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Since the council failed to extend the arms embargo on Iran, the United States is preparing to trigger a snapback. The United Kingdom and France remain deeply committed to the JCPOA, so they are searching for any procedural loophole that would enable them to strip the United States of its prerogative. London and Paris believe they have discovered precisely such a lacuna, yet if they invoke it even once, others will use it again and again to rob the P5 of their veto power. To protect a single multilateral agreement, the French and British will have to destroy the foundation of the multilateral system they claim to cherish.
I think the focus in Iran should be on the economy and people's lives.Despite the enormous defense pressure, the public support of China and Russia, as well as the acquiescence of Europe, has been the greatest security guarantee.

There is no need to invest huge sums of money into the military right away.Of course, some equipment updating is necessary, but it is not the focus.
Just like any other nation, they will have to balance both economic development and security. A lot of their equipment isn’t over 40 years old, and in need of replacement. Their revenue would come from barter trade from their new oil fields, so they are only spending what would be developed to fulfill the deal development plans with China and they may also barter from their other fields that currently are not exporting due to US sanctions.

most experts think Iran will go small at first, buying niche products and capabilities. That is why watching this years Zhuhai air show in November will let us know if a big deal gets signed or not.
bro do you know what is that??

The United States would have to submit a complaint about Iran breaching the nuclear deal to the Security Council.

The council would then have to vote within 30 days on a resolution to continue Iran’s sanctions relief. If such a resolution is not put forward by the deadline, all U.N. sanctions in place before the 2015 nuclear deal would be automatically reimposed. This is called a snapback.

London and Paris are likely to argue that the United States legally could not activate a return of U.N. sanctions and therefore they simply would not reimpose the measures on Iran themselves.This is because the US has unilaterally left the Iran Nuclear Deal - therefore it is impossible to file a complaint about Iran breaching it.

This would essentially make the UN sanctions snapback a moot point. But it would also undermine the Security Council itself greatly.
bro do you know what is that??

it means they fund a gaps, In certain situations, where there is no law governing a situation adjudicating bodies come to the conclusion that there is a lacunae in law.

in JCPOA there is no term for defining "getting out of the deal" so other countries can say there is gap in law and they can add as long as logic goes acting against JCPOA "witch in what US did" is the definition of getting out of the deal and take US right as a participant to submit a resolution for activating snapback mechanism while having veto power.
S-300 was blocked by UNSC resolution. It has nothing to do with Russia. Iran still got it anyway. Iran will buy Su-30 to replace F-14 in the air to air role and Su-24 in the air to ground role.

No UN security resolution stopped s300 delivery which was a defensive weapon even use several time stated that.
it means they fund a gaps, In certain situations, where there is no law governing a situation adjudicating bodies come to the conclusion that there is a lacunae in law.

in JCPOA there is no term for defining "getting out of the deal" so other countries can say there is gap in law and they can add as long as logic goes acting against JCPOA "witch in what US did" is the definition of getting out of the deal and take US right as a participant to submit a resolution for activating snapback mechanism while having veto power.
The point is Iran was the first one that trigged the dispute resolution mechanism right after american withdrawing from JCPoA back in 2018 and also due to their constant violation of the deal which in fact is considered as direct violation of the UNSCR 2231 too.. besides that we have already exhausted all procedures in the deal then begun to downgrade our commitments which is legal .. in this case what Iran has done so far has been merely a response to american violation of the deal so their attempts to use dispute mechanism for snapback sanction has got no legal grounds as Iran has never violated the terms of deal in a way that all our decisions and actions have been made or done within the framework of the JCPoA and IAEA has certified Iran compliance for 16 times .. it is like they wanna use such a mechanism under pretext of Iran's responses to their violations of the deal which is meaningless ... therefore the issue ain't considering american as participant of the JCPoA or not but finding Iran violations of the deal to start the mechanism which doesn't exist ... even Bolton, Hook and recently Joseph Borrell have said american can not use this mechanism as they withdraw back in 2018.
And also due to american violation of JCPoA and resolution they can not claim any right from it ...

The rest is pure law of jungle and beasts whom are interested in it.
JCPOA is a red line for EU. Withdrawing from JCPOA means admitting that diplomacy does not work, it is a terrible message to send, they will never abandon the deal as long as Iran remains committed to it.
JCPOA is a red line for EU. Withdrawing from JCPOA means admitting that diplomacy does not work, it is a terrible message to send, they will never abandon the deal as long as Iran remains committed to it.

Diplomacy didnt work in Iran Deal, Blackmailing worked. But EU burocrats called Blackmailing as Diplomacy to avoid public humiliation. They are just brainwashed by a Globalist Ideology, like Eastern Burocrats of the Bloc were brainwashed by Communist Ideology decades ago.

As European I dont want to pay Iran Blackmailing (neither a war in Iran or Hormuz Strait).

Iran as any sovereign state has the right to make the weapons they want, including nukes. And of course they have the right to develop nuclear energy.
Only a state ruled by idiots wont develop nukes in ME, with USA trying to triggering wars everytime they can.
I lost the count of USA attempts to trigger a war in ME in the last years.
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Diplomacy didnt work in Iran Deal, Blackmailing worked. But EU burocrats called Blackmailing as Diplomacy to avoid public humiliation. They are just brainwashed by a Globalist Ideology, like Eastern Burocrats of the Bloc were brainwashed by Communist Ideology decades ago.

As European I dont want to pay Iran Blackmailing (neither a war in Iran or Hormuz Strait).
You don't need to pay Iran anything .. there are obligations under JCPoA for both sides which base on IAEA reports Iran has adhered to its part totally while the other side EU/US has failed to honor theirs ... surly american or EU countries were not 2 years old kid to be fooled by Iran back in 2015 so not honoring their parts ain't nothing but bullying to make Iran to give more than the bargain ... so instead of blaming communist ideology try to honor you words and stop violating int law.
You don't need to pay Iran anything .. there are obligations under JCPoA for both sides which base on IAEA reports Iran has adhered to its part totally while the other side EU/US has failed to honor theirs ... surly american or EU countries were not 2 years old kid to be fooled by Iran back in 2015 so not honoring their parts ain't nothing but bullying to make Iran to give more than the bargain ... so instead of blaming communist ideology try to honor you words and stop violating int law.

I dont want Iran Deal. if they want to develop nuclear energy it's ok. If they want to develop nukes, it's ok, it's their right and it's not our bussiness.

Do you want a sovereign Iran? In that case you should reject the Iran Deal too.
I dont want Iran Deal. if they want to develop nuclear energy it's ok. If they want to develop nukes, it's ok, it's their right and it's not our bussiness.

Do you want a sovereign Iran? In that case you should reject the Iran Deal too.
The point ain't Iran deal but the policy of EU/US towards Iran ... no matter what we consider the deal good or bad american stance has destroyed any chance for further talks .. and as it seems they wanna destroy the deal before the election ... but as I know Iran wouldn't go first.
I appreciate it when you "it's not our business" but in reality EU/US noses are all over our region ...
The point ain't Iran deal but the policy of EU/US towards Iran ... no matter what we consider the deal good or bad american stance has destroyed any chance for further talks .. and as it seems they wanna destroy the deal before the election ... but as I know Iran wouldn't go first.
I appreciate it when you "it's not our business" but in reality EU/US noses are all over our region ...

If Iran doesnt want war with EU countries, they must not close neither threat with close Hormuz strait.
If Iran wants EU money, they must do commerce like any other country, instead Nuclear blackmailing.

Iran Deal is not good for Iranian common people neither. It's only good for Iran ruling elite and rich kids of Tehran. From a economic perspective.

Iran should develop their own economy instead beg money to EU and USA.
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