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Pakistanis and Indians are same people, why can't we be friends!!!

At most a Pakistani can relate to an extent with is an Indian Punjabi, maybe Gujarati.

Beyond that it doesn't feel the same at all, especially not going down South, we have absolutely zero connection to them
every other day somebody opens a thread about how they are this and not that and bla bla bla ! when are you kids ever going to get over your identity crisis?

NOBODY REALLY CARES whether you are ex-Indians ex-Aryans ex-scythians ex-Neanderthal ex-Martian or even ex-Pakistani ....YOU ARE WHAT YOU ARE NOW . Just make the best of it. There is nothing to be proud of or ashamed of what and where you are born into. YOU HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.

Make something of yourself instead of this repeated idiocy of defining yourself
Pretty much since I started taking interest in geopolitical issues, history, military stuff and other similar things. One of the biggest arguments from liberals and those who keep saying we should be friends with Indians is that we are essentially the same people. We like and dislike same things except for few exceptions. We speak similar languages, and we have same historical past. This argument although looks really nice specially in modern world influenced by secularism and the concept of humanity being above all. All that kind of BS boils my blood and now I would give my argument that despite our leadership failures here in Pakistan. There is no way hell we should be friends with India.

Pakistan is dominantly a Muslim majority country with around 97 % population being Muslim. Even vast majority is not well educated about Islam but still they love Islam and proudly call themselves Muslims except for few liberals and those who have turned Atheists. So as Muslim what matters is the brotherhood of Kalma, the brotherhood of faith and being a Ummah and that is only bong that matters in Islam. One of the biggest examples in front of us is that of Battle of Badar. As we don't teach Islam in detail in schools specially in elite schools due to which we I mean Indians and Pakistanis are same people theory gets spread.

Battle of Badar was not just difficult for Muslims because they lacked weapons, horses, camels and numbers to fight a much larger and much bigger enemy. That off course was one major issue, but the biggest issue was that on other side was not just your enemy but an enemy who was your own blood. Someone's father was on the other side, some one's brother was among the enemy, someone's Uncle was among the enemy and some one's child was among the enemy. By the time the war ended one Sahabi had killed his father in the battlefield, Hazrat UMAR RA had killed his Mamu (mother's brother) and there are few more such cases. Hazrat Abu Bakar RA son Abdur Rahman who during Badar was fighting for kuffar as he hadn't accepted Islam by then but later, he became a Muslim. While talking to his father one day, he said that Father during that war you several times came in front of me, and I deliberately choose not to attack you to which Hazrat ABU BAKAR RA replied that if he had seen Abdur Rahman even once in front of him, he would have attacked and if had the chance killed him on the spot. He was fighting for ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW for Muslim only those matters.

Also, if we see the case of PROPHET NOAH AS when his son refused to get on the ship and when PROPHET NOAH AS saw his own son drowning, he begged and prayed to ALLAH to save his son. ALLAH stopped NOAH AS From praying and said he is not your son although he was his biological son, but main message was that only those who have accepted the truth and rejected the kufr are yours not those who have chosen the path of kufr and darkness. So, to conclude next time any of you suggest that Pakistan and India should be friends and we are same people to them we say no we are not. And please read your own history and read your own religion.

NOTE: For minorities who are living in Pakistan we consider them equal citizens. Their places of worships have to be protected by state at all costs, they can't be discriminated, and they have to be protected by state at all costs and respected by fellow citizens Muslims. We should be respectful towards them; we should help them, and we should make sure that they feel save and protected. I am talking about country to country. Even if we get to resolve Kashmir issue with India we have trade relations and basic relations as neighbors but can't be friends who are partying together and having dumb cultural exchanges. Although religious issues are mainly banned in this forum, but this order of Islam covers our politics and hence had to be addressed.

@Zephyrus @Tipu7 @Sulman Badshah @PanzerKiel @Kompromat @DESERT FIGHTER @The Eagle @Arsalan @Suff Shikan @AUz @waz @SQ8 @Irfan Baloch @Rafi @Areesh @farooqbhai007
I wish you can publish this, in some proper Pakistani newspaper or news website. Will be the perfect chappal se chaata, for idiots on our side who sing the song of sem2sem sir.

I wish you can publish this, in some proper Pakistani newspaper or news website. Will be the perfect chappal se chaata, for idiots on our side who sing the song of sem2sem sir.

Lol, There's no way in hell an English daily would ever publish something like that, seriously

Maybe a right wing Urdu newspaper but not an English one
Lol, There's no way in hell an English daily would ever publish something like that, seriously

Maybe a right wing Urdu newspaper but not an English one
Of course, but I wish it gets published somehow.

Thing is, it doesn't even matter if we are sem2sem or even not. Like ProudThamizan said above perfectly, what matters is what we are now. Let's just make ourselves better, and stop this talk about past which gets us nothing.
only those who have accepted the truth and rejected the kufr are yours not those who have chosen the path of kufr and darkness.
Every time someone talks of Muslim being brothers, East Pakistan and now Bangladesh comes to mind.
Probably they weren’t Muslim enough to be considered equal.

If the article above is seen in isolation without any context, the argument looks solid, but recent history proves it otherwise.

Not saying that India and Pakistan shouldn’t have separated. That is water down the bridge and I wish Pakistan happiness and wealth.
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This is also key, the people of Pakistan are the descendants of the Indus valley civilization. They existed before the Aryan invasion/migration (which happened after the Bronze Age collapse of 1100 BCE, that allowed the nomadic Proto-Hindu horsemen from Central Asia to come into the region enmasse),

The IVC population lived under the Hindu rule and when Islam came, accepted Islam, peacefully, over time, by and large.

False. Firstly Pakistanis being inhabitants of the Indus are Hindus, because that's what Hindu means. It means a person or people of the Indus.

IVC fell before the Aryan invasion.

The incoming Aryans can be considered Vedic but not "Hindu" as in religious designation, since there is no such religion. Our Y-chromosomes come from them and so do our current languages.

Pakistanis are mainly composite of a post IVC black population and incoming white folks from Central Asia whom trace back to the Sintashta Culture of Northern Asia during the mid Bronze Age.

It was a grave culture, not cremation culture. It was an omnivorous culture, not a semi-vegetarian culture like modern Brahmans.

It was a proud warrior culture that lasts to this day.
Every time someone talks of Muslim being brothers, East Pakistan and now Bangladesh comes to mind.
Probably they weren’t Muslim enough to be considered equal.

If the article above is seen in isolation without any context, the argument looks solid, but recent history proves it otherwise.

Not saying that India and Pakistan shouldn’t have separated. That is water down the bridge and I wish Pakistan happiness and wealth.
You lost them because you focused less on Islam and more on ethnicity.
Pretty much since I started taking interest in geopolitical issues, history, military stuff and other similar things. One of the biggest arguments from liberals and those who keep saying we should be friends with Indians is that we are essentially the same people. We like and dislike same things except for few exceptions. We speak similar languages, and we have same historical past. This argument although looks really nice specially in modern world influenced by secularism and the concept of humanity being above all. All that kind of BS boils my blood and now I would give my argument that despite our leadership failures here in Pakistan. There is no way hell we should be friends with India.

Pakistan is dominantly a Muslim majority country with around 97 % population being Muslim. Even vast majority is not well educated about Islam but still they love Islam and proudly call themselves Muslims except for few liberals and those who have turned Atheists. So as Muslim what matters is the brotherhood of Kalma, the brotherhood of faith and being a Ummah and that is only bong that matters in Islam. One of the biggest examples in front of us is that of Battle of Badar. As we don't teach Islam in detail in schools specially in elite schools due to which we I mean Indians and Pakistanis are same people theory gets spread.

Battle of Badar was not just difficult for Muslims because they lacked weapons, horses, camels and numbers to fight a much larger and much bigger enemy. That off course was one major issue, but the biggest issue was that on other side was not just your enemy but an enemy who was your own blood. Someone's father was on the other side, some one's brother was among the enemy, someone's Uncle was among the enemy and some one's child was among the enemy. By the time the war ended one Sahabi had killed his father in the battlefield, Hazrat UMAR RA had killed his Mamu (mother's brother) and there are few more such cases. Hazrat Abu Bakar RA son Abdur Rahman who during Badar was fighting for kuffar as he hadn't accepted Islam by then but later, he became a Muslim. While talking to his father one day, he said that Father during that war you several times came in front of me, and I deliberately choose not to attack you to which Hazrat ABU BAKAR RA replied that if he had seen Abdur Rahman even once in front of him, he would have attacked and if had the chance killed him on the spot. He was fighting for ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW for Muslim only those matters.

Also, if we see the case of PROPHET NOAH AS when his son refused to get on the ship and when PROPHET NOAH AS saw his own son drowning, he begged and prayed to ALLAH to save his son. ALLAH stopped NOAH AS From praying and said he is not your son although he was his biological son, but main message was that only those who have accepted the truth and rejected the kufr are yours not those who have chosen the path of kufr and darkness. So, to conclude next time any of you suggest that Pakistan and India should be friends and we are same people to them we say no we are not. And please read your own history and read your own religion.

NOTE: For minorities who are living in Pakistan we consider them equal citizens. Their places of worships have to be protected by state at all costs, they can't be discriminated, and they have to be protected by state at all costs and respected by fellow citizens Muslims. We should be respectful towards them; we should help them, and we should make sure that they feel save and protected. I am talking about country to country. Even if we get to resolve Kashmir issue with India we have trade relations and basic relations as neighbors but can't be friends who are partying together and having dumb cultural exchanges. Although religious issues are mainly banned in this forum, but this order of Islam covers our politics and hence had to be addressed.

@Zephyrus @Tipu7 @Sulman Badshah @PanzerKiel @Kompromat @DESERT FIGHTER @The Eagle @Arsalan @Suff Shikan @AUz @waz @SQ8 @Irfan Baloch @Rafi @Areesh @farooqbhai007
We build fences because of mistrust and hostility. If we sit together, we can solve our problems. KEEP your religion your personal affair then you see everything clearly.
Not me, Paksiatn lost it.

How could they seperate if they were never one? Unless you mean the British Raj.
I wanted my comment to remain focused on this thread rather than the subject of partition. That if triggered would take the thread in some other direction.
Hence, my submission that partition was an inevitable event.
We really can't. Indians have no friends and are not friendly people. They live a superstitious paranoid life and don't have healthy relationships.

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