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Mother, 20, is blackened with soot and paraded through a jeering crowd in India after being gang raped and tortured in revenge for rejecting teen boy

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Mother, 20, is blackened with soot and paraded through a jeering crowd in India after being gang raped and tortured in revenge for rejecting a teen boy's advances​

  • Mother-of-one, 20, gang raped and tortured in Delhi, India, before being attacked by crowd
  • She was targeted by a family who blamed her for the suicide of their relative, a teenage boy
  • Police arrested 11 people, including nine women and two minors, after the horrific attack

PUBLISHED: 16:51 EST, 28 January 2022 | UPDATED: 10:19 EST, 29 January 2022

A 20-year-old mother-of-one was gang raped and tortured before she was dragged through a jeering crowd that attacked her.
Police arrested 11 people, including nine women and minors, after the horrific scenes on Wednesday in Delhi, India.
The woman was reportedly abducted from her home by four men and raped.

Her head was shaved and her face blackened with soot before she was paraded on foot as the crowd jeered her.

The gang rape was allegedly an act of revenge by the family of a teenage boy who took his own life last November after the woman, who is married and has a three-year-old son, turned him down.


A 20-year-old mother-of-one (centre, in pink) was gang raped and tortured before she was dragged through a crowd in Delhi, India

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A 20-year-old mother-of-one (centre, in pink) was gang raped and tortured before she was dragged through a crowd in Delhi, India
People were seen filming the attack on their phones as she was struck and jeered at

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People were seen filming the attack on their phones as she was struck and jeered at

A huge crowd lined the streets as the young mother was forced on a humiliating parade

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A huge crowd lined the streets as the young mother was forced on a humiliating parade
The boy's family had reportedly threatened the woman before, forcing her to move home.
The victim's sister, 18, said the teenage boy had fallen in love with her and his family blamed the 20-year-old woman for his death.
'[He] fell in love with her,' she told NewsLaundry. 'He used to keep calling and asking her to leave her husband and be with him. She would always refuse.'



Her face was reportedly blackened by soot and she was forced to wear a 'garland of slippers''garland of slippers'

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Her face was reportedly blackened by soot and she was forced to wear a 'garland of slippers'
People smiled as she was lead through the crowd by a woman dressed in orange. Police said they had arrested 11 people, including nine women

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People smiled as she was lead through the crowd by a woman dressed in orange. Police said they had arrested 11 people, including nine women
Footage went viral of the victim being hauled through the streets while being hit and jeered.
Responding to the video, women's rights activist Yogita Bhayana said: 'The incident in Delhi's Kasturbanagar left me speechless.
'Some women kept walking her around for two hours! All the women involved must be arrested and severely punished.'
Delhi police said they were investigating and expected to arrest more people soon.
Women's rights activist Yogita Bhayana (pictured left at a previous anti-rape protest) said the gang-rape and parade 'left me speechless' and called for the arrest of all involved's rights activist Yogita Bhayana (pictured left at a previous anti-rape protest) said the gang-rape and parade 'left me speechless' and called for the arrest of all involved

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Women's rights activist Yogita Bhayana (pictured left at a previous anti-rape protest) said the gang-rape and parade 'left me speechless' and called for the arrest of all involved
The city's chief minister, Arvind Kejriwal, said the attack was 'shameful'.
The victim is thought to be in a stable condition and is being guarded by police in a safe house in Delhi.
India is known for having an endemic issue around sexual violence, particularly rape, which gained prominence after the horrific 2012 Delhi gang rape on board a bus during which a female student was killed.
Though the issue frequently makes headlines in India following that attack, tens of thousands of rapes are still reported each year - with many tens of thousands more suspected to go un-reported.
Despite pledges by politicians and police chiefs to take offences more seriously, the conviction rate for reported rapes in India remains below 30 per cent and has done for at least the last decade.
India also has a particular problem with sexual violence against minors, with around a fifth of victims in any given year being under the age of 18.
Not taliban but RSS should be bigger problem for international community
Nine women involved as well…..So much for sisterhood.
I hope they find there vile savages.
From what it looks like and I may be wrong then lady who was attacking is from a very poor family, hence this mob doing as they please.
Let's condemn this act but let's not turn this thing into an India /Pakistan thing.
This kind of sickening shit happens both sides of the border and needs to be condemned by all.
I hope the perpetrators are held to account.
Let's condemn this act but let's not turn this thing into an India /Pakistan thing.
This kind of sickening shit happens both sides of the border and needs to be condemned by all.
I hope the perpetrators are held to account.
Dude I am literally tired of this both sides of the border, sam 2 sam, libtard BS
Gawd f ing stop it already

No, f no
crowds gethering watching gang rapes together, parading women like this,
It's very very uncommon, we are not saints but this shits of the charts

Stop the Sam 2 sam too, please grow up
A- Not only is it factually true


B- they don't call Sam 2 Sam to Pakistanis, they say terrorists country or some crap like that
Only time they call sam 2 Sam is to steal culture or history

Sam 2 Sam is an exploitative exercise in nature but unfortunately Pakistanis keep falling for it every time

Positive things of Pak Sam 2 sam
Negative things of Pak - terrorist country

Learn to give the same treatment
Dude I am literally tired of this both sides of the border, sam 2 sam, libtard BS
Gawd f ing stop it already

No, f no
crowds gethering watching gang rapes together, parading women like this,
It's very very uncommon, we are not saints but this shits of the charts

Stop the Sam 2 sam too, please grow up
A- Not only is it factually true

View attachment 812307
B- they don't call Sam 2 Sam to Pakistanis, they say terrorists country or some crap like that
Only time they call sam 2 Sam is to steal culture or history

Sam 2 Sam is an exploitative exercise in nature but unfortunately Pakistanis keep falling for it every time

Positive things of Pak Sam 2 sam
Negative things of Pak - terrorist country

Learn to give the same treatment
In your haste to tarnish a country you consider your enemy, you forget the human and social impact of this behaviour, the misery it causes on both sides of the border. You are doing Pakistan no favours by brushing our own shortcomings under the carpet. If anything, you should be highlighting injustices in Pakistan more so that they can be eradicated.
If the truth is told, there is very little, if any, difference in mentality in any country in the subcontinent be it India /Pakistan /Bangladesh /Burma etc.
I'm not going to indulge in double standards and I'm not compromise my own principles.
The most valuable thing I own is my conscience.
The so called human right and free western countries will never raise a question about such incident thru diplomatic channel.
West never goes after its loyal doggies.

Let's condemn this act but let's not turn this thing into an India /Pakistan thing.
This kind of sickening shit happens both sides of the border and needs to be condemned by all.
I hope the perpetrators are held to account.
You have no idea how small events in Pakistan get promoted in international media that end up defining our character for a big part of the world. Indians do it and they have been doing it for decades. They operate in all major media outlets with the sole purpose of exposing every minor event in Pakistan. Nowadays they do the same with Chinese.
So if anything bad happens in India it is Indian specific and has nothing to do with what goes on in Pakistan or any other country.
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I wonder why the crowd is "enjoying" this whole ordeal
allegedly victim is Sikh .... but in any case it seems crowed psyche was at display they were enjoying the ordeal of a weak and undefended individual

Nine women involved as well
not nine ... hundred of women and young teenage boys are visible in the video.

literally women who were gathered there were thrashing her cursing, abusing and pushing her it was like they were enjoying this act, who knows they might have witnessed her getting gang raped. video is truly disgusting.
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There is simply no humanity left.

How can this be allowed. How does it benefit anyone or society? That poor poor girl
I wish Pakistan can be moved and slot in nicely in between Norway and Sweden and live happily ever after.

This region is full of psychotics. Is there something in the water?
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