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First contact with the China market - 120k cans (45t) of Afghan pine nuts sold out in a few minutes


Jul 21, 2021
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Livestream session helps sell 120,000 cans of Afghan pine nuts
A livestream session organized by China Media Group (CMG) on Saturday helped sell 120,000 cans of hand-peeled pine nuts from Afghanistan, with transactions hitting more than 10 million yuan ($1.56 million), underscoring efforts to help the Afghan people to overcome their economic difficulties.

The online sales session was hosted by livestream salesman Li Jiaqi and CMG reporter Wang Bingbing on the sidelines of the 4th China International Import Expo on Saturday night. Dozens of imported goodies from Japan, South Korea, Thailand and other countries, including 120,000 cans of pine nuts from Afghanistan, were sold out within minutes, according to media reports.

The event topped search trends on China's social media platform Sina Weibo on Sunday, with many netizens saying that they are looking forward to more Afghan products, as well as expressing their support for the country's practical actions to help Afghanistan's reconstruction after the US' withdrawal.

On November 1, the first cargo plane carrying 45 tons of Afghan pine nuts arrived at Shanghai Pudong International Airport, marking the first time Afghanistan has exported goods to China since the Afghan Taliban took power in the country.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the security situation in Afghanistan, exporting of pine nuts, a major income source for Afghan farmers, faces barriers. China, as one of the largest importers of Afghan pine nuts, restarted the air corridor between two countries, which will greatly improve the struggling Afghan economy, analyst said.

On November 2, Wang Wenbin, a spokesperson from China's Foreign Ministry, said that small pine nuts will bring a nice taste to Chinese people, as well as foreign exchange for Afghans, which will improve the livelihood of local farmers, adding bilateral agricultural trade was recovering.

Noting that cargo train between the two countries have continued operations, Wang said that the air corridor for pine nuts also reflects the steady development of economic and trade cooperation between China and Afghanistan, alongside the long-standing friendship between the people of the two countries.

Global Times

Selling price of Afghan pine nuts in China: 872.8CNY/550g (US $248 per kg)
good, afghans are suffering with predictions of something similar to Yemen taking place in Afghanistan
they need all the help they can get and business is better than aid
good, afghans are suffering with predictions of something similar to Yemen taking place in Afghanistan
they need all the help they can get and business is better than aid
Business is 10000000000 X better than aid. Trust me, I would much rather earn a sale of $1000, then get a one time donation of $10,000. One signals future opportunities and pride and the other signifies shame and a dead end.

The Chinese can easily outmatch India in terms of business opportunities for Afghanistan.

Once Afghanistan has a good trade going on with its immediate neighbors, Afghanistan will become a good neighbor.

Business interests has the kind of leverage few other things have.
$124 per pound! :hitwall: Filthy Rich Chinese!
Afghan pine nuts are high-end pine nuts, so they are very expensive.
Low end pine nuts are very cheap in the Chinese market, usually 13.2CNY/500g (US $4.1 per kilogram).
Operating low-end agricultural products in the Chinese market will not make money. The four major grain enterprises of ABCD International (American ADM, American bangji, American Cargill and French Louis Dafu) compete fiercely here, and the Chinese govt has been subsidizing Chinese farmers, so the price of low-end agricultural products here is very low.
To make money in China's agricultural market, Afghans must take the route of high-end products.
In China's 2021 Double 11 e-commerce shopping festival, Tmall sales reached 540.3 billion yuan (83.5 billion U.S. dollars) and Jingdong sales 349.1 billion yuan (54 billion U.S. dollars). The two e-commerce platforms totaled 137.5 billion U.S. dollars. :cheers:
Indian media people are one of the most disgusting creatures in the world
Our Afghan brothers need money to stand back at their feet. May Allah bless them with relief soon. It's good to know China came to help them. Thank you!
Livestream session helps sell 120,000 cans of Afghan pine nuts
A livestream session organized by China Media Group (CMG) on Saturday helped sell 120,000 cans of hand-peeled pine nuts from Afghanistan, with transactions hitting more than 10 million yuan ($1.56 million), underscoring efforts to help the Afghan people to overcome their economic difficulties.

The online sales session was hosted by livestream salesman Li Jiaqi and CMG reporter Wang Bingbing on the sidelines of the 4th China International Import Expo on Saturday night. Dozens of imported goodies from Japan, South Korea, Thailand and other countries, including 120,000 cans of pine nuts from Afghanistan, were sold out within minutes, according to media reports.

The event topped search trends on China's social media platform Sina Weibo on Sunday, with many netizens saying that they are looking forward to more Afghan products, as well as expressing their support for the country's practical actions to help Afghanistan's reconstruction after the US' withdrawal.

On November 1, the first cargo plane carrying 45 tons of Afghan pine nuts arrived at Shanghai Pudong International Airport, marking the first time Afghanistan has exported goods to China since the Afghan Taliban took power in the country.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the security situation in Afghanistan, exporting of pine nuts, a major income source for Afghan farmers, faces barriers. China, as one of the largest importers of Afghan pine nuts, restarted the air corridor between two countries, which will greatly improve the struggling Afghan economy, analyst said.

On November 2, Wang Wenbin, a spokesperson from China's Foreign Ministry, said that small pine nuts will bring a nice taste to Chinese people, as well as foreign exchange for Afghans, which will improve the livelihood of local farmers, adding bilateral agricultural trade was recovering.

Noting that cargo train between the two countries have continued operations, Wang said that the air corridor for pine nuts also reflects the steady development of economic and trade cooperation between China and Afghanistan, alongside the long-standing friendship between the people of the two countries.

Global Times

Selling price of Afghan pine nuts in China: 872.8CNY/550g (US $248 per kg)
View attachment 792427
Very expensive $250 per kilogram
chinese have money.
good, afghans are suffering with predictions of something similar to Yemen taking place in Afghanistan
they need all the help they can get and business is better than aid

Business is better than aid, In China, it is called hematopoietic poverty alleviation.
Our Afghan brothers need money to stand back at their feet. May Allah bless them with relief soon. It's good to know China came to help them. Thank you!

There is an Afghan Pushitu person named Ali who sells Afghan handmade carpets in China, and many Chinese media have promoted him.
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