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India moves to end primary teaching in English as Modi unveils major education reforms

lmao, I think I can understand Hindi this time:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
It is nightmare to present via Skype with Indians in the meeting, I can hardly understand their questions and have to say "Pardon Please?" again and again.

H E H H E H H E H......nightmare, huh? Ruins your concentration, hein? Makes your presentation weaker, is it? So now you're beginning to figure out the sinister truth......
H E H H E H H E H......nightmare, huh? Ruins your concentration, hein? Makes your presentation weaker, is it? So now you're beginning to figure out the sinister truth......
There is a potential standard to become a senior engineer in our company -- being able to know what a Indian is blabering about at meeting:agree: I'm not joking, that is an important capability since Indians have flooded American tech companies with your Curry-English
It's good for Indians of various regions to take pride in their language and educate their children in that. But if you forcefully raise a child in Marathi-medium, Bengali-medium etc. in India, they will never be able to adjust that well if they want to move overseas.

Considering India is likely to remain a basket-case for another 20-30 years and not solve any of its major problems (some are getting worse with a Hindutva government in charge), the children should have a choice to be educated in an English-medium school at a primary level. The country is nowhere near China when it comes to self-reliance.
Many of my friends are settled abroad, some even with gori wife studying in a pure bengali medium. Just saying.
There is a potential standard to become a senior engineer in our company -- being able to know what a Indian is blabering about at meeting:agree: I'm not joking, that is an important capability since Indians have flooded American tech companies with your Curry-English

I've counted about ten distinct accents, until I realised that we tend to stamp our regional language intonations on English, and that becomes an accent.

Soon you will have to speak Curry English, not English, to get a job. How long before we overrun the HR departments, do you think? :)
Finally Modi and the gujju gangsters revealing their true colors: hindutva and hindi impostition.

And to hell with losing out in the international job stakes. Read posts by @LittleFish above; apart from pulling his leg, aren't people going to react badly to having to cope with this patois?
Many of my friends are settled abroad, some even with gori wife studying in a pure bengali medium. Just saying.


I couldn't follow your Bong accent; it sounded like me being played back.

Once again, at slow speed (and simpler language)?
No fuc**** need to teach English till 5th grade...
Its a major reform in India tha we must follow!
Learning English isn't a big deal, it hardly takes 6 month course of IELTS.
Can teach the basics in 6,7,8, grammar in 9th, 10, essays, analytical writing and spoken english in 11th and 12th. Just if we wish to keep teaching English.
But for God's sake, teach English as a language only.

I couldn't follow your Bong accent; it sounded like me being played back.

Once again, at slow speed (and simpler language)?
Sir have you started the PDF i shared yesterday. You being an educationist can get the essence better than us.
I've counted about ten distinct accents, until I realised that we tend to stamp our regional language intonations on English, and that becomes an accent.

Soon you will have to speak Curry English, not English, to get a job. How long before we overrun the HR departments, do you think? :)
Well, at least I don't have such concerns since I work in a Chinese site of an American company, and my leaders are all Chinese. Why should I care about Curry English since I may work for another Chinese company after years?:disagree:
Well, at least I don't have such concerns since I work in a Chinese site of an American company, and my leaders are all Chinese. Why should I care about Curry English since I may work for another Chinese company after years?:disagree:
Then what are you whining about here boy; go eat some noodles.

PS: China's new pak friends also speak what you call "curry english"

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