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Indian might launch a surprise attack across the Himalayan border.

Why do Indians need validation from the enemy (i.e. the Chinese)? As a matter of fact, why are Indians happy a retired Chinese general said this? This means that the Chinese already have prepared for the event of a surprise Indian attack and are extremely aware of Indian troop dispositions in the area. If a retired general already analyzed the situation as such, imagine what must be going on in the PLA Western Theatre Command ... if I were Indian, I would be much happier if the Chinese general said that the Indians would be squashed like bugs and that there is no need to regard them as a threat whatsoever because they are weaklings.

Capturing a few heights on your side of the LAC and over 2 kilometers from Black Top does not mean crossing the LAC lmao. The only one who crossed the LAC is the Chinese and they are sitting on a nice 1000 square kilometers of your territory :enjoy:

This is just a news posted here. India does not need any validation.
Chinese assessment is completely out of this world. India can never attack even if China retakes hundreds of 1000 sq kms blocks. There is no option to start a civilian revolt as the conflict zone is an empty land. Indian politicians don't go to war unless more than one of the following are true: (1) they are able to buy local civilian support in the enemy territory, (2) the Indian army strength is several times larger in numbers, (3) conflict zone is cut off with the mainland of enemy.. not just cut off, but there should be a distance of 100s if not thousands of kilometers and Indians are sitting in between two parts (4) there are no civilians available to use as human shield.

Not saying anything against IA as it might be a professional force, but Indian politicians only act when they have full confidence of 200% win as no Indian government wants to lose next elections.

So... no.. Indian is not attacking. If anything has to happen, it will happen from Chinese side.. But then again, China is not there for war. It is there to stretch the Indian forces across thousands of kilometers..

I don't agree. There is no advantage that give India to do whatever advantage that you mention. But a surprise attack is possible. Not because of those reasons, but only for desperate political circus to appease India's domestic distability. Like today, because India's government failure to handle covid 19, economic recession. Modi needs to divert his people anger to China. And war is a very much possible in that regard.

Winning a war is a political stunt that India can do to appease their people. And that is very dangerous. But because of no advantage that India has (like you mentioned in your post), then there is only 1 solution to win. A surprise attack.
Will modi be Imran's chauffeur to get aid?

True, We are the nation who has the biggest surrender in 71 after WW II.
Lol is that all you have to say.. it wasnt direct attack on Pakistan you coward indian did what you best at attack from back yard guess what when someone came in front your mody didnt say its name in UN speech ..lol
You gonna fight with China Pakistan corona poverty minorities Kashmir 7 state sisters Khalistan low cast hindus christians and your fake ego.. insha'Allah you have no chance unless you beg for mercy lol.. mody is blessing for its enemies and damn for india... good luck.
I don't agree. There is no advantage that give India to do whatever advantage that you mention. But a surprise attack is possible. Not because of those reasons, but only for desperate political circus to appease India's domestic distability. Like today, because India's government failure to handle covid 19, economic recession. Modi needs to divert his people anger to China. And war is a very much possible in that regard.

Winning a war is a political stunt that India can do to appease their people. And that is very dangerous. But because of no advantage that India has (like you mentioned in your post), then there is only 1 solution to win. A surprise attack.
There are no elections scheduled in the next one year. The government has many years to fix the issues. The risk of losing war against China is quite high and I think I am right in saying that India will definitely lose.. there is zero chance of winning a war against China when more than one neighbors have land disputes with India.

Indians know quite well (talking about the IA here, not the PDF BJP cell members) that even a surprise attack may prove to be an embarrassment. They did something foolish last year against a much smaller enemy and got slapped very hard. They barely managed to handle the situation because Pakistan chose not to escalate and returned the captured/ dead pilot(s).

A surprise attack against China will result in losing Kashmir and Arunachal Pardesh in less than 6 months (if Indians don't run to UNSC for a resolution in the first 30 days).

They can capture some land where Chinese presence is thin, but there is no going back for China after that..
Thanks for sharing your experience for your unique source of protons.
My Pleasure,
So you can THANK your SISSY LOW MUSCLE MASS INDIAN countrymen.

High in CORONAVIRUS BAT PROTEIN, goes a long way to help in Indian speedy conquest of Aksai Chin.
Go INDIA Go, CORONAVIRUS SUPA POWA INDIA, fast overtaking the US for #1.
All the Best, and Take Care not to get CLUBBED TO DEATH by the Chinese at Aksai Chin.

Bat Killing Festival in India 4.jpg

Not saying anything against IA as it might be a professional force, but Indian politicians only act when they have full confidence of 200% win as no Indian government wants to lose next elections.
India is ruled by politicians who voted to power so naturally they will always think about the next elections. IA is there to fulfill command of civilian bosses.
IA can't take any offensive initiative on its own as its the civilian leadership who is answerable to people and to the outside world.

On the Ladakh clash, I would say Govt has total support for any military action it takes on the LAC after all of AksaiChin is legitimate India territory under Chinese occupation.
But we have not given aid to you.
Come on Hindutva RSS terrorists can't even gave aid to their on 70% percent population which lives in extreme poor condition and covid 19 pandemic has just destroyed your economy so kalie matha kaa short kalla bataa just chill out gay hind.
Retired Chinese general warns of surprise attack by India, says 'New Delhi might do something big'
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Times Now Digital

Updated Sep 26, 2020 | 19:03 IST
A retired Chinese general has warned China saying Indian might launch a surprise attack across the Himalayan border.

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  • 'India has tripled its troops along the LAC which could easily cross into China in a few hours'
  • 'China needs to remain on alert'
  • 'Upcoming US presidential election might provide India with a chance to do something big'
New Delhi: China should stay alert as India can launch a surprise attack, said a retired Chinese general. In an article published on Li Jian, a defence-related social media account, Wang Hongguang issued the warning saying the danger of conflict has increased and with “incidents” in the Taiwan Strait and the upcoming US presidential election might present India with an opportunity to “do something big”.

“India only needs 50,000 soldiers at the Line of Actual Control, but now, instead of withdrawing troops before the winter comes, India has added 100,000 more soldiers in Ladakh,” SCMP quoted Wang as saying.

Indian troops could easily cross into China
He further said that India has tripled its troops along the LAC which could easily cross into China in a few hours as they are stationed within 50km of Chinese territory.

Wang, a former deputy commander of the Nanjing Military Region which is now part of the Eastern Theatre Command, said that China cannot afford to let its guard down before mid-November.

Ready to undertake operations on both China, Pak fronts: IAF
Ready to undertake operations on both China, Pak fronts: IAF

Before de-escalation, China asks India to vacate key heights
Trump once again offers mediation in India-China stalemate
At the recently held military talks, the Chinese side pushed for starting the disengagement process from the southern bank of Pangong lake, however, the Indian Army conveyed that steps to defuse the standoff in eastern Ladakh should simultaneously cover all the friction point

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This is a master stroke by China.

China is able to project that India is planning to be the aggressor and will strike India first as a preemptive strike.

As usual Modi will say

"Neither is anyone inside our territory nor is any of our post captured" - Indian PM Narender Modi (aka Surrender Modi)

Why do Indians need validation from the enemy (i.e. the Chinese)? As a matter of fact, why are Indians happy a retired Chinese general said this? This means that the Chinese already have prepared for the event of a surprise Indian attack and are extremely aware of Indian troop dispositions in the area. If a retired general already analyzed the situation as such, imagine what must be going on in the PLA Western Theatre Command ... if I were Indian, I would be much happier if the Chinese general said that the Indians would be squashed like bugs and that there is no need to regard them as a threat whatsoever because they are weaklings.

Exactly. Indians are all talk, No action.
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