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Arab journalist asks Imran Khan "If he would use nuclear weapons against Israel if it attacked its neighbors", watch his response

how they treat Pakistani/Bangladeshi as sh!t but Americans or Goray, they would do Sajjdah to them if it was up to them.
Economics. gora bring dollar, technology and skill. What does Desi bring to their country. One is mostly labour class other is coming from developed advance country leaving behind lots of opportunities.
Most tribal folk are. They evolved through tough times, fight over resources, and each other women. Tribal mentality. Same tribal evolution taught them one important survival lesson. Respect the strong and powerful.

I present you grand father of Mughals. The Emir Tamuir, who conquered Arabia.

Tamarlane was not a Khalifa, The question was will Arabs accept a non Arab Khalifa ? nope, not happening at all.
Tamarlane was not a Khalifa, The question was will Arabs accept a non Arab Khalifa ? nope, not happening at all.
He never claimed to be. He totally could have. Ottomans did. so it was widely accepted. Point is, if you are strong enough. It doesnā€™t matter. If some Arab accept or not. You are the Khalifa and they are at fault.
This threadā€¦
He never claimed to be. He totally could have. Ottomans did. so it was widely accepted. Point is, if you are strong enough. It doesnā€™t matter. If some Arab accept or not. You are the Khalifa and they are at fault.
This is not how Khalifa works, back in the day Arabs respect people with Iman and good character, now Arabs only prefer Gori Chamri, if they could they would make a gora Catholic/Christian their Khalifa, heck even Terrorists Orgs like ISIS treated Pakistani Terrorists who went to Syria to fight like shit.
Pakistan should build ties with Israel and reduce the diplomatic space India has been enjoying.

Right now India gets the best of Arab and Israeli treatment and they ask Pakistanis these stupid questions.

Ties with the west will never go back to normal but do as much as possible to reduce India's leverage.

Who cares about Palestine. We lost Kashmir because nobody took our side.

Well China is somebody. I agree to the extent of sabotaging Iran's nuclear program. They're allies of India and have a bad influence on Shias in our country.

We better support Israel as we cannot sabotage it alone.
This Arab dude Ask IK about Nuclear umbrella, Let me ask this question to every single Arab member and Arab lover, Tell me if Arabs of ME/Persians of Iran will ever Accept a Pakistani Dark skin Khalifa. I will wait for the Answer
What's the point when many of them are dark-skinned. Never mind the cherry-picked images some Persian Aryanists post online.
The people in this thread donā€™t understand.
This isnā€™t just simple Arab-Israel war.

Our issue is related to Al Aqsa, the third holiest site in Islam. The Zionists believe Al Aqsa compound is where their third temple is. The Zionist have always wanted to destroy Al Aqsa and build their third temple in the place.
Our issue is with Zionist whose flag is testament to their devilish goals of trying to recreate their empire from Nike to Euphrates River. Our issue is with Zionist who have their eyes set on not just Al Aqsa but also Makkah and Madinah. The Quran has told us who will be our allies and who arenā€™t.
Zionists are religiously motivated in their war against us. Herzl the founder of Zionism had chances to create a Jewish homeland in USA or Argentina but they choose Palestine because they were religiously motivated.

For Al Aqsa the whole world can be burned!

And for people thinking Iā€™m irrational, if you canā€™t protect the third holiest site in Islam then SHAME ON YOUR EXISTENCE.

Like our troops in Saudi Arabia in Medinah, our purpose is protecting the holy sites in Islam not being slave to Arab governments. Our purpose is defending Islamic holy sites.

Pakistan is just another state like many in history that come and go. If with nukes we remain silent when Zionists attack Al Aqsa and attempt to build their third temple then Shame on us and we deserve the harsh punishment we will get afterwards.

Letā€™s learn from history. Had Muslims put their issues aside and united against Mongols then maybe Baghdad could have been saved. But they were acting like we are right now saying ā€œitā€™s not our issueā€. We have seen many examples of Romans defeating smaller Muslim empires and taking Muslim lands because we were too busy saying itā€™s not our issue. Zionist Israel is religiously motivated and will always see Islam as their enemy. Today it is Palestine, tomorrow it might be Saudi but day after it will be us. Donā€™t think we will be spared! And you can make the excuse ā€œwe will nuke themā€ but have fun fighting the world on your own (india + nato +Israel). Even for defeating the Mongols Sultan Baibars and Sultan Qutuz had to put their differences aside and unite against them and the result was they became victorious. You enemy wants to divide and conquer you and they achieve this with the stooges they carefully placed among you that are in power. Just imagine when Mongols first attacked Khwarazmian Empire, Muslim empires had united to defeat them. Instead Muslims said it wasnā€™t their issue and some even sided with mongols only for mongols to level Baghdad and massacre Muslims. Wake up Muslims! Your enemy wants to divide and conquer you. Zionist donā€™t see arab or Pakistani. They see Muslim or not.

For Islam we can fight the whole world and burn the whole world.
This is not how Khalifa works, back in the day Arabs respect people with Iman and good character, now Arabs only prefer Gori Chamri, if they could they would make a gora Catholic/Christian their Khalifa, heck even Terrorists Orgs like ISIS treated Pakistani Terrorists who went to Syria to fight like shit.
Why you even concerned about Arabs. Khalif candidate needs to fulfill certain criteria and thatā€™s it. Just do your thing and the will fall in line, there no other option. There were some news on Indian media about Indians doing some shit work. Donā€™t know if itā€™s true or not. I donā€™t think there was anything about Pakistanis.
i would burn down saudi oil fields crashing the dollar it be end of me but it will end western dominance and Saudis traitors.
Honestly Palestinians are a beghairat quom. Pakistan should adopt a policy of silent indifference.

Palestinian diaspora is becoming exponentially more cringe every year. A lot of them are weird leftists.

Pakistanis have more love for the Palestininan cause then the occupation of J&K by indian forces. Even in the west Pakistanis are at the frontline protesting in support for Palestine yet the Palestinian authority has very little to no support for Pakistan. Pathetic ill fated Pakistanis.

Pakistanis in Pakistan themselves don't care about Kashmir. We are talking about a country that consumes Indian media and products and also chants Free Kashmir in the same breath.

They are a lot less beghairat than us Pakistanis. They are still fighting and holding down their ever shrinking homeland when they could very easily leave and get settled in the west all expenses paid. On the other hand our beghairat generals sold the Kashmiri cause many times over and for good about a decade and a half ago for Papa John franchises and appearance on the daily show with Jon Stewart.

Would like to add, Palestinians are also releasing movies and media narratives on the Nakba with the film "Farha"

Meanwhile Pakistanis were kanging on Laal Singh Chadda šŸ˜‚
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lol, why should we care about Palestinain-Israeli conflict.

It is not our problem. When will Arabs care about Kashmir dispute.

Great to know you are a shameless coward who is a Israeli supporter with zero dignity

when we have snakes and traitors like you we dont need enemies
These nuclear weapons will long be in possession of the Americans. The Americans have been working hard to make sure of that. This is also the only interest America has in Pakistan.
America is the front man but there is a gang of countries which are part of the conspiracy.
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