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A BJP leader's now deleted tweet warns of India's meddling in US Elections

From my perspective all this is Gangu on Gangu voilence. However Modi might just end up destroying Pakistan by giving it so much 'love' that it drowns in it's own goodness without even firing a shot. How so? Keep up the trouble inside India. Mass riots. RSS goons go on bloodbath. Millions of Gangu Muslims become refugees and head to Pakistan.
I did not imagined people could be this dumb, maybe he had some bad experience with Muhajirs but still should go to psychologist and also for a brain scan before his mental issues develop further

It will be better if Muslims living in small pockets to move to places where they have strength, these saffron chaddies are coward and will target only the places where they can gang up and outnumber Muslims.
That's called ghettoization and to a great degree, it already exists otherwise the death toll would have been in 3 or 4 digits
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@humbl., have the riots spread outside of Delhi ??
No, there have been some single incidents but the pogrom (I refuse to call it riot) has ended and no other place seems to be infected

I have zero hope for justice in this pogrom, even Tahir Hussain is thrown under the bus by AAP but BJP is sticking with it's boys. Hindu privilege

Why are they not saying that India needs democracy ??
The world we live in is not ideal, Indian muslims are alone and should chose sensible and responsible leadership to defend themselves, the first step should be to uproot and boycott internal traitors - the musanghis and also put an end to the muslim marginalisation.
BTW are you a commie?

One of the boy died who was in the video in which police was beating and abusing muslims and forcing them to sing national anthem
That's called ghettoization and to a great degree, it already exists otherwise the death toll would have been in 3 or 4 digits

Instead of small ghetto, make majority in coastline states just like the case was in western frontier part of British Raaj - it will give more political power to Hindustani Muslims than forming ghettos.
No, there have been some single incidents but the pogrom (I refuse to call it riot) has ended and no other place seems to be infected

Thank goodness !!

I believe that the ITBP from its foundation itself is a highly politicized unit. It was founded to counter China's movements along the Indo-China border and I think the political side of that has been internalized by ITBP and hence we probably see a Right-leaning of that unit.
make majority in coastline states
It's not that simple, 201 million muslims can't just migrate to coastlines, the state will take cue and the locals will become Xenophobic. It's like asking whole Pakistan to migrate to Iran or Iraq. If it was possible it would have been thought of at the time of partition.

I believe that the ITBP from its foundation itself is a highly politicized unit. It was founded to counter China's movements along the Indo-China border and I think the political side of that has been internalized by ITBP and hence we probably see a Right-leaning of that unit.
Why do you think that it is only this unit that's Right-leaning? Ask any muslim who have faced pogroms most state institution are biased, what else you expect when muslims barely make up 1 percent in the forces?
Why do you think that it is only this unit that's Right-leaning? Ask any muslim who have faced pogroms most state institution are biased, what else you expect when muslims barely make up 1 percent in the forces?

Every institution has been compromised and corrupted in India.

There have been numerous studies confirming the bias.
Why do you think that it is only this unit that's Right-leaning? Ask any muslim who have faced pogroms most state institution are biased, what else you expect when muslims barely make up 1 percent in the forces?

Well, the Army did help Kashmiris during the flood of 2014. But we cannot discount the fact that there will be quite a number who will be like Colonel Purohit. We can see that easily from the number of Right-leaning "Defense" experts who are guests in TV news shows.

Another example is of Major Leetul Gogoi who got inspired for his infamous human-shield idea by taking inspiration from some Israeli forces who had tied up a Palestinian boy to their jeep.
Well, the Army did help Kashmiris during the flood of 2014. But we cannot discount the fact that there will be quite a number who will be like Colonel Purohit. We can see that easily from the number of Right-leaning "Defense" experts who are guests in TV news shows.

When a Hindu doing their damn job is showcased as an example of communal amity, you know how bad things are.
Well, the Army did help Kashmiris during the flood of 2014. But we cannot discount the fact that there will be quite a number who will be like Colonel Purohit. We can see that easily from the number of Right-leaning "Defense" experts who are guests in TV news shows.

Another example is of Major Leetul Gogoi who got inspired for his infamous human-shield idea by taking inspiration from some Israeli forces who had tied up a Palestinian boy to their jeep.
Another thing I would like to point out is that Army's political leaning will differ with the ranks, I assume a Non Commissioned Officer to be more bigoted than a Commissioned officer

He is just creating a warm nest for himself after retirement.
Wannabe Governor
Congress has met prez of india to appeal for amutr shah's (divider in chief) resignation.
Is the congress filled with morons? The prez of india is a chamcha of the gujju-rat cabal
They take their orders from Rss/bjp.
Institutions like SC (bobde), military (bipin) are fully compromised with rss implants.
Secularism was killed off by the bjp/rss criminals ca 2014 but the ground work was laid long before by RSS through its brainwashing programs. Their brainwashing programs are very similar to the brainwashing programs used in White-supremacists camps in the West.
If the congress hasn't even realized this then its doomed indeed.

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