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Sarkozy requested India to join UNSC as permanent member


Mar 5, 2010
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United Kingdom
In his press conference at ISRO, Sarkozy has requested India to join UNSC as a permanent member. He further says with out India, a country where 1/6th of the humanity reside, UNSC is not complete.

I think Sarkozy has gone a step ahead of Obama in his endorsement of India's UNSC candidature
We have the French and Brit support the Russians are backing us....
USA is talking favorably looks good for India.......
mind sharing the source?
have a look @
French Position

France wants the Security Council to adapt to the realities of the 21st century. It should remain the decision-making organ responsible for “the maintenance of international peace and security,” ensuring the Organization’s "prompt and effective action”, in accordance with the United Nations Charter (Article 24-1). It should better represent today’s world, while remaining capable of taking the necessary measures to confront the security challenges of the 21st century.
France is in favour of an expanded number of permanent and non-permanent seats in the Security Council, so that its composition takes into account the emergence of new powers that possess the willingness and capacity to assume significant responsibilities.
— France supports the accession of Germany, Brazil, India and Japan to permanent member status.
— France also supports an increased presence of African countries within the Security Council, in particular among its permanent members.
— There is also the question of the presence of an Arab State as part of the permanent members of the Security Council.

Launch of new negotiations in 2009 and French-UK proposal for an intermediate reform

Reform of the Security Council gathered new momentum with the launch of new negotiations at the General Assembly in February 2009.

Statements by Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the Republic, on the Security Council Reform

23 October 2010 - Speech delivered by Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the Republic: 13th Francophonie Summit, Montreux (Switzerlan)

Excerpt on the reform of the Security Council

Is it normal that there are no permanent Security Council members from Africa? A billion inhabitants - 2 billion in 30 years time - that are not permanently represented. That’s a scandal.
Is it normal that there are no permanent representatives from the South American continent in the Security Council? Not one! Is it normal that a country like India, which will soon be the most populous country in the world, isn’t represented? And is it normal that there are countries that are not represented but which play a decisive role in the global economy – I’m thinking of Japan and Germany – because their leaders made poor decisions during the Second World War? This is the 21st Century, it’s not the 20th Century any more.
Mrs. President, I noted your concerns with respect to the fact that a small number of States would be responsible for resolving issues that concern – you’re right - all States in the world. But let’s now have the courage to see things through. I believe in the G192 provided it has the courage to make decisions! And the system of “not making a decision unless everyone is in agreement” is doomed to failure since it’s a system that will pave the way for inaction, conservatism and thus to the emergence of those who want to do nothing. We don’t have any choice. If we want to keep this system, we need to reform it and the interim reform of the Security Council, I’m telling you, is vital.
Basically they r supporting everyone :) & are playing safe
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French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Saturday expressed his country’s full support to the development of India’s civil nuclear programme but felt access to this industry was “restricted."

Soon after he arrived here on a four-day visit, Mr. Sarkozy also backed India’s entry into the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) and its case for a permanent membership of the expanded United Nations Security Council UNSC), saying it was “unthinkable” to keep a country of over one billion out.:tup:

“France is a friend of India. It [France] will stand with it [India] in its efforts in developing non-polluting energy and nuclear industry,” the French President said addressing scientists at the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

France to support India's NSG candidacy

“We need to put an end to nuclear isolation of India. It was injustice done to India, challenging your right to access civil nuclear energy,” Mr. Sarkozy, who is on his second visit to India, said.

India is now going to be a full-fledged member of the multilateral groups overseeing non-proliferation regimes, he said adding France would support India’s application for candidacy of NSG.

Mr. Sarkozy noted with “delight” that a French company Areva would be setting up a nuclear plant at Jaitapur in Maharashtra that would go on to produce 10,000 MWe of “non-polluting” energy.

Speaking of France’s relationship with India, Mr. Sarkozy said that his country has been a good friend of India. “We don’t speak in two languages. We mean what we say.”

'Cannot afford Taliban to make a comeback'

Condemning the 26/11 attacks, he said any such strike on India was an attack on democracy and all democracies stand by India. “When India is attacked, it is democracy attacked,” he said.

He observed that terrorism emanating from Pakistan and Afghanistan is a “major source of instability” in the world.

Talking about Afghanistan, he praised India’s role and said the world cannot afford to lose the war against Taliban.

“We cannot afford to allow Taliban to comeback. No one stand benefited if civil war raises its ugly head...we must succeed,” he said.

Noting that one cannot stand still if India wants to move ahead in the 21st century, he said, “India, Brazil, Germany, Japan, some representatives of Africa and Arab world must be in UN Security Council.”

Sarkozy praises Manmohan Singh's vision

Mr. Sarkozy showered praise on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh saying the Indian leader was obsessed with peace through development and eradication of poverty.

“I have great admiration for Prime Minister Singh. I value his friendship. He is right in believing in peace and stability. India’s challenge is that if you succeed through peace, it will have a huge knock-out effect on the world,” he said.

India and France are united by common values and believe that international relations should not be governed by brutality or force and it should be based on dialogue and rule of law, Mr. Sarkozy said adding the relationship between the two countries should go much further.

Appreciating India’s growth, he said its voice has to be heard in the global level. “We need India to regulate the world monetary order. I believe Indian currency will be counted as one of major currencies,” he said.

On the education sector, Mr. Sarkozy said he expected a three-fold growth in the number of Indian students going to France. “We want to train young Indians in our universities and open our research facilities for them. I very much hope that the reverse will also be true,” he said.

Basically they r supporting everyone :) & are playing safe

Or, they are supporting the idea of a broader UNC reform, where at least 1 country from each continent will be added, instead of just a few countries with big economies!
India, Germany, Brazil and Japan are supporting such a reform too, but especially the US will have problems with that, by the fact that they have to share the power with even more nations than before.

IMO, such a big reform is desperately needed to make the UN really usefull and able to work as a power above single countries. What we have now is a big joke, the UN can't do anything, not even give a formal statement against any country. When they want to say anything agains Israel, the US will vetos it, now when they want to say something against N. Korea, China vetos it. Not to forget those that even with a clear UN decleration against a war in Iraq, the US ignored it and that they are spying UN members as the wikileaks excerpts shows, isn't new at all. The Bush administration sent spys to Kofi Annan in the past too.
France President Nicolas Sarkozy & his wife Carla Bruni-Sarkozy are greeted with flowers as they arrive at the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) in Bangalore.


Or, they are supporting the idea of a broader UNC reform, where at least 1 country from each continent will be added, instead of just a few countries with big economies!
India, Germany, Brazil and Japan are supporting such a reform too, but especially the US will have problems with that, by the fact that they have to share the power with even more nations than before.

IMO, such a big reform is desperately needed to make the UN really usefull and able to work as a power above single countries. What we have now is a big joke, the UN can't do anything, not even give a formal statement against any country. When they want to say anything agains Israel, the US will vetos it, now when they want to say something against N. Korea, China vetos it. Not to forget those that even with a clear UN decleration against a war in Iraq, the US ignored it and that they are spying UN members as the wikileaks excerpts shows, isn't new at all. The Bush administration sent spys to Kofi Annan in the past too.

And how will adding more permanant members without ending veto powers fix the issues you pointed out?

If anything, the fact that India and some other nations are insistent on permanant membership with veto power, the sorts of reforms being demanded by India would only serve to make the UN even less efficient and cause even more logjams as more countries exercise veto powers to stifle and slow issues they disagree with.
And how will adding more permanant members without ending veto powers fix the issues you pointed out?

If anything, the fact that India and some other nations are insistent on permanant membership with veto power, the sorts of reforms being demanded by India would only serve to make the UN even less efficient and cause even more logjams as more countries exercise veto powers to stifle and slow issues they disagree with.

Of course without veto power! The issue is to have a permanent UNC that reflects the whole world (as I said at least from all continents) added by some non permanent countries and not only 5 specific countries only, with full power in their hand. Nothing will change of course if the veto power will be retained, but especially the US will have big problems with that.
USA, FRANCE, UK , CHINA and Russia Backing Us For the UNSC Permanent Seat... Good Too see that they trust us... Lets See what Happens, We Need to Increase Our Pace And Grow Even Faster....
And how will adding more permanant members without ending veto powers fix the issues you pointed out?

If anything, the fact that India and some other nations are insistent on permanant membership with veto power, the sorts of reforms being demanded by India would only serve to make the UN even less efficient and cause even more logjams as more countries exercise veto powers to stifle and slow issues they disagree with.

The whole story of UNSC reforms is not to make UNSC more efficient, but to make more representative and democratic
Of course without veto power! The issue is to have a permanent UNC that reflects the whole world (as I said at least from all continents) added by some non permanent countries and not only 5 specific countries only, with full power in their hand. Nothing will change of course if the veto power will be retained, but especially the US will have big problems with that.

I doubt whether India would agree for an UNSC seat without veto
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