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Iranian BMs were launched at Ain Assad: Fars News

hope they dnt escalate more
No it will not but for sure Iran will fight back through proxies....

U.S should have shut this rough General 10 years back but they did't...Now they did it just for political scoring.
Taliban bombs US bases in Afghanistan every month. P.S. Iranian missiles warheads were empty which hit American bases.
No country since WW2 had attacked nor captured yankee soldiers. PS. Iranians missiles were at their most destructive level and second wave of Iranian attacks caused too many yankee die & severely injures because they didn't except it. They had gathered to accumulate bodies after first wave of Iranian attacks then the second wave came in a much surprising way.

Local Iraqi people report yankees were transfering dead and injured bodies with helicopters for hours.
so everything is cool down now

Yes. Tweets of Iranian FM and Trump clearly indicate this. I think that Trump would be issuing the statement, in, may be, coming few hours.
Yes. Tweets of Iranian FM and Trump clearly indicate this. I think that Trump would be issuing the statement, in, may be, coming few hours.
If that is the case, it will be a huge embarrassment and humiliation for the US military. It show US military is not capable of defending their interest and themselves.
Yes. Tweets of Iranian FM and Trump clearly indicate this. I think that Trump would be issuing the statement, in, may be, coming few hours.
Yet they don't know what to say.

They just want to save face from this great embarrassment.

Their first goal is to show casualties very very insignificant.
So it turned out to be a show for de-escalation... No casualties whatever US or IQ and bases are still operating, with minor destruction...
For those who wanted to be a true revenge... it's a fail... as for those who still accept the gesture in hope to "de-escalate" and therefore no falling into a war...it's a win.

Almost everyone is happy... The pop can say we hit US bases... The gov can say we did our duty of revenge... The US can save the face after their fiasco... and the region can continue their biz...

Now that Symmetrical warfare is over... let's see the asymmetrical one... with militias... are they gonna keep that line... revenge without escalation or are they just going to mess it up for Iran/Iraq/US etc... I'm sure their Leaders got the memo from Iran... but the base is a bit "out of touch" in such circumstances...

And in all this mess... 180 innocent died for nothing/incompetent AA operators...
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No country since WW2 had attacked nor captured yankee soldiers.
Dont make things Up Korean War and Vietnam saw many US FOBs getting attacked and many US personals captured as POWs. You guys kept your word at least to some extant so good for you but dont make things up. Had you claimed no one did it after Gulf War it would have been more accurate.
They had gathered to accumulate bodies after first wave of Iranian attack then the second wave came in a much surprising way.

Local Iraqi people report yankees were transfering dead and injured with helicopters for hours.
Americans wont be able to hide any casualties we will know soon enough.
Another humilation for US made air defense systems! :lol:

Iraqis promised their revenge as well.
Ayatollah claims this is his "severe revenge", "slap on face of the US"
at the same time says he doesn't want war and hopes US won't retaliate lol
Truth: not a single US soldier dead(for those who believe in the "80 US soldiers dead" claim, know this US can't hide deaths like this, the families in the US would go ape mode and mass protests would ensue, look at how unpopular bush got when he got 1-2k soldiers killed in the wars, 80 deaths are alot for them, this is one of the reasons why the US always uses local militia aids whenever they invade, this helps keep the US soldier mortality rate low, high morale among the country and army)
Iran had announced beforehand that they would strike the US within 5 hours and that's exactly what they did, giving enough time to let the soldiers escape and keep their image but anyone with half a brain can easily tell this was just appeasing the low IQ general population who buy into the country's propaganda.
This is beyond pathetic, on par with India claiming they killed launched surgical strikes while providing 0 evidence of doing so.
If that is the case, it will be a huge embarrassment and humiliation for the US military. It show US military is not capable of defending their interest and themselves.
Yet they don't know what to say.
They just want to save face from this great embarrassment.

May be.:lol:
I am giving a neutral assessment.
No country since WW2 had attacked nor captured yankee soldiers. PS. Iranians missiles were at their most destructive level and second wave of Iranian attacks caused too many yankee die & severely injures because they didn't except it. They had gathered to accumulate bodies after first wave of Iranian attacks then the second wave came in a much surprising way.

Local Iraqi people report yankees were transfering dead and injured bodies with helicopters for hours.
Those military bases were also host to other nationalities and all of them including the iraqis have denied any casuality. So it seems like Iran warned abt the attacks as reported and all forces evacuated the bases, hence no casualities.
So it turned out to be a show for de-escalation... No casualties whatever US or Q and bases are still operating, with minor destruction...
For those who wanted to be a true revenge... it's a fail... as for those who still accept the gesture in hope to "de-escalate" and therefore no falling into a war...

Almost everyone is happy... The pop can say we hit Us bases... The gov can say we did our duty of revenge... The us can save the face after their fiasco... and the region can continue their biz...

Now that Symmetrical warfare is over... let's see the asymmetrical one... with militias... are they gonna keep that line... revenge without escalation or are they just going to mess it up for Iran/Iraq/US etc... I'm sure their Leaders got the memo from Iran... but the base is a bit "out of touch" in such circumstances...

And all this mess... 180 innocent died for nothing/incompetent AA operators...


Trump threatens attacks on 52 sites if Iran retaliates for Soleimani killing

President Donald Trump on Saturday warned Iran that if it retaliates for the killing of one of its top leaders, Gen. Qassem Soleimani, it will face U.S. attacks on 52 targets, a number he said was symbolic.

The president tweeted that the number of targets matched the number of hostages held by Iran in 1979, when 52 American diplomats and citizens were held for 444 days.

"Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have.........targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD," he said. "The USA wants no more threats!"

LOL. What a joke from the President of US. Is he a big chicken or American military is???

Until now, still no response from US after being openly attack by ballistic missile fired from Iran? @F-22Raptor @LeGenD @Hamartia Antidote
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US is a paper Tiger. That is all I want to say. There is nothing to be afraid of american....
its no paper tiger
it just only has very weak foes
its appetite for war and violence has no limits
because of enormous gulf in technology power economy and political influence it is able to gets way every time

might is right and thats enough to be a tiger

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