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Saudi Arabia donates oxygen to India

good going SA.... anyway, S.Asians like west too much that on the first invite, dehli will go to US side.
good going SA.... anyway, S.Asians like west too much that on the first invite, dehli will go to US side.

Unfortunately the US doesnt care about Dehli.

Another Bollywood Bubble Busted for Indians.
Doesn't matter. It is KSA who is our partner, they could be Scientologists for all we care.
You may not....but bjp Hindu nutter do. For them its shameful that at the end its Muslim that help.
Modi follower telling Pakistanies that now you will have modi vaccine they are still not ashamed by accepting muslim oxygen..
Why indian always talk big and they always fall on their faces. I bet they will still hate more SA.
You may not....but bjp Hindu nutter do. For them its shameful that at the end its Muslim that help.
No they don't. There's a reason why Modi visited KSA and UAE without any hesitation. They are partner countries and important actors in the region.
No they don't. There's a reason why Modi visited KSA and UAE without any hesitation. They are partner countries and important actors in the region.

They are Muslims.

Your people are running pogroms in India against Muslims.

You accept help from muslim countries and kill muslims in your country.

The West didnt help you, so when muslim countries help you, you start calling them partners.

Even China who killed your soldiers didnt stop you hypocrites from doing bussiness with them

The Reason West showed you hypocrites a middle finger while you are waiting for them to help you.

Now go bask in this Muslims Oxygen Indian.
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You continue to astound me with your lack of education. India has been calling UAE and KSA as partners long before they extended any help to us, which is now. Just like when the Arab princess was in the Indian Ocean, we extended help to them by sending our military resources. Just how India sent covid vaccine to UAE a few months back.

Your 'Muslim vision' leads you to only see half the reality. I don't expect you to be aware or even educated, but on the flip side, don't try to share your pearls of wisdom on how to conduct state craft to us.

Obviously you are astound because your bollywood bubble was shattered by the West when you Indians were screaming about Quad and the West just refused to help you.

I remmber how Modi was shivering with Fear when Trump said India will have consequences if they stop out hydrooxychloroquine. Thats what your worth is infront of West.

You guys are nothing but cheap labour to GCC. Why not call China your Strategic Partner, after all you hypocrites never stopped doing bussiness with them even after they killed your soldiers and captured your land.

You people are such hypocrites that you were blaming tabiligis for spreading covid last year yet now you pay the price of Kumbh Mela and Shahi Asnans.

Please keep your Indian BS wisdom of pearls to yourself bharati.

Your hypocrisy overwhelmes your curry stench.
Obviously you are astound because your bollywood bubble was shattered by the West when you Indians were screaming about Quad and the West just refused to help you.

I remmber how Modi was shivering with Fear when Trump said India will have consequences if they stop out hydrooxychloroquine. Thats what your worth is infront of West.

You guys are nothing but cheap labour to GCC. Why not call China your Strategic Partner, after all you hypocrites never stopped doing bussiness with them even after they killed your soldiers and captured your land.

You people are such hypocrites that you were blaming tabiligis for spreading covid last year yet now you pay the price of Kumbh Mela and Shahi Asnans.

Please keep your Indian BS wisdom of pearls to yourself bharati.

Your hypocrisy overwhelmes your curry stench.
Sigh. You keep jumping from one thing to another. First you said how 'Muslim countries' are partners because they help India and I showed to you that they have been our partners for a long before this and we have helped them as well. That's what partners do.

Then you fail to understand that only you think they are 'Muslim countries helping us'.Because that's not how even UAE or KSA connect or communicate with us. When they do us a solid, they don't say Muslims are helping you, they say UAE or KSA is doing this. Likewise, when India does them one in return, we don't say we did Muslims a favour. We do it for KSA/UAE.

Stop living in the reflected glory of others and build your own identity.

Secondly, I don't know what obsession you have with Quad and Bollywood. I don't think you understand these terms and what each of them are for.

Lastly, I wonder why you keep mentioning curry repeatedly as though you don't eat curry. Let's not forget that Afghans call you dhaal-khor. :lol:

Your opinion on how India manages its international relations is not solicited. If you really want to influence global policies, start joining the Labbaik group on the streets. That way, at least Pakistan might listen.
Sigh. You keep jumping from one thing to another. First you said how 'Muslim countries' are partners because they help India and I showed to you that they have been our partners for a long before this and we have helped them as well. That's what partners do.

Then you fail to understand that only you think they are 'Muslim countries helping us'.Because that's not how even UAE or KSA connect or communicate with us. When they do us a solid, they don't say Muslims are helping you, they say UAE or KSA is doing this. Likewise, when India does them one in return, we don't say we did Muslims a favour. We do it for KSA/UAE.

Stop living in the reflected glory of others and build your own identity.

Secondly, I don't know what obsession you have with Quad and Bollywood. I don't think you understand these terms and what each of them are for.

Lastly, I wonder why you keep mentioning curry repeatedly as though you don't eat curry. Let's not forget that Afghans call you dhaal-khor. :lol:

Your opinion on how India manages its international relations is not solicited. If you really want to influence global policies, start joining the Labbaik group on the streets. That way, at least Pakistan might listen.

Okay let me get this straight.

An Indian on a Pakistani Forum is telling us that we are obsessed about India is the Joke of the Century.

Now moving on to Muslim countries as your partners. Listen Bharati, I never called muslim countries as your partners.

I said the West gave you a middle Finger because they dont want to help you, so when gulf countries helped you so start calling them your strategic partners <<<--- whereas your just cheap labour to them.

Now if you consider KSA and UAE as your partners than why dont you consider China as your strategic partner? I mean you were doing bussiness with them even after they butchered your soldiers and captured your land??...No??

Now I can understand your predicament about Quad. You promises about containing a country your PM wouldnt even name made you think you had some leverage over them.

Unfortunately a middle finger for Indians once again at the time when you need them.

And please, everyone knows who the afghanis call Dal Khors, so stop embarrassing yourself.

The curry is something associated with Indians. The curry stenc h is pretty famous that oozes off from you hyprocrites.

To be honest, I dont give a rats arse about India , Indians or how they manage International Relationship. So dont bore me how cheap labours are somehow so important to the world.

So Next time you post your garbage about anybody Listenning to Pakistanis, know this you Indian. Your people are dying like dogs. No oxygen, no vaccine and no support.

Instead of posting garbage about supapowa 2020, help your people you pathetic Indian.
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No they don't. There's a reason why Modi visited KSA and UAE without any hesitation. They are partner countries and important actors in the region.
Admit it ultimately you can't do without Muslims.. he visited ksa and UAE because he wants Muslims to employ more Indians
Excellent. Gratitude to our partners, the KSA.
BJP MP Tejasvi Surya’s old tweet on Arab women sparks backlash,

BJP MP Tejasvi Surya’s old tweet on Arab women sparks backlash, Indian envoy appeals for restraint
A file photo of Tejasvi Surya. | Tejasvi Surya/Twitter
Bharatiya Janata Party MP Tejasvi Surya’s derogatory tweet from 2015 on Arab women has resurfaced on social media, triggering severe backlash.
The tweet, which has now been deleted, began doing the rounds after a business person in Dubai, Noora AlGhurair, posted a screenshot of it, Deccan Herald reported on Tuesday. In the post, Surya claimed to have cited controversial television personality and writer Tarek Fateh. “95% Arab women have never had an orgasm in the last few hundred years!” the BJP leader’s tweet read. “Every mother has produced kids as act of sex and not love.”


Pity Ur upbringing @Tejasvi_Surya that respect for women couldn’t be instilled in U despite India having some great female leaders .Please note if someday the govt bestows a foreign ministry to you, avoid travelling to Arab lands. You are not welcome here. This will be remembered pic.twitter.com/KJJlqJL5tR
— Noora AlGhurair (@AlGhurair98) April 19, 2020
The BJP leader, who became an MP last year, deleted the tweet after it attracted widespread criticism. However, archived comments tweeted by social media users showed that he had attempted to justify what he had said, according to The Telegraph. “I have merely stated what Tarek Fatah said,” Surya had tweeted before removing the post. “Having said that, I agree with him that Islamofascism is [a] grave threat to civilisation.”
Surya has now defended his statement saying that the tweet was posted when he had not begun his career as a politician. “Must I even react to something from when I was not in public life?” he told Deccan Herald. “The same happened even during the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. So, I guess this is going to be an annual fixture.”
The BJP MP’s secretary Aravind S told The Telegraph that the post had cited the Pakistani-Canadian journalist’s quote to Swarajya magazine for its March 2015 edition.

The resurfaced tweet sparked strong reactions from Arab nationals. “Pity your upbringing Tejasvi Surya that respect for women couldn’t be instilled in you despite India having some great female leaders,” AlGhurair tweeted. “Please note if some day the government bestows a foreign ministry to you, avoid travelling to Arab lands. You are not welcome here. This will be remembered.”

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