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Fully support the Pakistan Military in all things!

What is new about 'Horse Trading' in Pakistani politics?? The first time I heard the term was from President Ishaq Khan around 1988-90 (forgetting exact time). Imran also had powerful rich people behind him to buy votes. But I must say that Imran wasn't as endowed with money as Zardari or Sharifs. What Imran had was the military's backing--until early 2022; the military ensured that money or not, politicians wouldn't be allowed to topple Imran. Imran's biggest folly was trying to exercise his constitutional rights. We can recall that shortly after the Fall of Kabul to the Taliban in August 2021, rumors started appearing about the rift between Imran and the Establishment. The appointment of the Army Chief was Imran's right but he went about that in arrogant, dismissive way, forgetting how or who placed him in power in the first place. Also, Imran is an arrogant person. He insulted his allies even though those allies were often forced by the Establishment to support Imran's govt. When PDM offered money and the Establishment decided to be 'neutral', the allies switched sides.

As to the your bolded part--I wish you were right. But this is a very serious, real crisis. Perhaps not as bad as 1971 because India would dare not launch an attack on Pakistan. But politically it is the worst--worse than even 1971 political crisis because now not one institution is respected in Pakistan. And there lies the grave dangers--as in Afghanistan or Somalia.
No, I respectfully disagree.

In 1971 the USSR was involved at a much deeper level for example, Pakistan was heavily reliant on imported defense technologies and the international atmosphere prevented drastic measures without the consent of the two ruling super powers.

Mujeeb was trained in Moscow and the rest is history.

This is not a critical crisis. This just the first phase, if you may.

The real big inferno is coming but it isn't here yet.
I would like to state that I completely and fully support the Pakistan Military in all things!

Political dramas are temporary.

No big deal, nothing to see here, move along now!
ISPR is hiring morons these days

overestimating them much?
couldnt handle the events of 1970

they can only fight people, who dont fight back
They couldnt even handle Waziristan? AB tak chitar kha rahey
ISPR is hiring morons these days

They couldnt even handle Waziristan? AB tak chitar kha rahey
ISPR is an outdate model!

Besides, falling for false dichotomies is a real problem for actual morons!
ISPR is an outdate model!

Besides, falling for false dichotomies is a real problem for actual morons!
The way one institution is operating really has created dichotomies in Pakistan ofcourse there is another option but I dont think many would appreciate people showing sympathies for militant groups

As for ISPR being an outdated organization well yes it is but mostly because it declared all its competent assets as traitors and hired buffoons with little understanding of ground realities
I would like to state that I completely and fully support the Pakistan Military in all things!

Political dramas are temporary.

No big deal, nothing to see here, move along now!
Every capable man or women have 2 hands , hold arms , and protect your own Family
and neighborhood

  • Don't rely on Entity Punjab Police
  • Rangers (Another mindless force that has been losing credibility fast)

Army's role is border protection , protect citizen's life , not protect , golf courses , building and posh area

  • Live life of Halal income from Agreed upon salary structure
  • A modest residence , with 10 year of service - Not Gigantic Villa

All is illegal*
  • Refusal to accept justified criticism and synical attitude
  • Plots
  • Agricultural Farm Land transfer
  • DHA schemes
  • Business Towers worth 30-50 crore
  • Property Transfer and wealth transferred under wife or children name
  • Askari schemes getting preferential deals
  • Farming land for pennies , acres and acres of land
  • Running State corporations after retirement with no formal education in that sector
  • All those 12 CRORE -27 Crore Villa are excess income beyond means
  • Immunity from cases of Killing local civilians hitting civilians with SUV Or ViGO and then hinding behind the Barracks Walls
  • First access to Business centers to Black Money can be whiten by purchasing centers and then selling it to overs 300 times the price
  • Dual Nationality moving funds overseas while being in Military , thru their children who move overseas and settle in USA or UK
  • Illegal kidnapping happening across Pakistani Province (Requires review who does it with Uniform)

World Wide Standard
  • Only University Degree is covered as perk (Military Education)
  • Respectable Salary is provided for Soldier , with reasonable vacation and Bonus yearly
  • All Soldiers can't break any law while inside own country
  • Soldier has to save own money to buy land or Take Bank Loan

Pakistan is for Citizen of Pakistan
The Will of Pakistan is the ultimate decider
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This forum was kissing military badges until Imran Khan Niazi was toppled. One senior member here was even denying such thing as the 'Establishment' even existed.

If/when the last standing institution in Pakistan falls then they will know what anarchy means and what that would do to Pakistan. They don't realize that the perks the military in Pakistan enjoys is because of Pakistan being a 'Security State' since the beginning but those perks are not the cause of Pakistan's economic woes. Those perks had existed forever and Pakistan indeed had even seen some semblance of prosperity compared with others in the region.

It is the chaos since April 2022 which is taking Pakistan down. And that started because Imran Khan blatantly violated the Constitution of Pakistan by throwing away the No Confidence Motion based on now-proven lie of 'Foreign Conspiracy'. Two other PMs faced the NCMs before; there is no going around that once tabled! So now the PDM party is not going to play by the rules when Imran and his allies, including the President, didn't play by the rules.

There is no Haqiqi Azadi on the horizon--chaos was not going to bring that. Fact is that despite Imran's popularity that he gained after April 2022 by fooling people, the PDM opposition also has a considerable vote bank and they are not going to give up lust for power easily or would let Imran sit in peace should he become the PM again--the military's backing for Imran is off !

Best is to sit together and form a govt of national consensus for the next 5-10 years and ride out the storm.

Pakistani nation needs more time to develop, they go where the wind goes. They cant even admit what happened and what led to the chaos, only playing the blame games and using propaganda. They only care about their leadership and not Pakistan.

Dr Tahir ul Qadri starts long march against PPP, PDF members are calling him west agent, then indian agent, then Ppp agent, then Pmln agent and finally over the years establishment agent.

Imran Khan then starts his movement and marches. His fans call him the saviour but opposition make the usual foreign agent accusations.

Dr Tahir ul Qadri and IK are fully backed by the establishment to bring a third force in to politics. Their movement continues.

Dr Tahir ul Qadri and IK continuous praises for Army and judiciary, requesting them to intervene and remove government, jail the dacoits and corrupt, bring reforms. They also campaigned to hold the elections under the supervision of the Judiciary or the military, they continued this narrative for many years to come

IK wins 30+ seats in elections but continues to pressurise the military and supreme court to remove Nawaz and jail the corrupt, he claims military is the saviour, the best institute, paak and saaf, judiciary is paak and saaf. He claims elections are rigged by PDM.

Many politicians from other parties joining PTI, before joining they are dacoits but after joining they are paak saaf. Many people advice Imran Khan these politicians are lotas and corrupt but he does not listen, they advice these people will betray him but he doesn't listen because they are electables.

More darnas and IK claiming the boots are coming, judge will remove Nawaz Sharif. Javed Hashmi having disagreements with IK over this and leaving party. Javed Hasmi said we shouldn't ask establishment to intervene but Imran Khan continues to praise and encourage them to intervene.

Nawaz Sharif removed by Judiciary, he goes anti army and IK defending army as being paak and saaf and judiciary zindabad. Calls Nawaz Sharif as Indian agent and traitor for attacking army and judges.

2018 elections Imran wins, everyone is paak and saaf, all PTI lotas are perfect, Pmlq, Bap, MqmP are allies, people are not happy because everyone knows they will backstab PTI at one point. Many Pmln politicians claim they were harassed by establishment to join Pti and attend their gatherings.

Slowly problems are arising over foreign policy, international relations, Saudi making threats, Usa not happy, India not happy, Ukraine war, internal security policy.

Around March 2021 IK gains confidence vote from the parliament because PDM is claiming he doesn't have the majority. Remember he is elected by the parliament not the people of Pakistan. He wins the vote and everything is perfect.

November 2021 time, news emerge 20+ of his MNAs are not happy, Pmlq, MqmP, Bap are not happy. PTI denies it as propaganda.

Over the months more news and propaganda by PDM that IK lost the majority but he is in power only because of establishment support. The establishment will not allow Vote of no confidence. PDM make threats to the establishment, accusing them of backing their laadla.

Just before April time, Sheikh Rasheed advises Imran Khan to dissolve assembles and go for new elections because everyone knows by now that 20+ MNAs are leaving, Mqm, Bap are leaving (big shots Jahangir Tareen, Aleem Khan already left). Sheikh Rasheed knows if opposition tables the resolution then IK will be trapped, Imran Khan does not listen.

Opposition is pressurising the establishment to allow them to table the resolution, Fazlur Rehman video emerges arguing with some army guys and saying dont pressure us and stay out of politics.

Establishment is given danda by PDM and also by PTI. Judiciary is also pressurised by PTI on one hand and PDM on the other hand.

Establishment makes contact with IK and says PTI lost the majority in the parliament and by law he can't do much, they give 3 available options to him (it wasn't a threat, Sheikh Rasheed also mentions the same points). They were the 3 available options because he lost the majority in the parliament so by law he is no more the PM.

PTI does not listen, then PDM tables the resolution, PTI says they still have the majority and its all a lie, when the time of voting happens, PTI disallows it and then dissolves the assemblies afterwards but supreme court intervenes and claims its against the constitution. Since the resolution is tabled, PTI cannot dissolve assembles and voting must go ahead.

Chaos follows and IK is removed. He then blames the judiciary, establishment, foreign actors for toppling him. He blames Bajwa, Mir jafer, ISI, judges are agents, traitors.

PDM comes to power and they have the mandate till October 2023. They start crackdown against PTI, attack Pti using state machinery. PTI blames ISI and army.

The hatred, propaganda, illegal arrest of PTI political workers, torture, lies, false cases, kidnapping, killings lead us to the situation on 9th May.

Imran Khan is arrested and PTI workers attacked the army, threw stones, swearing, propaganda, hatred, burning buildings. Just check youtube, twitter, Facebook, PDF on the comments.

PDM is not willing to backdown because they have the majority in the parliament and noone can force them to resign or call for elections. Their mandate is till October 2023. Its the law of Pakistan.

PDM is also not allowing the provisional elections to be held, this is the violation of the law. We all are waiting for judiciary to act.

Just to be clear, yes PDM played dirty politics, used money, bribery to get back in power but this has always been the practise in Pakistan. The party MNAs should be loyal to their leader and not jump ships, PTI also used to do the same, more than half of PTI is from PDM.

Pakistani people need to firstly make reforms within themselves, but also continue to pressurise the judiciary, establishment to allow major reforms in to the system. This all should be done by peaceful means and not by attacking or harming the state. We want powerful EC to hold free and fair elections, we don't want army interference in elections, we need the end to illegal detentions, kidnapping, false cases, lies, propaganda, target killings.
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Starting 2024 this insignia should be embossed in every military building.
how dare you attack the respectable armed force of the state
you are an anti state element and are financed from India
I would like to state that I completely and fully support the Pakistan Military in all things!

Political dramas are temporary.

No big deal, nothing to see here, move along now!
That's over the top, subtlety is key. See us in the office tomorrow. - ISPR.
I hope the moderators will not delete this thread later, this can help identifying all these culprits once the purge happens. Inshallah

This is SHO abpara Ishfaq Waraich and he is reportedly cousin of aqeel anju, a PMLN leader so anyone can know who ia supporting or ordering humiliation of retired forces people and families

Nawaz ka Tattu ..in above tweet.


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