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Two killed, several injured in knife attack in Nice France


Oct 16, 2014
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
An attacker with a knife killed two people and wounded several others at a church in the French city of Nice on Thursday, French media and police said, in an incident the city's mayor described as terrorism.

Mayor Christian Estrosi said on Twitter the knife attack had happened in or near the city's Notre Dame church and that police had detained the attacker.
Police said two people were confirmed to have died after the attack.
The attack comes while France is still reeling from the beheading earlier this month of French middle school teacher Samuel Paty by a man of Chechen origin.

The attacker had said he wanted to punish Paty for showing pupils cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad in a civics lesson.

It was not immediately clear what the motive was for the Nice attack, or if there was any connection to the cartoons, which Muslims consider to be blasphemous.

Since Paty's killing, French officials - backed by many ordinary citizens - have re-asserted the right to display the cartoons, and the images have been widely displayed at marches in solidarity with the killed teacher.
That has prompted an outpouring of anger in parts of the Muslim world, with some governments accusing French leader Emmanuel Macron of pursuing an anti-Islam agenda.

Three dead in knife attack in French church, woman beheaded


Police officers secure the area after a reported knife attack at Notre Dame church in Nice, France, October 29, 2020.

An attacker with a knife killed three people, including a woman who was decapitated, at a church in the French city of Nice on Thursday, police said, in an incident the city's mayor described as terrorism.

Mayor Christian Estrosi said on Twitter the knife attack had happened in or near the city's Notre Dame church and that police had detained the attacker.

Police said two people were confirmed to have died in the attack and several were injured.

A police source said a woman was decapitated. French politician Marine Le Pen also spoke of a decapitation having occurred in the attack.

The attack comes while France is still reeling from the beheading earlier this month of French middle school teacher Samuel Paty in Paris by a man of Chechen origin.

The attacker had said he wanted to punish Paty for showing pupils cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad in a civics lesson.

It was not immediately clear what the motive was for the Nice attack, or if there was any connection to the cartoons, which Muslims consider to be blasphemous.

Since Paty's killing, French officials - backed by many ordinary citizens - have re-asserted the right to display the cartoons, and the images have been widely displayed at marches in solidarity with the killed teacher.

That has prompted an outpouring of anger in parts of the Muslim world, with some governments accusing French leader Emmanuel Macron of pursuing an anti-Islam agenda.

An innocent woman was beheaded, this is unacceptable, this is not what Islam stands for....

Look at this objectively rather than emotionally...

That woman and the others killed did not have anything to do with the caricature...

They were just going about their lives, what is happening now, can't be reversed, people praising these actions while sitting pretty in the west must rein in their hypocrisy and call this what it is:

A senseless act of terror, that goes against Islam.
Yeah the people killed were responsible for what french govt has done.stop giving justification ,just confirm the incident and move on and if you can't ,just stfu.

why don't you harami Indians go and shut the f**k up and mind your own business since you people don't know much about Prophet Muhammad PBUH so better not to visit any forum which is run by Muslims. Your RSS brain child Modi and this bigot Macron have very much things in common that is muslim hatred. Now face the consequences by deliberately inciting the extremism.
Attackers name was Macron ?

who ever he was, had direct connection with Macron's deliberate incitement.
French police say two people have been killed and several others injured in a knife attack near a church in the Mediterranean city of Nice.

Local mayor Christian Estrosi has described it as a "terrorist attack".

"I am on the scene with the police who arrested the attacker. Everything points to a terrorist attack," Mr Estrosi said on Twitter.

Estrosi said the attacker shouted "Allahu akbar" repeatedly as police apprehended him and that "the meaning of his gesture left no doubt".

Speaking to reporters in Nice, Estrosi said two people were killed inside the church and a third person who escaped to a nearby bar was in a life-threatening condition.

The assailant was arrested after the Thursday morning (Thursday evening AEDT) attack and taken to a nearby hospital after being injured during his arrest, a police official said.

He was believed to be acting alone, the official said. She was not authorised to be publicly named.

Images on French media showed the neighbourhood locked down and surrounded by police and emergency vehicles.

Sounds of explosions could be heard as sappers exploded suspicious objects.


French police say two people have been killed and several others injured in a knife attack near a church in the Mediterranean city of Nice. (Supplied)

France's Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said he was chairing a crisis meeting at the ministry in response to the attack.

The exact motive of the attack is still being investigated but it comes as France is under alert for Islamic extremist acts amid tensions over caricatures of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad published by satirical French weekly Charlie Hebdo, and after two other recent attacks in France with links to the cartoons.


The assailant was arrested after the Thursday morning local time. (Supplied)

The lower house of parliament suspended a debate on new virus restrictions and held a moment of silence for the victims.

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