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Yea man, its a hit classic.
Do you remember Roona Laya's "Mauj uthay yaa aandhi aye"?

Thats was the hit song during the 1971 Civil War, East Pakistan was hit by a severe Tyfoon killing more than 100.000 civilians.
That explains the title of the song.
Here's one we used to sing (the only one that is not obscene :lol: ) It's a old folk song which was adapted from the time of Peninsular war in the 1800's

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isnt that Sean's drama about Irish soldiers under the Brit Command in the US.

Nope it's about the 95th known as the rifles. most of the series were based in Spain during the Peninsular war. There was a Irish character but generally they were English rather than Irish.

The series was called "Sharpe" and was original a book by Bernard Cornwell.
Its about a ordinary soldier given a command. And how other's ridicule him.I thought sean played a welsh/irish character.
Its about a ordinary soldier given a command. And how other's ridicule him.I thought sean played a welsh/irish character.

No he is a ranker (not a nobleman) that is why he gets crap. He supposed to be from the north of England (In the books he is apparently from the south). His colleague is an Irish man by the name of Harper who gets the abuse because he is Irish
It gets played in the History channel over here, I do see it here and there...
I am excited to place my goal that by June 5th, i will make sure that every part of the site (as far as the contents are concerned) be finished. People can join to help in this effort.
It basically shows which people are online, which you can see in the active users.
Indeed. Thanks!

Hopefully this structure will advance us further.
Post edits seem to hang up Webby. The editing window does not close whether you click on save or cancel - though the edit seems to go through.
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