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Army calls for tightening 'noose of law' around May 9 'planners, masterminds'

Are they really so tone deaf and dumb?
Power flows from the barrel of a gun.
Not much is needed for a 'soft coup' in Pakistan.
And you will see Imran diminished or even banished for next few years at least.

Honestly, I think it's best IK steps aside; his intentions are good, and I agree the constitution was violated for not holding elections on May 14th, 2023. But I think he should evaluate himself if this is a country he wants to lead. At the current juncture of things, he's better off living in the UK and being a member of parliament. This country is not like-minded and rules law-bound.
Well, if there was any ambiguity about what the military would do next, this makes it clear.
This Army Chief is in the mold of Zia ul Haq: Certain of his 'moral' positions and ruthless in his actions.
Pakistan: Welcome to 1977!

Since we have travelled from 2023 to 1977 so quickly. It won't take long to reach 1971.
The best honor they can give to the martyrs is to give the people for whom they gave their lives the freedom they deserve : the Awam !
Those martyrs life could have been saved by providing necessary equipment to protect them but no the army chief is enjoying his time being protected by all sorts security apparatus ..Does it matters to him that the soldiers are dying like flies.
RAWALPINDI: The formation commanders of the Pakistan Army on Wednesday called for a tightening of the “noose of law” “around the planners and masterminds” that launched a “rebellion against the state and state institutions”, a statement issued by the military’s media wing said.

“It has been further stressed that, while the legal trials of perpetrators and instigators have commenced, it is time that the noose of law is also tightened around the planners and masterminds who mounted the hate-ripened and politically driven rebellion against the state and state institutions to achieve their nefarious design of creating chaos in the country,” the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said.

The statement was issued after Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Asim Munir presided over the 81st Formation Commanders Conference at the General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi.

The meeting was attended by corps commanders, principal staff officers and all formation commanders of the army.

The top commanders while condemning the May 9 attacks reiterated their “firm resolve” that the desecrators of martyrs monuments, Jinnah House and attackers of military installations would “certainly be brought to justice speedily under the Pakistan Army Act and Official Secret Act which are the derivatives of the Constitution of Pakistan”.

“In this regard, efforts to create distortions and attempts to take refuge behind imaginary and mirage Human Rights Violations to create smoke screen for hiding the ugly faces of all involved, are absolutely futile and do not stand the abundantly collected irrefutable evidences,” said the commanders.

They also stressed that “endeavours by any quarter to create obstructions and stymie the conclusive defeat of ill design of inimical forces will be dealt with iron hands”.

Commanders pay tribute to martyrs​

In the meeting, the forum paid tribute to the “supreme sacrifices” of the martyrs including officers and men of the armed forces, law enforcement agencies and from civil society. It also offered Fateha for the martyrs.

"The state of Pakistan and Armed Forces will always keep Shuhadas (martyrs) and their families in highest esteem and will continue to honor them and their sacrifices with utmost respect and dignity," the forum was quoted by the ISPR.

As per the military’s media wing, the meeting was also briefed on prevalent environment, challenges to internal and external security, and the operational preparedness of the army in response to the evolving traditional and non-traditional threats.

The meeting was also briefed on the “structural changes and niche technologies” being added to the armoury for the enhancement of the “operational preparedness besides upgradation of essential logistic infrastructure corresponding to emerging security imperatives”.

“Pakistan Army will remain committed towards their national obligations of safeguarding territorial integrity and sovereignty [of the country],” the army chief told the participants. He also added that the bond between the people and the armed forces “would remain central” to their undertakings and the May 25 events “were a clear manifestation of same”.

“Unfounded and baseless allegations on law enforcement agencies and security forces for custodial torture, human rights abuses and stifling of political activities are meant to mislead the people and malign armed forces in order to achieve trivial vested political interests,” the forum stated.

The army chief told the forum that “hostile forces and their abettors” designs to create “societal division and confusion through fake news and propaganda” will continue to “defeated with the full support of the nation”.

Gen Munir also stressed on maintaining high standards of professionalism and motivation during operations and achieving excellence during training of their formations. He lauded the commanders for their constant focus on the wellbeing and high state of morale of their soldiers who remain the foundation of army’s operational readiness.

"Forum concluded by affirming resolve to render all sacrifices necessary for the security and stability of the country with the perpetual support of the proud people of Pakistan," said the ISPR.

I always thought that only w***** sell bodies. Never knew there were other creatures as well in the business.
Is it a message that a trial similar to Bhutto's will happen? With similar consequences.

Powerful voices in even the Opposition are against trying Imran in Military Courts; they know they could be next!! Remember: They had seen the jackboot on their necks multiple times.
Per my understanding, if the military feels that the civilian judges would severely prosecute Imran then no military trials. You see: The judiciary itself is badly tainted/divided and all parties want their favorite judges to rule for/against per the parties' wishes.
But, no, Imran will not face Bhutto's punishment. That much is certain. Some **real** prison time and then exile. The Nawaz Sharif treatment!!

PS. 1971?? That was because of geography and Indian involvement!! This time even wouldn't be the MRD of 1984!
Powerful voices in even the Opposition are against trying Imran in Military Courts; they know they could be next!! Remember: They had seen the jackboot on their necks multiple times.
Per my understanding, if the military feels that the civilian judges would severely prosecute Imran then no military trials. You see: The judiciary itself is badly tainted/divided and all parties want their favorite judges to rule for/against per the parties' wishes.
But, no, Imran will not face Bhutto's punishment. That much is certain. Some **real** prison time and then exile. The Nawaz Sharif treatment!!

PS. 1971?? That was because of geography and Indian involvement!! This time even wouldn't be the MRD of 1984!
How are you confident IK will not walk in the footsteps of ZAB? ZAB was tried by a civilian court and sentenced. All the military has to do is find a sympathetic/friendly court and let the criminal justice system do its job. That anti-national/anti-governmental destruction took place is not in question. It is just a matter of digging up some evidence to link IK to the events.
Powerful voices in even the Opposition are against trying Imran in Military Courts; they know they could be next!! Remember: They had seen the jackboot on their necks multiple times.
Per my understanding, if the military feels that the civilian judges would severely prosecute Imran then no military trials. You see: The judiciary itself is badly tainted/divided and all parties want their favorite judges to rule for/against per the parties' wishes.
But, no, Imran will not face Bhutto's punishment. That much is certain. Some **real** prison time and then exile. The Nawaz Sharif treatment!!

PS. 1971?? That was because of geography and Indian involvement!! This time even wouldn't be the MRD of 1984!

Remember this press conference, everyone laughed and mocked the army leadership for being afraid, nervous and shaking. I dont believe even Imran Khan thought they would become this aggressive. Pakistan is in martial law, no rights for civilians, its just not declared officially.

Ramblings of a bunch of alcoholics

Are the Generals and higher ups constantly drunk all the time .
How are you confident IK will not walk in the footsteps of ZAB? ZAB was tried by a civilian court and sentenced. All the military has to do is find a sympathetic/friendly court and let the criminal justice system do its job. That anti-national/anti-governmental destruction took place is not in question. It is just a matter of digging up some evidence to link IK to the events.

They can easily kill him if they believe they have no choice. IK is international celebrity, only because of that they might not but if the army believes they have no choice then they will do it. Who will stop them? Bhutto was very powerful, had millions of supporters but they killed him, General Zia was even more powerful and was killed, Benazir too was assassinated. PTI leadership and IK needs to be very careful, the leadership and followers should request IK to leave Pakistan, or hand over party to someone else for a few years, they need to hold some kind of agreement with the establishment that IK should not be harmed in anyway. I understand IK won't back off but once he hands over party then the new Party leadership should make a deal with the establishment, leave IK out of it. Only to protect him. IK may have made mistakes but he is patriotic Pakistani and a living legend.

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