakistan and Pakistanis .
Since some members have started threads on why XYZ is not banned or contained , well here are a few more culprits that also need the culling provided MODS are not aiming for some Nobel peace prize.
1: CallsignMaverick : Obviously some unemployed callcentre clown, spends some 20 hours each day on a Pakistani forum with the sole aim of kissing every other Indians A$$ multiple times, the Indian who insults Pakistan most even gets a licking from this loser.

2 : NG Missile Vessels: So desperate to be on a Pakistani forum that he has adopted more IDs than one would find stray dogs down slumdog street. He needs to start at least six threads daily to earn his one litre of cow cola.
Threads like, India has managed to dig a tunnel, erect a bridge, constructed a highway or even managed to paint a train saffron.
This is how desperate these Indians are to have a voice and this is what an otherwise namely Pakistan Defence Forum has been reduced to.
I can name a few other Bharti Bayghyrats who while their own house maybe on fire but they are always more interested in the smoke trickling out from Pakistani side.
All in all its a sad state of affairs as this once a reputable Pakistan Defence Forum has been reduced to Pajeet Dangar Farm .
Indians openly calling while nation and Jinnah as pedophile
But hey no one reacts why?

Because it's all about money these days

Yeah it is true. Pajeets are given too much liberty due to poor moderation

You simply can't give freedom to pajeets. It is a crime against humanity
Liberty is fine
But calling Pakistanis as pedos is something that will get u ban anywhere except at PDF these days
Indians openly calling while nation and Jinnah as pedophile
But hey no one reacts why?

Because it's all about money these days

Liberty is fine
But calling Pakistanis as pedos is something that will get u ban anywhere except at PDF these days
Fix your finances. No one makes any money with just Pakistanis on board this forum. Its like IPL (Indians) vs PSL (Pakistanis) in terms of revenue. Forum doesn't run on emotions, it costs a bit to run it. Poor doesn't get respect unfortunately, it's just natural.
Pakistani Punjabi achievements lol?. I never met any Pakistani who talks like that. Majority of the population considers achievements by any Pakistani as Pakistani achievement.

Better propaganda machine, way better foreign investment, better inflation, economic growth. Its not about praising India but realising we need to unite and work hard to erase corruption, create better policies, look after our national interests, create independent and powerful institutions, rule of law so we can make Pakistan strong welfare state. The Bharatis will choke to death automatically.

The main difference right now (if I may say so) between Pakistan and India is rate of educated populace and their technical skills.

Pakistani technical value addition is no lesser than that of India (informal workshops manufacturing all kinds of import substitution items which is enviable to us Bangladeshis) - yet because of differences in educated populace, Indians can market their value additions and exports much better.

In IT Backoffice, Pakistan could have equaled or even bettered Indian marketing, which fell flat for some reason.

I remember a decade ago I was in an apparel fair in Hanover Germany as a BGMEA rep and I spoke to a gentleman from Karachi who owned an apparel company. What this bhai confided to me was that the lack of Govt. effort to educate the populace of the underclasses was somewhat lacking, especially in vocational skills. As a result he could not upgrade value addition to higher grade and higher priced items.

All effort in Pakistan apparently went to educating the rich and upper middle classes in Pakistan. Which did not translate to increased value addition in exports, only helping brain-drain which benefitted the West.

And that Pakistani Govt. did not provide enough incentives in apparel or any other export sector to export, or even ensure prioritized utilities like gas and electricity at concessional rates.

As a result Bangladesh gained Pakistani machinery, expertise and investments heavily in the textile sector, especially for towels, bedsheets, drapes and other home-textile items in the 1980s and 1990s. This was obviously step-motherly behavior by Pakistani Govt. which baffled me to no end. This value addition could have benefitted Pakistan instead of Bangladesh.

Yes because most of the achievements are Punjabis, so people who immigrated from the Bharati side die of jealousy. So the Muhajir neo-liberal media floods Pakistanis with exaggerated claims of Bharati "achievements."

That's Bharati propaganda right there. Only shoving out half truths. The poorest country on Earth. Also one of the dirtiest alongside Bangladesh.

No toilets. Largest rape capital. An uneducated population who do some of the most disgusting things. Yet you're claiming them to be something they're not.

Big economy and prosperity are not coherent. This is how Muhajirs spur Indian propaganda. But of course your folks have no interest in immigrating to that *** hole. Only praising it to cope with their jealousy of Punjabi achievements.

I am baffled as to why you hate Muhajirs so much.

Bangladeshis at least have a separate country.

Muhajirs don't.

Inclusivity in Pakistan can be a boon and not a liability.

This is a weakness of Pakistan that its enemies can utilize quite handily.

All can be taught to love Pakistan and Pakistaniyat - some are already 100% converts.
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Fix your finances. No one makes any money with just Pakistanis on board this forum. Its like IPL (Indians) vs PSL (Pakistanis) in terms of revenue. Forum doesn't run on emotions, it costs a bit to run it. Poor doesn't get respect unfortunately, it's just natural.
Sir keep the **** out of here please
Hi guys,
Due to an ongoing project in Pakistan, been travelling back and forth thus been absent from the forum for the last six months or so. However I have been reading all the emails and messages from all the well-wishers and friends here and elsewhere, sorry if I have been unable to reply to everyone. Although I did every now and then browse through the forum but as mentioned before, for some reasons couldn't log in while in Pakistan. Anyways back in UK now for a few months so let's get rolling. Sadly it seems due to the lacklustre attitude of the PDF Admins and MODS, several credible Pakistani members have left the forum while at the same time strays and rif raff have been allowed to run amok . Specially some Bayghyrat Bhartis are allowed to have a field day liberally badmouthing Pakistan and Pakistanis .
Since some members have started threads on why XYZ is not banned or contained , well here are a few more culprits that also need the culling provided MODS are not aiming for some Nobel peace prize.
1: CallsignMaverick : Obviously some unemployed callcentre clown, spends some 20 hours each day on a Pakistani forum with the sole aim of kissing every other Indians A$$ multiple times, the Indian who insults Pakistan most even gets a licking from this loser.

2 : NG Missile Vessels: So desperate to be on a Pakistani forum that he has adopted more IDs than one would find stray dogs down slumdog street. He needs to start at least six threads daily to earn his one litre of cow cola.
Threads like, India has managed to dig a tunnel, erect a bridge, constructed a highway or even managed to paint a train saffron.
This is how desperate these Indians are to have a voice and this is what an otherwise namely Pakistan Defence Forum has been reduced to.
I can name a few other Bharti Bayghyrats who while their own house maybe on fire but they are always more interested in the smoke trickling out from Pakistani side.
All in all its a sad state of affairs as this once a reputable Pakistan Defence Forum has been reduced to Pajeet Dangar Farm .
I just came back after 6 months too since getting banned for several months ( 1st ban since i joined)by an agnostic chap who thought calling out on people planning to runover ghq was against democratic norms and was like supporting fascism... a month later 9th may happened.

Looks like nothing is going to change soon here..time to go back to sleep.
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I just came back after 6 months too since getting banned for several months ( 1st ban since i joined)by an agnostic chap who thought calling out on people planning to runover ghq was against democratic norms and was like supporting fascism... a month later 9th may happened.

Looks like nothing is going to change soon here..time to go back to sleep.
I hate imrandoos and everything those fag rats represent!!, Imrandoo are the scum of the earth
dislike Imran
Although I like PTI as a concept

But May 9th was a glorious event in our nation's history. I wish they had turned GHQ into ashes that day
They were warriors, they were the most honorable of men, they were revolutionaries, they were patriot

Our people have suffered enough under the dictatorship of pot-bellied generals.
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Hi guys,
Due to an ongoing project in Pakistan, been travelling back and forth thus been absent from the forum for the last six months or so. However I have been reading all the emails and messages from all the well-wishers and friends here and elsewhere, sorry if I have been unable to reply to everyone. Although I did every now and then browse through the forum but as mentioned before, for some reasons couldn't log in while in Pakistan. Anyways back in UK now for a few months so let's get rolling. Sadly it seems due to the lacklustre attitude of the PDF Admins and MODS, several credible Pakistani members have left the forum while at the same time strays and rif raff have been allowed to run amok . Specially some Bayghyrat Bhartis are allowed to have a field day liberally badmouthing Pakistan and Pakistanis .
Since some members have started threads on why XYZ is not banned or contained , well here are a few more culprits that also need the culling provided MODS are not aiming for some Nobel peace prize.
1: CallsignMaverick : Obviously some unemployed callcentre clown, spends some 20 hours each day on a Pakistani forum with the sole aim of kissing every other Indians A$$ multiple times, the Indian who insults Pakistan most even gets a licking from this loser.

2 : NG Missile Vessels: So desperate to be on a Pakistani forum that he has adopted more IDs than one would find stray dogs down slumdog street. He needs to start at least six threads daily to earn his one litre of cow cola.
Threads like, India has managed to dig a tunnel, erect a bridge, constructed a highway or even managed to paint a train saffron.
This is how desperate these Indians are to have a voice and this is what an otherwise namely Pakistan Defence Forum has been reduced to.
I can name a few other Bharti Bayghyrats who while their own house maybe on fire but they are always more interested in the smoke trickling out from Pakistani side.
All in all its a sad state of affairs as this once a reputable Pakistan Defence Forum has been reduced to Pajeet Dangar Farm .
Excellent post.
Indians tend to hunt in packs - alone they are weak and haven’t got the balls for an argument. I’ve noticed how they start a thread and email each other and jump on the bandwagon to post. Bit like inbred cockroaches. Then start liking each others posts and even go to the trouble of creating new IDs - astonishing obsession.
Becoming an issue and the stench is sometimes unbearable.
God I wouldn’t be seen dead on an Indian forum - shows you the mentality of an Indian troll. Can’t even have a forum that they can call home.
Protean is a perfect example of a reincarnated cockroach - sorry in offending cockroaches guys…..
@Windjammer - I have seen such kind of concern from the PDF admin recently in another post too. If I am not wrong, then someone has created a poll to act on Indian trolls. Sometimes I am also curious, are you guys( admin/stakeholders or people who are key players in managing PDF) sure about the objective that you would like to accomplish out of PDF?

if yes, then it is really important to act on trolls. But how do you define a troll and its objective?

Here are a few examples to ponder about it.

- Is it a troll to criticize Pakistan as a nation is a troll or an anti-Muslim sentiment-related post?
- Do you consider an anti-anti-Muslim post that involves Indian citizens to be also a troll?
- How about identifying if criticizing IK is also an anti-Pakistan sentiment or being Anti the Army is an anti-Pakistani sentiment?
- How about racially profiling Hindus with the most abusive language and showing them they deserve to be treated as such from Pakistan's point of view is it also a troll?

There are plenty of examples where management has to take a collective decision and stand by it. In my personal experience here, I would arguably say that I have not felt anything differently from being an Indian poster.

It is humanely impossible to manage PDFs like a popular forum to be managed by people and filter them out. So it is essential either you invest in technology or some kind of tools that can really filter out the spam or trolls with the way you can set it up at the admin level or include more people in admin roles with a similar mindset who align with management.

One thing is for sure, I even get surprised by the amount of privilege to get in a forum that is from a Pakistani forum. Now, please do not expect that you will be getting a better result by name-calling or knocking out a few user names. If you are a stakeholder who is interested in reducing the troll, think about a long-term plan of engaging more resources from the Pakistan team or investing in tools. Because, for us, there is nothing to lose here. At the end of the day, it is a Pakistani forum that represents the people or mindset of Pakistan. So more than Indian, the onus of responsibilities is on you to act quickly and make it streamlined.
Pakistani members need to tolerate criticism. Indians get on our nerves because they are working hard, progressing and have something to boast about whilst we Pakistanis don't have a leg to stand on. So banning them is not the solution but instead challenge them.
Best way to shut us up is challenge us in every field, industry and education. China has been able adversary to India, that you should emulate.
First off..., @Windjammer is a #Legend here on [PDF] for well over a decade.
I disagree. Number of posts is not the criteria but the quality is.

Threads and posts that do some value addition should make one a legend. Not just the numbers. He doesn’t qualify by a big mile. Most of his threads are created with a negative mindset like this one.

I don't mind someone challenging me on logic.
You are one of the last people on PDF, who should talk about logic. Most of your posts are completely devoid of it and you straight away bring cows and their products, if someone has even smallest of disagreement with you.

Dear friend Windy has similar temperament. There is no discussion with him either. Because any disagreement to his ideas invites foul language and filth.

Some of you have no business, demanding sanity on pdf.
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It's not just criticism.

I don't mind someone challenging me on logic.

But these besharam beghairats do name calling at every opportunity, bringing down the quality of the discourse.

Calling me a "lungi" at every post, and other choice names.

You have to put a muzzle on that category.
You are a major nuisance here , a person with extremist and jihadi mentality.
Hi guys,
Due to an ongoing project in Pakistan, been travelling back and forth thus been absent from the forum for the last six months or so. However I have been reading all the emails and messages from all the well-wishers and friends here and elsewhere, sorry if I have been unable to reply to everyone. Although I did every now and then browse through the forum but as mentioned before, for some reasons couldn't log in while in Pakistan. Anyways back in UK now for a few months so let's get rolling. Sadly it seems due to the lacklustre attitude of the PDF Admins and MODS, several credible Pakistani members have left the forum while at the same time strays and rif raff have been allowed to run amok . Specially some Bayghyrat Bhartis are allowed to have a field day liberally badmouthing Pakistan and Pakistanis .
Since some members have started threads on why XYZ is not banned or contained , well here are a few more culprits that also need the culling provided MODS are not aiming for some Nobel peace prize.
1: CallsignMaverick : Obviously some unemployed callcentre clown, spends some 20 hours each day on a Pakistani forum with the sole aim of kissing every other Indians A$$ multiple times, the Indian who insults Pakistan most even gets a licking from this loser.

2 : NG Missile Vessels: So desperate to be on a Pakistani forum that he has adopted more IDs than one would find stray dogs down slumdog street. He needs to start at least six threads daily to earn his one litre of cow cola.
Threads like, India has managed to dig a tunnel, erect a bridge, constructed a highway or even managed to paint a train saffron.
This is how desperate these Indians are to have a voice and this is what an otherwise namely Pakistan Defence Forum has been reduced to.
I can name a few other Bharti Bayghyrats who while their own house maybe on fire but they are always more interested in the smoke trickling out from Pakistani side.
All in all its a sad state of affairs as this once a reputable Pakistan Defence Forum has been reduced to Pajeet Dangar Farm .
True, I have been wondering where the moderators are for sometime now. Indian brainfarts were never given this much space before, I have seen comments that would have caused a ban within hours, yet these rodents are allowed to stay here with impunity....

It also appears that many active mods/advisors have become less active recently. That is the reason why we see little 'moderation'....
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Hi guys,
Due to an ongoing project in Pakistan, been travelling back and forth thus been absent from the forum for the last six months or so. However I have been reading all the emails and messages from all the well-wishers and friends here and elsewhere, sorry if I have been unable to reply to everyone. Although I did every now and then browse through the forum but as mentioned before, for some reasons couldn't log in while in Pakistan. Anyways back in UK now for a few months so let's get rolling. Sadly it seems due to the lacklustre attitude of the PDF Admins and MODS, several credible Pakistani members have left the forum while at the same time strays and rif raff have been allowed to run amok . Specially some Bayghyrat Bhartis are allowed to have a field day liberally badmouthing Pakistan and Pakistanis .
Since some members have started threads on why XYZ is not banned or contained , well here are a few more culprits that also need the culling provided MODS are not aiming for some Nobel peace prize.
1: CallsignMaverick : Obviously some unemployed callcentre clown, spends some 20 hours each day on a Pakistani forum with the sole aim of kissing every other Indians A$$ multiple times, the Indian who insults Pakistan most even gets a licking from this loser.

2 : NG Missile Vessels: So desperate to be on a Pakistani forum that he has adopted more IDs than one would find stray dogs down slumdog street. He needs to start at least six threads daily to earn his one litre of cow cola.
Threads like, India has managed to dig a tunnel, erect a bridge, constructed a highway or even managed to paint a train saffron.
This is how desperate these Indians are to have a voice and this is what an otherwise namely Pakistan Defence Forum has been reduced to.
I can name a few other Bharti Bayghyrats who while their own house maybe on fire but they are always more interested in the smoke trickling out from Pakistani side.
All in all its a sad state of affairs as this once a reputable Pakistan Defence Forum has been reduced to Pajeet Dangar Farm .
I am awwed by the quality of post from an Elite pakistani member, that too after a long sabatical .. quality, ranting, grivences, copping all top notch.. welcome back
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