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India serves 90 day notice to Pakistan on Indus Water Treaty!

India simply wants its dams which is under construction to be completed, not any change in treaty, at least as of now. It is Pakistan which drags India to WB or meditator whenever India wants to construct new dams in the pretext of India stealing water, whereas India just wants its share of water to be utilized properly. Its not like we can simply stop the flow of water, which is not even possible.
For example India started Kishanganga project in late 2007(to be completed by 16) but the project was stopped in 2011 when Pakistan went to court of arbitration to stop the project. Pakistan lost the case and India finally completed its project in 2018.

The whole point of this notice is that Pakistan just don't go to the WB or Arbitration court to delay the projects that India wants to construct(well within its right as per IWT) as it causes lot of loss of money & time!!
There is a graded dispute resolution mechanism and Pakistan needs to follow it.

Step 1: Resolution among the respective commissioners of the Indus Commission
Step 2: Resolution by Neutral Expert from the World Bank
Step 3: Arbitration

Pakistan keeps jumping from Step 1 to Step 3, which leads India to believe that either Pakistan has a difference in opinion about how the 3 stages work, or simply wants to disregard it. Through the notice served, India is merely asking them to amend the treaty to reflect clearer dispute resolution mechanisms. The amendment is not to say that "Hum aap ka sara paani hadapna chahtay hain"
Bhai jaan, the last time our hindutva PM came to your land for peace you guys sent your boys into Kargil, stop this illogical knee jerk reaction. The wounds go both ways.

Theres such a large trust deficit between us that its become a compulsion for one to act if it senses an iota of change in the others position.
Sasuraa, last time Zia went to India, you guys sent your boys to Siachen.

People living in glass house shouldn’t throw stones…
Kashmir is on the higher ground, apart from the river bank areas, Kashmir will barely get flooded.
Open up a terrain map and see how kashmir valley is located..Unlike an open gate of a dam.... when a wall is broken the spill over spreads up fast in the nearby regions.. it doesn't all washdown in a river as you expect.. Even in the way many valleys that are downhill contain and trap water.. and for you the the first city in plains in south is jammu.
Pakistan has all the rights to preemptively deter Indian designs of water wars with India.
Previously this was a red line but with the current political and financial crisis there is No diplomatic currency nor military will left in the state to protest or harass this construction. Pakistan will be both starved and parched to death from both the changing environment with global warming and by India.

On the contrary, a real or perceived deprivation of water to 220+ million people would be the war-cry to galvanize and unite Pakistanis!!

PS. I remember a video clip in which the Indian PM Manmohan Singh in sometimes in the 2000s era to a Pakistani journalist. He said something like 'You go back to Pakistan and tell them India is not cutting and will never cut Pakistan's water supplies'. I think he sounded sincere. Could the Modi govt fall to such lows of restricting Pakistan's water supplies?? Hard to say at this point. But, while Pakistanis might have not too much protested about the 'run of the river' damns built by India, any re-interpretation of the Indus Water Treaty to reduce Pakistan's water supply WILL be catastrophic for the region; Pakistan is one and the only country in South Asia which can destroy India even in a conventional war.

A country reaps what it sows.
It is done to update the treaty as technology has changed w.r.t dams in the last few decades and (maybe/highly likely?) kick out/ tone down WB's role from the treaty.
Would be wise for Pakistan to sit with their Indian counterparts to rectify the anomalies that have arisen recently, else nothing stops India from declaring Pakistan's actions as breach of treaty and call it a day.
Sasuraa, last time Zia went to India, you guys sent your boys to Siachen.

People living in glass house shouldn’t throw stones…
My point exactly.

Bhai jaan,
The masala lies in the fact that both neighbors live in glass houses and are fond of throwing stones at each other.

Hence the irony when one accuses the other of being dishonest and deceitful.

Aap sab konse doodh ke dhule hai jo duplicity ka inzaam hamare sar dal rahe hai.
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IWT has always been unfair to east punjab, the rulers in delhi need to correct this unfair magnanimity showered on the other punjab at the cost of farmers here.

India got all 3 easten rivers. Problem is India then diverted all their water to Rajasthan etc Now with ground water depleted, east punjab will soon face water crisis unless water going to Rajasthan is stopped.

Sikhs stopped Sutlej-Yamuna link canal otherwise more of water was being diverted to Haryana.

Now Pakistan only get flood water from eastern rivers in monsoon season from India side which cannot be stopped anyway.
India got all 3 easten rivers. Problem is India then diverted all their water to Rajasthan etc Now with ground water depleted, east punjab will soon face water crisis unless water going to Rajasthan is stopped.

Sikhs stopped Sutlej-Yamuna link canal otherwise more of water was being diverted to Haryana.

Now Pakistan only get flood water from eastern rivers in monsoon season from India side which cannot be stopped anyway.
Why not all 5 to punjab?

You do know the meaning of punjab right?
My point exactly.

Bhai jaan,
The masala lies in the fact that both neighbors live in glass houses and are fond of throwing stones at each other.

Hence the irony when one accuses the other of being dishonest and deceitful.

Aap sab konse doodh ke dhule hai jo duplicity ka inzaam hamare sar dal rahe hai.
I didn’t blame India for duplicity.

I just mentioned if Pakistan does not like India’s request, it should respectfully decline.

At the moment Pakistan is having trouble with institutional harmony and hopefully we achieve equilibrium to develop.
Pakistan has all the rights to preemptively deter Indian designs of water wars with India.

There is no concept of pre-emptive deterrence in the treaty. There is a dispute resolution mechanism which you need to adhere to. There is also a provision to the amend the treaty under Article XII (3) which India has used for sending the notice. If you do not respond within 90 days, it will mean that you are not interested in abiding by the treaty which India can use for saying that you are in breach every time you go to IJC bypassing the World Bank intermediary. Then the whole treaty goes for a toss. Why do you want to jeopardise a treaty that has served well for so many decades and is cited as an international example of cooperation?
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