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US, UK, Russia, Poland, Turkey, Saudi Arabia are approaching PAF for experience

It is a known fact that Pakistan trains soldiers of Saudi Arabia and other GCC states. But training Russia, USA is a bit too much. Even UK trains its pilots with USA and won't come to Pakistan. This is really funny claim
Yeah i agree. No proof like pictures or videos provided.
Go back to Islamic studies and you will find current day and age was explained by our Prophet Muhammad(pbuh). In Ghazwa-e-Hind Hadith there is much more in details about the army and riders(symbolism airforce), in that prospect I have no doubt that PAF is going to achieve marvellous victories in all fields. In some Prophecies ( Oliya Allah) black jets are mentioned, with black jets PAF will be victorious over its adversaries and in great war all the enemies will be destroyed by combined efforts of Muslims army.
May Allah forgive me if I quoted something wrong.
It is a known fact that Pakistan trains soldiers of Saudi Arabia and other GCC states. But training Russia, USA is a bit too much. Even UK trains its pilots with USA and won't come to Pakistan. This is really funny claim
There was a time when Indian mentor Israel had adopted tactics developed by the PAF on how to fight MiG-21 but i don't expect you to understand due to comprehension issues.
There's world of difference between getting trained and sharing some tactical experience.
The Indians may not be able to digest it but the real world knows PAF has created history by destroying an SU-30 with a BVR kill.
It is a known fact that Pakistan trains soldiers of Saudi Arabia and other GCC states. But training Russia, USA is a bit too much. Even UK trains its pilots with USA and won't come to Pakistan. This is really funny claim
It is a known fact that Pakistan trains soldiers of Saudi Arabia and other GCC states. But training Russia, USA is a bit too much. Even UK trains its pilots with USA and won't come to Pakistan. This is really funny claim
training does not means that PAF pilots is going to train them how to fly, they are going to share their experience with US and other nations. Remember PAF is the only force to hit a jet with a BVR in active combat, so other nations are interested in getting know how.
is there any chance we can get a F-16 may be from Jordan or Turkey or some where else

Why do you like to see addition of one F-16 ?
Only spare F-16 i see in region are with Iraq!
No you don't replace an aircraft with another in this manner, however, the PAF will draw one from reserves.

I cant remember if i read it here or somewhere else but usually aircraft sale contracts can include replacement options due to accidental losses. Any idea Pakistan might have that option?
But training Russia, USA is a bit too much. Even UK trains its pilots with USA and won't come to Pakistan. This is really funny claim
Dont loose heart the French will come to India soon ,when one of your pilots keeping up with IAF crashing traditions makes a debut with the RAFALE.:coffee:
By the way we lost a pilot which can't be replaced. Nation lost a son. But is there any chance we can get a F-16 may be from Jordan or Turkey or some where else
Actually it is not even unreasonable for Pakistan to go directly to the US and talk about attrition replacement. The issue will be finances and not as much on the USG clearance.
I think Pakistan has better pilots than India,

But not better than US, Russia and Israel
US has immense resources and technological edge , you cant compete with them , above certain limit resoureces do matter . Though PAF is doing amazing job in very limited resources.
I think u.s pilots are much ahead and better than our pilots,they may be coming here for intelligence gathering more than for training purpose
Pilots are good and bad everywhere, but noticed American pilots definitely have an edge in academics when it comes to the profession.

US has immense resources and technological edge , you cant compete with them , above certain limit resoureces do matter . Though PAF is doing amazing job in very limited resources.
The Swiss Air Force for example, barely or never has seen any combat yet they are amongst some of the best air forces in the world. Very capable pilots. All comes down to training.

training does not means that PAF pilots is going to train them how to fly, they are going to share their experience with US and other nations. Remember PAF is the only force to hit a jet with a BVR in active combat, so other nations are interested in getting know how.
Turkey and USA have BVR kills too.

I cant remember if i read it here or somewhere else but usually aircraft sale contracts can include replacement options due to accidental losses. Any idea Pakistan might have that option?
No option for PAF and no reserves.
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