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Afghan Taliban says it sees China as a ''friend'', promises not to host Uyghur militants from Xinjiang

and Chinese believe this lie ?

TALIBAN will try to empoze its radical ideology on Turkish States Uzbekhstan , Turkmenistan , Kyrgyzstan even Kazakhstan ..... what a dirty game by The US and TALIBAN

Russia is so angry ...... Tajikistan is also at risk and Tajikistan mobilizes 20.000 troops to bolster its border

China is also at risk .... wait and see what will happen in the next 5-10 years

Afghanistan and region will be more worse than American invasion

USA's new dirty game is loading
Is Turkey afraid of the Taliban?
Not surprising at all but good to see that Taliban is not trying for Ummah and all. The Uighurs might've thought that it was only Taliban that can raise a voice and fight for them but it looks like even they wouldn't do that. I just hope that Taliban doesn't implement Shariah law if they come to power and make life hell for good citizens of Afghanistan.
Well you can't really discuss #FakeNews Uyghurs.... India is dead meat... These Talibs will come for the kafirs next in Kashmir and Delhi
Naa, they've called a truce with china and India for 'investments'. We're pretty sweet with it. As usual everyone will get what they want except you.
Theirs a reason why none takes these clowns seriously.

Everone takes us seriously bro, in fact so does Pakistan. You should know...you keep voting us into the UNSC every year.
Well you can't really discuss #FakeNews Uyghurs.... India is dead meat... These Talibs will come for the kafirs next in Kashmir and Delhi
You'll be using Taliban against us?
your lies and cheap propaganda wont work

Turkish Army is only Army in NATO that fought against ISIS in Syria
Turkish Army killed over 3.000 ISIS terrorists in Syria and we have lost 72 soldiers

Turkish Army cleaned Syrian cities Azaz,Dabıq,Rai,Jarablus and Al Bab from ISIS terrorists
therefore there were ISIS's 14 major terror attacks in Turkey

also Turkish Army kicked USA-France backed PKK/YPG Terrorists in Syria
also Turkish Army kicked Russia-İran backed ASSAD,IRGC,HEZBOL in Syria

in 3 military operations in Syria over 20.000 ISIS , PKK/YPG , ASSAD,IRGC,HEZBOL terrorists were killed by the Turkish Armed Forces

Afghanistan is not our war
Turkish Army never fire even one bullet against Afghan People and Taliban
Turkish Army is in Afghanistan for peacekeeper role

btw muslim Turkiye is not christian USA
almost 30% of Afghan People is TURK ( Khazar , Uzbek , Turkmen , etc )
if Turkish Army back Afghan Government and Afghan People , then Taliban will suck

as like USA-France backed PKK/YPG Terrorists in Syria sucked against Turkish Armed Forces
( 120.000+ PKK/YPG terrorists with 50.000+ of trucks of weapons can not fight with Turkish Army + 20.000 FSA fighters )

as like Russia-İran backed ASSAD,IRGC,HEZBOL in Syria sucked against Turkish Armed Forces in 3 days

as like France-The Uae-Egypt-Russia backed HAFTAR,WAGNER , etc sucked against Turkish Army + GNA in Libya

wth is Taliban ?
Afghan People so loves the Turks and Turkey

in 1990s Somalia was worse than Afhanistan
and Turkey turned Somalia into stable Country ... Turkey built airport,hospitals,roads,etc in Somalia
now there is Turkish military base in Somalia and Somalia is so happy

Turkey can do it in Afghanistan too

Ok my brother , Godspeed to you. When does the massive Turk army arrive to secure the airport ?
You'll be using Taliban against us?

why not ? if you can use TTP , BLA etc etc against us then why cant we use the Taliban ?
Is Turkey afraid of the Taliban?

No he means Taliban is afraid from Turkey
why not ? if you can use TTP , BLA etc etc against us then why cant we use the Taliban ?
And do you think Taliban will just quietly come to fight us? Wouldn't they want their worldviews to be imposed in Pakistan? Pakistan needs to make a choice but we'll have to wait and watch if they make the right one.
You'll be using Taliban against us?

No.... The Taliban will be using the Taliban against the Indians and their oppression of the Kashmiri.
And do you think Taliban will just quietly come to fight us? Wouldn't they want their worldviews to be imposed in Pakistan? Pakistan needs to make a choice but we'll have to wait and watch if they make the right one.

We just need to show them vids of Hindu extremist oppression of Muslims in India.... And let them do the rest...
The Taleban might end up using them for all sorts of things the way things are going 😅
Both Pakistan and Taliban use each other.

But I don't get this psyche of relying on others to do your job. It's basically using Taliban as cannon fodder for our army. And then the same people will talk about human rights violations for 'fellow Muslims' in Kashmir when they themselves use Muslims as cannon fodder.
the biggest fairy tale in the world is ISI. So completely ineffective. Even in this, after burning pak resources for decades, you are failing. Not one word from Taliban on India or Kashmir.

No need to. With indian terrorism and sabotage networks against Pakistan that were emanating from Afghanistan now in the process of being obliterated, Pakistan can now focus COMPLETELY on the threat on our Eastern border. The threat from our western border has been permanently neutralised............ :azn:
I get a feeling that Taliban v0.2 are far more refined and open to realpolitiks. 20 years in the mountains has given them much time to reflect. Also lot of their leaders are from the generation that grew up in Pakistan and even got educated there. Many speak English and are far more aware of the world. Taliban v0.1 literally were led village idiots.

CV of Suhail Shaheen.

haheen, Sohail
Ethnic backgr.Pashtun
Date of birth
Function/GradeTaliban Doha/Qatar Office political Spokesperson
History and Biodata 2. Previous Functions:
Taleban's 2nd Secretary and Deputy ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Afghan Embassy in Pakistan (20011115)
Former Chief Editor of the Kabul Times
Freelance Journalist
Taliban Doha/Qatar Office political Spokesperson (20130620, 20190422)
3. Biodata:

Sohail Shaheen Suhail Shaheen is a Totakhel Pashtun from Paktia. He was educated in Pakistan, in the International Islamic University in Islamabad and is known as a fluent English speaker and prolific writer. He edited the English-language, state-owned Kabul Times during the IEA, before being appointed to the Afghan Embassy in Pakistan as deputy ambassador. A story published about him in October 2001 in the wake of the 9/11 attacks provides some human details about the man.

After 2001, sources place him as living in the (Hezb-e Islami controlled) Shamshatu refugee camp in Peshawar where he wrote for a Hezbi newspaper and as having later worked for the United Nations in Pakistan.

Sohail Shaheen accompanied Taliban envoy Tayyab Agha, former private secretary to Mullah Omar, to meet representatives of the United States in Qatar in the beginning of December 2011 to hammer out details on the role of an office of the Emirate of Afghanistan in Doha, Qatar. Shahabudin Dilawar and Sohail Shaheen, both former Taliban diplomats in Pakistan, accompanied Tayyab Agha.

He speaks Pashtu and English
Afghan Taliban says it sees China as a ''friend'', promises not to host Uyghur militants from Xinjiang

By K J M Varma

Beijing, Jul 10 (PTI) The Taliban has said it sees China as a "friend" of Afghanistan and assured Beijing that it would not host Uyghur Islamic militants from the volatile Xinjiang province, which is a major worry for the Chinese government, according to a media report.

The comments came as the Taliban made territorial gains in the war-torn country amid the withdrawal of the US forces. China has already evacuated 210 of its nationals from Afghanistan by a chartered flight this week.

Beijing is concerned that under Taliban rule, Afghanistan will become a hub for the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), a separatist outfit aligned to Al-Qaeda which is waging an insurgency in Xinjiang.

The resource-rich Xinjiang shares about 8- km-long border with Afghanistan.

Playing down China’s concerns, the Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen said they see China as a “friend” to Afghanistan and is hoping to talk to Beijing about investing in reconstruction work “as soon as possible”.

Suhail also said the Taliban would no longer allow China’s Uyghur separatist fighters from Xinjiang, some of whom had previously sought refuge in Afghanistan, to enter the country.

The Taliban would also prevent al-Qaeda or any other terrorist group from operating there, he said.

“We have been to China many times and we have good relations with them,” Suhail told Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post, recalling the few meetings hosted by China in the past for Taliban delegations.

“China is a friendly country and we welcome it for reconstruction and developing Afghanistan,” he said adding that "If (the Chinese) have investments, of course, we will ensure their safety," Shaheen said.

Sharply critical of the US move to pull out its troops without stabilising the peace process in Afghanistan, China this week has asked its close ally Pakistan to step up cooperation to contain the security risks in the war-torn country following the withdrawal of the foreign forces.

"(China and Pakistan) need to defend regional peace together. Problems in Afghanistan are practical challenges that China and Pakistan both face," especially the expansion of both international and regional terrorism, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Tuesday addressing a meeting of the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations with Pakistan.

While the American troops'' withdrawal and resurgence of the Taliban should strategically benefit China as the Taliban shares close ties with Pakistan, both Islamabad and Beijing are concerned as they faced threats from the Islamic militant groups which were part of Al-Qaeda and Taliban.

China has been eying big scale investments in Afghanistan as the country has the world’s largest unexploited reserves of copper, coal, iron, gas, cobalt, mercury, gold, lithium and thorium, valued at over USD one trillion.

In 2011, the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) won a USD 400 million bid to drill three oil fields for 25 years, containing roughly 87 million barrels of oil.

Chinese firms have also gained rights to mine copper at Mes Aynak in Logar province, according to the Post report.

But observers say China will remain very cautious and concerned about the Taliban delivering on its promises.

“Whatever benign language the Taliban use, China remains highly concerned about the security situation there,” Andrew Small, a senior transatlantic fellow with the German Marshall Fund’s Asia Programme told the Post.

He said China’s biggest concern in its dealings with the Taliban had always been whether it was sheltering Uyghur separatists.

China''s crackdown in Xinjiang, observers say, has exasperated the resentment among native Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang. The US, the EU and international human rights organisations have accused Beijing of committing genocide in the province.

The 12th report of the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team of the UN last month confirmed the presence of ETIM militants in Afghanistan.

“The Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM) consists of several hundred members, located primarily in Badakhshan and neighbouring Afghan provinces," the report submitted to the UN Security Council said.

The report said that large numbers of Al-Qaeda fighters and other foreign extremist elements aligned with the Taliban are located in various parts of Afghanistan. PTI KJV NSA AKJ NSA

inveshment jaya ho gae, raphael kee tarah ..
Both Pakistan and Taliban use each other.

But I don't get this psyche of relying on others to do your job. It's basically using Taliban as cannon fodder for our army. And then the same people will talk about human rights violations for 'fellow Muslims' in Kashmir when they themselves use Muslims as cannon fodder.

india is welcome to step into the fray
I get a feeling that Taliban v0.2 are far more refined and open to realpolitiks. 20 years in the mountains has given them much time to reflect. Also lot of their leaders are from the generation that grew up in Pakistan and even got educated there. Many speak English and are far more aware of the world. Taliban v0.1 literally were led village idiots.

CV of Suhail Shaheen.

haheen, Sohail
Ethnic backgr.Pashtun
Date of birth
Function/GradeTaliban Doha/Qatar Office political Spokesperson
History and Biodata 2. Previous Functions:
Taleban's 2nd Secretary and Deputy ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Afghan Embassy in Pakistan (20011115)
Former Chief Editor of the Kabul Times
Freelance Journalist
Taliban Doha/Qatar Office political Spokesperson (20130620, 20190422)
3. Biodata:

Sohail Shaheen Suhail Shaheen is a Totakhel Pashtun from Paktia. He was educated in Pakistan, in the International Islamic University in Islamabad and is known as a fluent English speaker and prolific writer. He edited the English-language, state-owned Kabul Times during the IEA, before being appointed to the Afghan Embassy in Pakistan as deputy ambassador. A story published about him in October 2001 in the wake of the 9/11 attacks provides some human details about the man.

After 2001, sources place him as living in the (Hezb-e Islami controlled) Shamshatu refugee camp in Peshawar where he wrote for a Hezbi newspaper and as having later worked for the United Nations in Pakistan.

Sohail Shaheen accompanied Taliban envoy Tayyab Agha, former private secretary to Mullah Omar, to meet representatives of the United States in Qatar in the beginning of December 2011 to hammer out details on the role of an office of the Emirate of Afghanistan in Doha, Qatar. Shahabudin Dilawar and Sohail Shaheen, both former Taliban diplomats in Pakistan, accompanied Tayyab Agha.

He speaks Pashtu and English
He is also fluent in Urdu.
and Chinese believe this lie ?

TALIBAN will try to empoze its radical ideology on Turkish States Uzbekhstan , Turkmenistan , Kyrgyzstan even Kazakhstan ..... what a dirty game by The US and TALIBAN

Russia is so angry ...... Tajikistan is also at risk and Tajikistan mobilizes 20.000 troops to bolster its border

China is also at risk .... wait and see what will happen in the next 5-10 years

Afghanistan and region will be more worse than American invasion

USA's new dirty game is loading
Taliban of today is a bit different from Taliban of the 90,s

I would say for China and Pakistan they will be more reliable than the Ghani regime

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