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Featured 4 gunmen attacked Pakistan Stock Exchange building in Karachi

Well, I was responding to the comment that what Indian had been doing in Pakistan for years.
So I have to state some home truths. Can any one deny that Nawaz even as a PM never uttered the name of Kulbashan!! He never blamed India for the activities of Kulbashan.
The fact that Sharifs had Indians working in their sugar mills, who were given special visas to travel anywhere in Pakistan without reporting!!
All this is in public domain. Which country's intelligence allow its PM to have the PM of the enemy country visiting without any prior information given to them!!
Which country's intelligence then do not bring charges against that PM for acting against the interests of the nation!!
Why Nawaz wasn't charge then for treason for bringing Modi and other Indians without any prior knowledge and permissions from the Country's agencies and departments!!
Is Nawaz Sharif above the law!!

I can see from where you are coming, but linking Nawaz Sharif with an attack by terrorist operating out of Iran is quite far fetched.
BTW, Kulbhoshan Yadeve as well had an Iranian twist.... and apparently present regime is in absolute cahoots with Iran.
Every terrorist attack in India is a false flag operation but every terrorist attack in Pakistan is committed by India. This has always been the narrative from Pakistan.

Not just Pakistan even THE HINDU admits as much .
What are India’s ties with Baloch rebels?
It is established that BLA commanders, in the past, had sought medical treatment in India’s hospitals, often under disguise or with fake identity.

In one such case, a militant commander in charge of Khuzdar city was based in Delhi for at least six months in 2017 when he underwent extensive treatment for kidney-related ailments. Pakistan has blamed India for supporting the Baloch rebels. It is known that the Baloch sardars like the late Akbar Bugti and Ghaus Bukhsh Bizenjo maintained warm personal ties with various Indian political figures. However, visits by militants are often under assumed identities unlike those by prominent well known leaders.

Another leader, who visited India last year, was Mama Qadeer. He has become a popular face of civil society movement after he launched a long march seeking the truth about his missing son, a Baloch activist.


If India is financing terrorism than who is training the terrorists and where?
Why Pakistan's indigenous drone programs are in cold storage?
Bro actually from the looks of their heavy backpacks.

I'd say it is the Indians who are copying Pakistani tactics of the mujahideen who used to hide in caves/mountains in Kashmir and ambush Indians. They used to carry same 40 day packs which these guys were carrying.
Like targeted elimination of terrorists in Afghanistan, Pakistani agencies should start applying same tactics in India.
Start with the most wanted. I can give few names, but we all know who the most wanted are.
We have allowed this situation for too long

The thing is that things are changing slightly that we are now naming Indians at official level like Moeed Yusuf did today

Now coming back to revenge. Killing rats in IOK would help freedom struggle too while attacks in cities on civilians would only make things more difficult for them. Enemy would use it for propaganda against Kashmiris

More the rats would die in Kashmir would result in more panic and pain for enemy

What happened today is no surprise. Everyone knew that India will do something to release some pressure from the humiliation it is receiving due to situation in LAC. Our so called "establishment" should have been ready to activate own sleeper cells in India to respond almost immediately. It doesn't have to be civilian infra, any offices of Indian military, offices of RAW, among major indian cities should have been targeted almost instantly after KSE attack.

That why I have been saying, we keep on failing to maintain deterrence in sub conventional level of warfare. Complete mental block and freeze of Pakistani establishment.
If u were a muslim you would underatand. We muslims work towards best of deaths because death is first step towards real life. This world is temporary and is there to earn best home in real 2nd life.

We work towards best of death. Everyone who has lived has died. And everyone living is dying or will die tomorrow or a minute from now.

Best thing is to work towards best of deaths and in that is the real celebration. Life lead in a way that leads to best of death and best of reward in 2nd life which is eternal.

Only a muslim or a jew would understand it. Its beyond ur comprehension.

One more excuse for people to in charge to hide their failures and incompetence.
One more excuse to hide behind and being held accountable for their failures.
One more excuse to not answerable to anyone specially us the civilians.

This world is temporary and is there to earn best home in real 2nd life.
If this was truly the case why busy in worldly things?
Every terrorist attack in India is a false flag operation but every terrorist attack in Pakistan is committed by India. This has always been the narrative from Pakistan.

Exact!... It's part of the Hindutva mantra of, "Moo par Ram Ram Baghaal may chooree!"
What really is the role of rangers in foiling the attack?
One terrorist was killed at the barrier possibly by pvt security guards. Rest were killed by karachi police inside the premises.
It is unfortunate that Attack happen today in Karachi, where some of our brave guards and police sacrifice their lives to protect the people , May Allah give them place in the Jannat ul Firdos , and the company of Rasool Allah and his companions . There is no doubt that the attack was executed by BLA but the mind behind it was RA&W, and India , I won't be surprised if Iran is involved in some ways, but as there is no evidence so I can keep it to India .

Today I am Proud of the two Pakistani Sindhi police personnel to stand their ground and killed those filthy scums before they can even reach the inner building . Despite the Attack that can bring negative publicity for Pakistan but the quick response , perfect shooting and handling themselves can not be over seen, we have to give credit to their training , Jazba and resilience to stop the Terrorists right outside at the gates, and make sure they die miserably there without reaching to their target or hold any hostage . My warm heart salute to two Gazi and 6-8 Shaheed of the KSE Attacks, and may Allah curse the existence of those terrorists, their leaders and handlers and give them a miserable End .
The first tiger Muhammad Rafique took down 3 terrorists by himself. That's impressive.

The President should give them medals.

A while back there was a LEA member in Quetta/Balochistan who repelled an attack. Did he get any medals or awards??

This shows how good training trickling from military to law enforcement has good results.

He looks like such a rightous man. May Allah look after his family. Ameen. And give him the highest maqaam in Jannah. Ameen.
Sub Inspector Shahid Ali of Karachi Police, who was on duty at the the entrance of Pakistan Stock Exchange, was martyred by terrorists in the exchange of fire when they attacked PSE.

Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un


They say RRF naval HQ
So RRF is an element of the Navy??
Rapid Response Force
OBSERVATION: The uniform worn by the 4 BLA gunmen in the group photo released by BLA appear to be strikingly similar to a version of uniform in use by Iranian military. Side by side comparison: (Ali Baba: https://alibaba.com/product-detail/Made-in-China-wholesale-iran-military_60676922988.html… )

Let's all ignore that part


I'd do the same as terror suspects, says Imran Khan
FORMER cricket superstar Imran Khan yesterday gave his support to two terror suspects accused of encouraging guerrilla warfare in Pakistan.
PUBLISHED: 00:00, Fri, Jan 9, 2009






Cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan

Giving evidence at a London terror trial, the sportsman-turned-politician said had he been in the same position as the two men in the dock he would have been prepared to take up arms.

He told the court he would have been willing to use violence against the Pakistan government if he had been from the country’s poorest province of Baluchistan, where he said the army had killed and kidnapped citizens, made 75,000 homeless, rigged elections and controlled the courts.

Imran, chairman of the Movement For Justice political party in Pakistan, was giving evidence during the trial of two Baluchi men.

The pair are accused of encouraging acts of violence against former dictator General Musharraf’s government from their London base.

Imran said the military leader had abused his power, collected “bounty” from America for handing over terror suspects and had rejected a political solution to unrest in Baluchistan because “a military man only understands military means”.

Henry Blaxland QC, representing Hyrbyair Marri, one of the defendants, asked Imran: “Given your own knowledge of the situation in Baluchistan, you have gone on record to say that if you were a Baluchi you may have resorted to picking up a gun to defend yourself, is that right?”

Imran said: “To defend the rights of my people... I think if I had no access to getting into parliament because most of the elections are heavily rigged there.”



He added: “If I had no way of expressing my grievances or this injustice where... most of my people are below the poverty line, how else would I express myself?”

Imran, speaking via video link from Islamabad, said that when the Baluchi people protested, Musharraf sent in the army.

“Hundreds disappeared, there was extra judicial killing. It was treated more like a colony rather than a part of Pakistan,” Imran added.

Marri, 40, of Ealing, and Faiz Baluch, 27, of Wembley deny assisting terrorism and inciting murder abroad. The trial continues.

Imran Khan has spoken against army operations incl. operations in Baluchistan, on various international events as well on the subject of missing persons.
He's a trojan horse and has done his part. From the POV of his handlers, he may be free to go and retire.

Irrecoverable damage to Pakistan economy and institutions is done, while India was saved on 27th February. Kashmir is now being populated by Indians. In next couple years, India will have more people in Kashmir willing to vote in favor of India. Water dispute is already settled in Indian favor during Zardari rule.
Clearly India has been playing his game all along, and winning over every disputed issue, while on the way manage to malign Pakistan internationally.

When Imran Khan popularity was at peak but he wasn't PM yet, he was asked by an anti Pakistan Indian jurno to arrest Hafiz Saeed after getting elected. He didn't even faulted there.

The first tiger Muhammad Rafique took down 3 terrorists by himself. That's impressive.

The President should give them medals.

A while back there was a LEA member in Quetta/Balochistan who repelled an attack. Did he get any medals or awards??

This shows how good training trickling from military to law enforcement has good results.

He looks like such a rightous man. May Allah look after his family. Ameen. And give him the highest maqaam in Jannah. Ameen.

They say RRF naval HQ
So RRF is an element of the Navy??

They should be given more than medal.

I some how couldn't understand the action, despite going through the CCTV video.

May be some one who understood it all should prepare a write up.

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