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US to provide military support to Nancy Pelosi's trip to Taiwan: Gen. Milley

What America failed to calculate was the Chinese civilian reaction to this incident. Peaceful reunification was still very popular amongst the people before this incident, but now the CPC has a blank check. The mainlanders are basically in-lined with their government now while the blue and green camps along with the reps and dem are more divided than ever over this. You may not understand what sun tzu said about having the moral high ground, but you should surely understand what manufactured consent is.

Exactly! When I was in high school, my history teacher told me that Hitler would gather an audience, then just stand there and wait (1/2 hour 1 hr 2 hrs, etc) till the people became so sick of waiting and unnerved that only then would he start speaking to arouse an emotional response to his speeches.

This exactly what Xi Jinping and CCP doing, by doing nothing at the moment they are actually doing something! Getting the people emotionally involved and aroused... So don't anyone be disappointed by the response to Pelosi visiting. The best (from China and CCP) yet to come!
Pig biden and their filthy white skinned worshippers.

When will humans ever grow up and come out of nationalism and care for humanity instead of chanting in favor of war mongerer reptilians
Exactly! When I was in high school, my history teacher told me that Hitler would gather an audience, then just stand there and wait (1/2 hour 1 hr 2 hrs, etc) till the people became so sick of waiting and unnerved that only then would he start speaking to arouse an emotional response to his speeches.

This exactly what Xi Jinping and CCP doing, by doing nothing at the moment they are actually doing something! Getting the people emotionally involved and aroused... So don't anyone be disappointed by the response to Pelosi visiting. The best (from China and CCP) yet to come!
Nonesense, the CCP were making a lot of loud noises and they did nothing. At least they should also remain silent if they wish to suddenly awaken after how many decades of fattening up. That's not doing something, that's coming across as weak and will always be seen that way. Time to speak the language of force against those who only understand it. The Iranian did this to the US in Iraq and now US will not dare mess with Iran other than a few meaningless sanctions.
Short joy for US and Taiwan separatists, long pains are waiting for them.
Nonesense, the CCP were making a lot of loud noises and they did nothing. At least they should also remain silent if they wish to suddenly awaken after how many decades of fattening up. That's not doing something, that's coming across as weak and will always be seen that way. Time to speak the language of force against those who only understand it. The Iranian did this to the US in Iraq and now US will not dare mess with Iran other than a few meaningless sanctions.
We’ll see this is just the first act and you’re counting your chickens.
What retaliations China can make. Besides military drills around Taiwan, I guess Chinese government will take some short term measures. Punish Taiwan and US in economic sectors.

Till now China almost cooperated with US on all issues. Whenever Biden suggested to talk with Xi. Xi never rejected. China never took initiative moves to hurt US interest.
Things changed from today. There will be long term retaliations. China will openly be against US. For example, more cooperations with Russia and Iran. Making economic policies that will raise inflation in US. From now Chinese navy ships will routinely patrol on Taiwan side.
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We’ll see this is just the first act and you’re counting your chickens.
First act?! Were you not born during the Taiwan crisis in 1996 or when China and US agreed on the One China policy? Or all the times China has made warning but not followed up?! Hong Kong was the only time China actually took back what belonged to it, but it's still not enough. Stop trying to be clever when you don't even have a point to begin with.
The Ships only stayed to the East of Taiwan while they only send small number of planes to the west, look like a Decline in power since 1996.
First act?! Were you not born during the Taiwan crisis in 1996 or when China and US agreed on the One China policy? Or all the times China has made warning but not followed up?! Hong Kong was the only time China actually took back what belonged to it, but it's still not enough. Stop trying to be clever when you don't even have a point to begin with.
This is the next chapter, times have changed but it seems like you’re still stuck in the past. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine it’s a new era. We are approaching the climax to the post WW2 era. China and Russia are trying to oust the USD as reserve currency, America is on a very short time frame to stop that before the damage is irreversible. The stakes are much higher now and very little room available for bargaining.
This is my analysis.

I believed China made a very wise decision to do nothing. :agree:

We all know that United States have been trying to provoke China to start a war in it's front yard....for years and years.

But it takes two to tango.

Because if there is a war in China's front yard, China will not win no matter what.

Nancy Pelosi was yet another bait. But China did not bite.

This is just my opinion.
This is my analysis.

I believed China made a very wise decision to do nothing. :agree:

We all know that United States have been trying to provoke China to start a war in it's front yard....for years and years.

But it takes two to tango.

Because if there is a war in China's front yard, China will not win no matter what.

Nancy Pelosi was yet another bait. But China did not bite.

This is just my opinion.

Then what was the point of all the sabre rattling? If they won't take the bait, they should not bark so loudly.
We shall visit your post in few days time! :enjoy:

I think China has learn the lesson from Ukraine war. The west considered Russia attack Ukraine without provocation. CPC believe a reason is needed for a war. In this case, PLA is provoked to take action and will be justify.

In the Ukraine war, the Western mainstream calls the Russian invasion 'unprovoked' and their relatively uneducated citizens believe so. The logic behind is the robber's argument: I come to your home to rob you, you cannot protect or retaliate against me OR I will call you the trouble instigator and be responsible for whatever damages caused by your resistance to my attempt to rob you.

Didn't Blinken just threaten China using that same robber's argument?

The key to this lesson is just protect yourself, retaliate and hurt the robbers as badly as possible, AND don't try to justify. You can never win against the powerful media empire built by the U.S. Just do it. You don't need to prove your justification to the Western media and you can never justify anything against the U.S.

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