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India to get most lethal and advance Cluster Bombs from USA


Oct 12, 2010
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India to get most lethal and advance Cluster Bombs from USA




The Indian Air Force(IAF) will soon receive one of the most lethal bombs in the world, the CBU-105 sensor fused weapon as the U.S. has cleared the sale of 510 of them to the IAF by awarding a $257.7 million contract to Textron Systems Corp., under the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program. The Textron contract was announced yesterday which means the Indo-U.S. deal for the same must have been inked sometimes earlier this year.

India had requested the sale of 510 sensor fused bombs, 19 CBU-105 integration test assets and associated equipment in 2008. At that time the cost of the deal was estimated at $375 million. The U.S. Defence and Security Cooperation Agency had then told the U.S. Congress that the sensor fused weapons would help India “to enhance its defensive ability to counter ground-armored threats. The missiles will asssit the IAF to develop and enhance standardization and operational ability with the U.S”.

India had sought offsets under this contract but it not yet clear if the same was agreed to as the technology is said to be a closely guarded U.S. secret with only close allies such as Korea and Israel receiving the same. The half-ton CBU-105 will most probably be launched from a heavy aircraft such as the SU-30MKI.

First used during the 2003 Iraq war, the CBU-105 Sensor Fuzed Weapon releases computer controlled and radar equipped submunitions that hunt for tanks below and destroy them. The CBU-105 can be used to attack formations of tanks or armoured vehicles. When dropped on an airfield it can cause extensive damage to the parked aircraft and runway.

The CBU-105 carries ten submunitions.

Each of these uses a parachute to slowly descend and seek out armored vehicles or tanks . If one is spotted, the guidance system maneuvers the submunition towards the vehicle and fires a shaped charge that is basically a bolt of molten metal travelling at high speed which penetrates the top armor of the vehicle damaging the insides. If the submunition radar does not spot a tank or other armored vehicle, it attacks any vehicle within a hundred meters or so. If there are no vehicles, the submunition detonates on the ground.

We should order 1000 more. :devil::devil:
is 510 good enough number....though these bombs are very lethal and do cause lot of civilian casualty post war....but can anyone throw some light on the numbers here???
1. Isn't it true that Cluster Bombs are supposedly banned by Civil world???

2. Its good to see these king of weapon in our armory, Few cluster bomb can destroy entire tank formation..

3. Hope it must not be used in civilian area. The damage will be catastrophic..

Its a very lethal bomb can be used against formations of tanks or armoured vehicles or enemy airbases.

Every bomb have 10 bombs. That means these 510 bombs can target 5000 targets :D from top on angle.

These will be very useful against Al-khalid or china.

We need at least 1000 more.
We should not waste money on fancy stuff like this,

we will not be using these bombs anyways.
1. Isn't it true that Cluster Bombs are supposedly banned by Civil world???

2. Its good to see these king of weapon in our armory, Few cluster bomb can destroy entire tank formation..

3. Hope it must not be used in civilian area. The damage will be catastrophic..


The war is itself something very deadly and ugly.

If someone is concern about the cluster bombs then try to denuclearize pakistan as they are the one who are making it on fanatical level and also openly issues threat to use them.

And no conventional bomb can be as harmful as nuke.

So no more emotions at the field of defense as we gonna face nukes.
The war is itself something very deadly and ugly.

If someone is concern about the cluster bombs then try to denuclearize pakistan as they are the one who are making it on fanatical level and also openly issues threat to use them.

And no conventional bomb can be as harmful as nuke.

So no more emotions at the field of defense as we gonna face nukes.

What is the source? any link?
Doesnt Pakistan product its own cluster bombs delivered by Mirage and may be by JF17?

While USA is beating the drums of normalizing indo-Pak relations and strategic dialogue with Pakistan the constant sale of advance weaponry to India ensures a dispatriate balance of power as encourage to India for attacking Pakistan under hyped up / false circumstances like mumbai terror drama. This is the two face duplicity of European colonials still prevailing over the world politics.
Its a very lethal bomb can be used against formations of tanks or armoured vehicles or enemy airbases.

Every bomb have 10 bombs. That means these 510 bombs can target 5000 targets :D from top on angle.

These will be very useful against Al-khalid or china.

We need at least 1000 more.

Wrong, because these cluster bombs are not precision guided but simply spread to an area. That means it might hit all targets, or even only half of them and that is the problem. The ammo that didn't hit the target often will be remain dangerous for civilians long after the initial war is over.
In times of precision guided weapons, unmanned aircrafts and vehicles such weapons are not needed anymore and India should move forward and ban them, instead of procuring more.
Unreal lolz the US and the of the world is trying to bann the bombs here they are trying to sell them to india and here is india trying to buy them ....
using/having cluster bombs should be banned . There are other more potent alternatives .
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