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Pervez Hoodbhoy's Secular Delusion

Lol, you do know that science is another form of religion right? Did you personally conduct all of those scientific experiments and observed the results, or did you, like a religious fanatic, just believe in the testimony of some Tom, dick and harry who claimed they observed it?

See, you're the very mullah caricatures you hate :lol:
For his work in Physics, Musharraf had offered to award him Sitar-e-Imtiaz.

Musharraf offered anyone who praised him these awards.

He was a dictator who now sits somewhere in the GCC and call for Al Jihad against India.

His enlightened moderation doctrine was all about staying in power and help Amreeeeka and Faras.
Lol, you do know that science is another form of religion right? Did you personally conduct all of those scientific experiments and observed the results, or did you, like a religious fanatic, just believe in the testimony of some Tom, dick and harry who claimed they observed it?

See, you're the very mullah caricatures you hate :lol:

Unlike religious books, science journals actually detail the experiments and are REPRODUCEABLE, open to criticique from thousands of other scientists, jot down every single detail, result and methodology, and provide even mathematical proofs.

There is literally no comparison. Religion is about faith and belied. Science is about reality.
I never said you can't take two things together.

But you should not force religion, and you should not shove it down throats to the extent that science becomes nothing.

Who gives you the right to shove science down their throat?

Mathematical God?
yeeeeah, that is because the secular governments are the ones who do the killing, so they do not need any non-state orgs. NATO, Russia, USA all have killed, pillaged and murdered hundreds of thousands. actions do speak louder than words.

and how does that make him an authority on anything but his own subject? just like a ulema or generals do not have the right to interfere in politics (according to people like you), hoodbhoy doesnt have any right o speak on matters of religion, politics, policies etc either, he should stick to his own field.

....or for the matter that we were enslaved, and deliberately kept underdeveloped. also, nothing to do with the fact the white overlords are the ones that caused the split in Dunyawi and Deeni education in the first place, and also nothing to do with the fact that the education system that they put in place was meant to produce coconuts who were more loyal to the crown than to their land, and produced people who were selfish. also, nothing to do with the fact that the landowners, the babus, the military put in place by those very same people are still ruling over us. we are yet to have a national curriculum, we are yet to have a sense of belonging to one entity, we are yet to get rid of the laws and customs put in place by the british. from the military to the judiciary to the politics and to education, all we have are remnants of a system meant to kept us servile and divided.

and they were the ones who hit us with sanctions just because they never wanted us to have a weapon that they themselves possess. or for the matter that they effectively control all sources of income, one toe out of line and its the FATF blacklist for you (or bombed back to stoneage).

indeed anyone can go and learn Deen, many madaris have now begun offering courses for engineers, doctors, businessmen etc.

He is a professor of science, he has a lot, a lot more credibility when it comes to an education curriculum and its composition in relation to science.

A lot, a lot more credibility than ulema, criciketers, and such people.
Unlike religious books, science journals actually detail the experiments and are REPRODUCEABLE, open to criticique from thousands of other scientists, jot down every single detail, result and methodology, and provide even mathematical proofs.

There is literally no comparison. Religion is about faith and belied. Science is about reality.
So did you personally verify these experiments, or did you blindly believe some guy with a title?

You're proving my point. Your religion is science and your mullah is some guy in a lab coat making claims which you personally never verified.

Typical Liberal hypocrites. :lol:
I never said you can't take two things together.

But you should not force religion, and you should not shove it down throats to the extent that science becomes nothing.
Who is forcing religion ? i don't see any penalty on not offering prayers, or not having fast, or not having hajj. However, if you want to allow sex, nudity, and expect me to tell you that interest of banking system is halal. Then sorry they are not.

Plus, person sho want to persue science and technology is completely free to peruse it. Islam is not stoping it. Give me one verse of Quran and sunnah stopping us from science and technology?

We are blaming Islam for our own mistakes and shortcomings.
I find it hilarious that when people labelled Islamists succeed in life it's because they're "in the west" but when secular people fail in Pakistan "it's because of islamic influence on society".

I'd like to know which islamic influence tells people not to work hard, not to study, not to gain skills, not to build businesses? Some of the most successful people I know amongst our community in the west are islamists - some aren't - it doesn't really matter.

The fact is you give people a fair chance to succeed in life and even the most useless person can make something of themselves. A lot of you wealthier sorts from Pakistan like to have a laugh at the dumb mirpuri's in their taxi's and takeaways - but a lot of those Mirpuri's have plenty of money here and even more in Mirpur. Backwater hicks given an opportunity to work hard, take it and make a success of themselves.

Who provides/denies opportunities in Pakistan? Is PPP/PML/PTI/Army generals Islamist or secular/democractic? Is our country run by the village Mullah or by the whisky slugging babu?
Lol, you do know that science is another form of religion right? Did you personally conduct all of those scientific experiments and observed the results, or did you, like a religious fanatic, just believe in the testimony of some Tom, dick and harry who claimed they observed it?

See, you're the very mullah caricatures you hate :lol:

I didn't. But thousands of other scientists around the globe have, and theee experiments are cited and referenced for further works in thousands of research institutes around the world. Which is why only, a select number, ever make it to science journals and are published.

The intensity and rigority of verification and validation are so high that it will take no less than a year for the COVID-19 vaccine to hit the markets, as despite its success in first phases. Which muslims will then claim that they already knew the medicine and it was revealed 1400 years ago.

That's the difference between science and religion.
you should not force religion, and you should not shove it down throats
Meanwhile isn't that what your Western masters have been doing since Colonialism? Shoving their religion of democracy and Liberalism down the throats of the "brown savages"?

White man's burden ring a bell?

I guess your Liberal overlords didnt teach you critical thinking. They don't want their dumb sheep to question their authority.
He is a professor of science, he has a lot, a lot more credibility when it comes to an education curriculum and its composition in relation to science.

A lot, a lot more credibility than ulema, criciketers, and such people.
He is not discussing a scientific formula or curriculum of science subject. Is he ?

Do you even know what is secularisim? Secularisim means a religion less life. So he is challenging your life style.

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