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Pakistan Army takes notice of Propaganda Campaign to Defame armed forces: ISPR

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Yeh.. that tells they are actually concerned about #امپورٹڈ_حکومت_نامنظور. I don't know why.
They are playing the same emotion card, we are the army we protect Pakistan, we give lives etc... yes that's what your job is, but when Army as a institution subscribe to people and conspire against the same country they swore an oath to protect than even the institution loses its respect, the more the react the more people's doubt will increase and the more they will insult them, That is why it is so so so important that top Generals just forcefully retire Bajwa before he ruined the institution and its respect within the common Pakistani.

Beyond depressing - to call a formations conference for Social Media trends is shocking (though not surprising because he is loosing respect among his command).

I am sick to my stomach on what is becoming of the institution. The COAS as a position wields too much influence even within the institution.

Bajwa needs to be graceful and not panic. If he wants any remnants of a legacy he needs to make sure he avoids such idiocies which the "yes sir" brigade will be filling his ears with.

DGISPR is not his personal PR agency and he needs to avoid using it as such. It will just exacerbate the problem. He needs to issue a well worded PR explaining his personal office's position in clear terms upto and right after the removal of the sitting PM.

The advice he needs to follow which will be the best for him personally and for the army is as follows:

He should avoid any knee jerk reactions
Avoid TV time
Avoid meeting any politicians and foreign political personalities
Focus immediately on war fighting / training type of optics
Talk about his completion of service
Talk about strategy for army and 10 Year evolution plans
Make sure the entire machinery of Intel and Armed forces protect the physical well-being of IK

He needs to find a graceful path out. The land is too scorched, and emotions can erupt at any moment.

One call from IK (which is unlikely), or in the case of his untimely and permanent exit, by one of IK's emotional workers - for people to "OIL THEIR MACHINES", and not a single institution of power will survive. People have little idea on the powder keg we are sitting on, and chasing little girls on social media shows me the depth of intellectual weakness that pervades.

This is exactly the time our enemy will try and take advantage of. If I was India, I would go after IK and watch Pakistan burn.

This deserves a separate thread!
Why don't these chaps take note of increased border attacks and activities related. Bajwa had to bring all the boys out to sign a loyalty card for him yet no one cares about the average foot soldier.

^^^ Here is the answer to the main and most primary questions in the minds of publics. I do think there was an international push involved in this quick regime change. That is why American leadership was meeting the lowest level of MPAs who later went rouge. However the main problem is, that our establishment was involved and it thinks that civil leadership in not capable of leading the country, they must steer it themselves. And that we must stay with US, their financial system and stay in their camp. We need their weapons etc so can't annoy US lords. I think, army leadership is acting like thick heads who are gutless themselves. They don't have power to bring a much needed real change in the country and in their arrogance, they don't trust anyone else to bring about that change as well. They ended up resisting a real organic change brought by the nation because they were so risk averse. They are so complacent that they'd rather topple a government to restore their much desired sense of safety(false safety) than assist the government bring about that change.

I think it was Imran Khan against the western socio-financial and political system, vs establishment, vs corrupt opposition, vs corrupt institutions.

I hope army realises that they can't continue like this. people of Pakistan want a debt free, independent Pakistan and IMF system can not allow us to ever achieve that!
It really is organic, people come out from their houses by themselves, without anyone calling them. There is a feeling of nationalism that comes to mind. It is this that resonates in the ears of our institute and might be the reason why General Bajwa decided not to attend the SS PM awards ceremony.
Today, we experience the feeling that Bangladeshi people asked the same questions in 1971 and that it was the same for Americans during the civil rights era. As a nation, we are proud to admit that we are ready to change our mindset. Despite a lot of potential, we never had an effective leader. However, now that we have one, we do not wish to lose it again.
Listen to the spirit of the nation on Saya e Khuda e Zuljalal. This is the only true organic beat of the nation. I think the institute should pay attention to it and act wisely otherwise no one will like what has happened in Bangladesh Chemistry.

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The sad part in all this is none of the bystanders came and beat the MNAs rather they stood by seeing the Old Chacha fight it out, they lost a golden opportunity to trash the MNAs.
They probably feared getting arrested and even killed for it.
If something like that happened in front of me ever I wouldn’t hesitate a single second to crush the MNAs.
This is not propaganda u dumb property dealers, this is genuine ridicule. The nation genuinely thinks u ppl are traitors and have sold the country.
I pray Allah give us the strength and courage to smash all traitors and make Pakistan a truly independent nation.
This is not propaganda u dumb property dealers, this is genuine ridicule. The nation genuinely thinks u ppl are traitors and have sold the country.
I pray Allah give us the strength and courage to smash all traitors and make Pakistan a truly independent nation.
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