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Generation Gap? Famous professor got his mike snatched, booed and reprimanded by his students in a high school in Hefei city, China


Nov 4, 2011
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Generation Gap? Famous professor got his mike snatched, booed and reprimanded by his students in a high school in Hefei city, China

Feb. 18

A student walks up to the podim, snatches the famous professor's mike and started to reprimand the professor for being a "west worshipper".

"Money is the only thing in his eyes, he believes that studying is only for money, this guy is a total west worshipper. What do we study for? We study for the great revival and rejuvenation of the Chinese nation" the student scolds the professor with a pointing finger.

In the end the student pumps his fist in the air and shouts: " My fellow schoolmates, let's study hard, for the great revival and rejuvenation of the Chinese nation".

The student's words and action win the applause from his fellow high school students and most students stand up and leave the auditorium in protest against the professor.

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West worshippers are still pretty common among older generations in China, but none in younger generations, a huge generation gap in China.
This will never happen in Pakistan unfortunately.

One thing you can find in China and other countries is love for their countries
It goes viral all across the Chinese social media and the government official media channels now seem to be on the student side.
The up and coming generation in China gives me hope.
In the past middle and high school kids rarely dare to challenge the school authorities and teachers, things have changed a lot in recent years.
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China Professor Suspended After Student Says He ‘Worships’ West​

  • Middle schooler uses nationalist phrases to scold the educator
  • Professor said he urged students to understand ‘wider world’

2023年2月20日 GMT+8 下午2:08

A Chinese professor has been suspended by his university after a talk he gave at a school prompted an outburst from a student who accused him of worshiping the West.

The incident happened Saturday at Lujiang Middle School in Anhui province, some 400 km (250 miles) west of Shanghai.

A video clip posted on social media shows a student walking onto the stage, taking a microphone from a professor and shouting, “He only has money in his eyes, thinks learning is just for money, worships the West and panders to overseas powers.”


China's student slams professor for speech, says 'Don't cross-breed with Americans'​

Feb 20, 2023, 03:55 PM IST

A university suspended a Chinese professor after his lecture led to an outburst from one of the students, a report said. The student criticised the professor for worshipping the West at Lujiang Middle School in China's Anhui province, reported Bloomberg.

In the video clip posted on social media, student Chen Hongyou is seen walking onto the stage in between the lecture and snatching the professor's microphone. The student can be heard yelling, “He only has money in his eyes, thinks learning is just for money, worships the West and panders to overseas powers.”

“For what purpose do we study hard? It’s for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation” the student added, concluding, “Do not cross-breed with Americans!”

Although the video does not include the professor's comments who has been identified as an associate professor of education working at Hefei Normal University by Chen Hongyou.
After the incident, Hongyou said that his speech was always aimed at encouraging students “to use their own efforts to change their destiny, and to step toward the wider country and the world."

The student added that the professor “joked” about topics like nationalities and gender in his lecture, and that “as an educator who has worked for more than 30 years, I feel very guilty”.

The university suspended the professor from his teaching duties and he has been further asked by the university to write an essay reflecting on the matter.

The authorities further added that the speech was meant to be motivational, however, it caused much “dissatisfaction” among students and teachers due to “inappropriate content" and the authorities will investigate the professor while the university will be held accountable for the incident.

Reminds me of 劉美德 the vice principal of a Beijing middle school from Red August 1966 and the start of the cultural revolution, history is about to repeat itself. But who is the new 四人幫?
Reminds me of 劉美德 the vice principal of a Beijing middle school from Red August 1966 and the start of the cultural revolution, history is about to repeat itself. But who is the new 四人幫?
Are you delusional as Indian ?
Are you delusional as Indian ?
lol, why so triggered? isn't this exactly what happened at the start of the cultural revolution? Middle school teachers disparaged and insulted which soon devolved into physical violence.
lol, why so triggered? isn't this exactly what happened at the start of the cultural revolution? Middle school teachers disparaged and insulted which soon devolved into physical violence.
Thats just you China hater's wish.
lol, why so triggered? isn't this exactly what happened at the start of the cultural revolution? Middle school teachers disparaged and insulted which soon devolved into physical violence.
It happens in many western countries too, how come when it happens in China it automatically becomes new cultural revolution?
West worshippers are still pretty common among older generations in China, but none in younger generations, a huge generation gap in China.
You think this is really great?

Firstly respect of teachers and professors is paramount in eastern culture as well as most african countries. We say mwalimu.

This was a clearly orchestrated party triggered action. Very much common during the cultural revolution and trying to frame a poor teacher with guilt. Education is universal.

Only from a pinkie wumao, this kind of posting is shown; you take pride in insulting teachers - wow... really great job - another xi lead initiative to have pinkies propagate this

Tragic ... a country that does not respect its teachers is doomed.
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