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Why Pakistan could not be reformed / fixed so far?


Aug 19, 2014
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I wanted to write this for a long time but was a bit afraid of reaction from the readers. But now after observing what's happening to Pakistan lately, I cannot wait any longer. So lets start:

1) Economy
No nation can survive without building sustainable economy. State of Pakistan failed to do just that. Since its inception it has not tried to build competitive industries to make goods for exports. Until Dhaka fall in 1971 majority of Pakistan's exports was jute and since then garment products. That's just not enough to cover import bill for a nation that has no check on its growing population. Since early 90s Pakistan's productivity and thus exports has been consistently falling against its regional peers.

Putting the country on sustainable growth path is responsibility of the state not govt, as govts come and go but state is always there. So the state of Pakistan has clearly failed to fulfill its basic responsibility of putting together a sustainable economy and entire nation is paying its price through ever lasting inflation and other economic crisis that never go away.

2) Judiciary
No nation can survive without a functioning justice system. Recently it was revealed that Pakistan came at 130th place out of 139 in adherence to rule of law.

It is responsibility of the state to provide equal justice for all. And considering above ranking and daily pathetic verdicts from Pakistani courts, it is clear as daylight that the state has failed to fulfill its basic responsibility in justice area as well.

3) Politics
No nation can survive without a stable political system. Unfortunately for Pakistan its entire history has been marred in political instability. Military coups, judicial coups, dynastic coups that's how you sum up entire political history of Pakistan. It's responsibility of the state to conduct free and fair elections, follow people's mandate as enshrined in constitution, and ensure the political system's continuity. Clearly the state of Pakistan has failed in all three.

As you can see the failure of Pakistan is not economic, judicial or political. It's a state failure. Pakistanis must reform their state structure to fix rest of the mess. Good luck!
Pakistan as a state is stuck, it has never been updated to be competitive in the modern world. To me this all comes down to the people. If the people of Pakistan were highly educated, had high standards, morals, values, culture, self discipline then they would never accept the current situation and the state would automatically be upgraded as the hard working population progresses.
Nobody's even talking about how RACISM is a huge problem in our country. The soft word for RACISTS in Pakistan is "Baradari" and this ugly and outdated concept prevails over everything else which is why our system is ROTTEN inside out. Until and unless this is addressed Pakistan has no future. We talk the talk but we can't walk the walk.

And yeah, Ganja and co, Zardari etc etc also need to be put behind bars for life.
Nobody's even talking about how RACISM is a huge problem in our country. The soft word for RACISTS in Pakistan is "Baradari" and this ugly and outdated concept prevails over everything else which is why our system is ROTTEN inside out. Until and unless this is addressed Pakistan has no future. We talk the talk but we can't walk the walk.

And yeah, Ganja and co, Zardari etc etc also need to be put behind bars for life.

And who will fix the establishment mafia who have been bringing and keeping these thugs in power?
PTI ain't perfect but compared with current choices, PTI performed far better than tried and tested status quo parties, just when PTI started to stablise the economy, Establishment had to poke its nose and remove the elected government with corrupt imported government and you can see the results with economy in a free fall.

Establishment is the root cause of all problems in Pakistan.
WOW! Is that really you? @Norwegian

Some of your views here are exactly what I've been saying to PTI supporters like you in this forum. Political stability and discipline to follow rules that you've set for yourself is the key. This is true not just for Pakistan, but for all developing countries looking to move up.

What can Pakistani's do? In the near term I think that waiting for next election instead of calling for the entire collapse of (remittances to the) economy is a good idea :cheers:
digital money, paper money is easily lugged in suitcases. gold dinar is heavy and hard to hide.
i get it it will be obstacle for modern growth as everything is digitalised these days.
but it be harder for nawaj n zardaris to lug a bags of gold around. you seen the movie mummy when the characters get greedy inside the pyramid for gold instead of taking abit and getting out quickly, they drown in the sand raining down on them.
Civilian Dictatorship who have basic support from every province

I wanted to write this for a long time but was a bit afraid of reaction from the readers. But now after observing what's happening to Pakistan lately, I cannot wait any longer. So lets start:

1) Economy
No nation can survive without building sustainable economy. State of Pakistan failed to do just that. Since its inception it has not tried to build competitive industries to make goods for exports. Until Dhaka fall in 1971 majority of Pakistan's exports was jute and since then garment products. That's just not enough to cover import bill for a nation that has no check on its growing population. Since early 90s Pakistan's productivity and thus exports has been consistently falling against its regional peers.
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Putting the country on sustainable growth path is responsibility of the state not govt, as govts come and go but state is always there. So the state of Pakistan has clearly failed to fulfill its basic responsibility of putting together a sustainable economy and entire nation is paying its price through ever lasting inflation and other economic crisis that never go away.

2) Judiciary
No nation can survive without a functioning justice system. Recently it was revealed that Pakistan came at 130th place out of 139 in adherence to rule of law.

It is responsibility of the state to provide equal justice for all. And considering above ranking and daily pathetic verdicts from Pakistani courts, it is clear as daylight that the state has failed to fulfill its basic responsibility in justice area as well.

3) Politics
No nation can survive without a stable political system. Unfortunately for Pakistan its entire history has been marred in political instability. Military coups, judicial coups, dynastic coups that's how you sum up entire political history of Pakistan. It's responsibility of the state to conduct free and fair elections, follow people's mandate as enshrined in constitution, and ensure the political system's continuity. Clearly the state of Pakistan has failed in all three.

As you can see the failure of Pakistan is not economic, judicial or political. It's a state failure. Pakistanis must reform their state structure to fix rest of the mess. Good luck!
dude, at least we had good manufacturing for import substation
now de-industrialization is resulting in no import substitution
I wanted to write this for a long time but was a bit afraid of reaction from the readers. But now after observing what's happening to Pakistan lately, I cannot wait any longer. So lets start:

1) Economy
No nation can survive without building sustainable economy. State of Pakistan failed to do just that. Since its inception it has not tried to build competitive industries to make goods for exports. Until Dhaka fall in 1971 majority of Pakistan's exports was jute and since then garment products. That's just not enough to cover import bill for a nation that has no check on its growing population. Since early 90s Pakistan's productivity and thus exports has been consistently falling against its regional peers.
View attachment 843261View attachment 843262
Putting the country on sustainable growth path is responsibility of the state not govt, as govts come and go but state is always there. So the state of Pakistan has clearly failed to fulfill its basic responsibility of putting together a sustainable economy and entire nation is paying its price through ever lasting inflation and other economic crisis that never go away.

2) Judiciary
No nation can survive without a functioning justice system. Recently it was revealed that Pakistan came at 130th place out of 139 in adherence to rule of law.

It is responsibility of the state to provide equal justice for all. And considering above ranking and daily pathetic verdicts from Pakistani courts, it is clear as daylight that the state has failed to fulfill its basic responsibility in justice area as well.

3) Politics
No nation can survive without a stable political system. Unfortunately for Pakistan its entire history has been marred in political instability. Military coups, judicial coups, dynastic coups that's how you sum up entire political history of Pakistan. It's responsibility of the state to conduct free and fair elections, follow people's mandate as enshrined in constitution, and ensure the political system's continuity. Clearly the state of Pakistan has failed in all three.

As you can see the failure of Pakistan is not economic, judicial or political. It's a state failure. Pakistanis must reform their state structure to fix rest of the mess. Good luck!

0. Jinnah died too soon. Not your fault but still a reason. Those who came in the power vaccuum were land lords. India's Hindu rate of growth was Neheru's fault but to say the least he and IG chewed up all of old land lords. Compounding the problem, Jinnah's bloodline did not go further. His daughter went to India, married to a powerful Parsee family. There was no IG in Jinnah family to succeed.
1. Expenses on Defence. For a developing country 4% + of GDP on defence is steep. BD for instance does 1.3%
2. Land reforms have been delayed for too long and that allowed land lords to become polticians meaning old leeches are new leeches. India did that and captured lands of land lords with ceiling on farm land.
3. Defence forces was never made sub-ordinate to civilians in practice. Forces are doing too much civilian work. They should be doing defence. This means businesses and hence opportunites are limited forces. India did this. This is why no coup in India.
4. No proper border protection on Afghanistan end. Too many refugees and illegal immigrants.
5. Too strong leanings in one camp. USA in past, now China/Russia. You need to play both.
6. No proper use of LDC status. BD did this.
7. Too less expenditure on education. 2.3 % of GDP India does 3.5% -- not massive but still more.
8. Leaving Punjab, almost all of the provinces are very less developed. Balochistan and KPK have massive mineral resources but unutilized.

One can curse Nehru-Gandhi family as much as one wants, but compared to kind of cartoons that you see in Pakistan's politics, these were like saints. At least Neheru and IG blindly followed socialism and nationalized every god damn asset of Land Lords and Old money people in India. In Pakistan what happened was a gang of thieves and snakes that slowly but surely got power before anyone could defang them and make them pay.
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Nobody's even talking about how RACISM is a huge problem in our country. The soft word for RACISTS in Pakistan is "Baradari" and this ugly and outdated concept prevails over everything else which is why our system is ROTTEN inside out. Until and unless this is addressed Pakistan has no future. We talk the talk but we can't walk the walk.

And yeah, Ganja and co, Zardari etc etc also need to be put behind bars for life.
Its akin to the caste system, we still haven't gotten past that mentality. Getting rid of such a system that's so engrained in our society is much easier said then done
It is strange to see that Pakistan was so ahead in exports to GDP before 2000. What were the exports then?
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