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China rejects EU support for ‘universal’ human rights, saying ‘satisfaction of people’ is most impor


Aug 22, 2018
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United States
Chinese officials have told their European counterparts that human rights should be measured by the people’s well-being and rejected the EU’s support for the “universal” values enshrined in the United Nations Charter.

The statements issued by both sides after a meeting between the EU’s foreign affairs chief and Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi underlined their disagreements on human rights by recording their discussions on the topic in markedly different ways.

While the Europeans focused on Mogherini’s support for “universality”, the Chinese statement emphasised her call for mutual respect and comments that there were “different approaches” to the issue.

inRead invented by Teads
The issue has long been a bone of contention between the two sides, and hours after the meeting the Chinese foreign ministry reacted angrily to the news that the European Parliament had given its top human rights award to the jailed Uygur activist Ilham Tohti, describing him as a “terrorist”.


Uygur activist Ilham Tohti is serving a life sentence. Photo: AFP
The Chinese foreign ministry statement issued after their discussion on a range of foreign policy issues said that Wang had told his counterpart that “satisfaction of the people” should be the way human rights were measured.

He continued that China would continue to focus on development and “let the people live good lives to protect and elevate their human rights”.

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According to the statement, Mogherini had acknowledged that there are “different approaches to safeguarding and promoting human rights” and accepted that there were “problems with the human rights situation in European countries”.

Chinese officials have told their European counterparts that human rights should be measured by the people’s well-being and rejected the EU’s support for the “universal” values enshrined in the United Nations Charter.

The statements issued by both sides after a meeting between the EU’s foreign affairs chief and Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi underlined their disagreements on human rights by recording their discussions on the topic in markedly different ways.

While the Europeans focused on Mogherini’s support for “universality”, the Chinese statement emphasised her call for mutual respect and comments that there were “different approaches” to the issue.

inRead invented by Teads
The issue has long been a bone of contention between the two sides, and hours after the meeting the Chinese foreign ministry reacted angrily to the news that the European Parliament had given its top human rights award to the jailed Uygur activist Ilham Tohti, describing him as a “terrorist”.


Uygur activist Ilham Tohti is serving a life sentence. Photo: AFP
The Chinese foreign ministry statement issued after their discussion on a range of foreign policy issues said that Wang had told his counterpart that “satisfaction of the people” should be the way human rights were measured.

He continued that China would continue to focus on development and “let the people live good lives to protect and elevate their human rights”.

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According to the statement, Mogherini had acknowledged that there are “different approaches to safeguarding and promoting human rights” and accepted that there were “problems with the human rights situation in European countries”.

This guy is the founder of online forum"Uyghur Online", “维吾尔在线”网站的创办人和站长,many believe that site contributed to July.5 2009 Urumqi riot.


I used to be a member of that forum before it was shut down, I would say most posts are anti Han but I didn't remember any posts encouraging openly rising up against the government, you can find tons of posters with victim mentality there.
@beijingwalker Perfect example of why "Internet" needs to be controlled in Pakistan. Fraudsters sitting thousands of miles away in an another country can cause havoc through disinformation and Hybrid wars.

If you want to be free from free informational why don't you move to China?
It's heaven for people like you.
If you want to be free from free informational why don't you move to China?
It's heaven for people like you.

You are mistaken ...... there is no such thing as "Free Information". There is only "Perception" of being free, and I can't change your mind.

Good question. Why dont people like him all just go move and live in China. lol

Says a person where the Whole Turkish media is now controlled by the Government through legislation after the coup attempt. As they say "Ignorance is bliss", and you are an Ignorant Hun no doubt. :lol:
You are mistaken ...... there is no such thing as "Free Information". There is only "Perception" of being free, and I can't change your mind.

Says a person where the Whole Turkish media is now controlled by the Government through legislation after the coup attempt. As they say "Ignorance is bliss", and you are an Ignorant Hun no doubt. :lol:
k m8
If you want to be free from free informational why don't you move to China?
It's heaven for people like you.
It's very hard for non east Asian people to merge in east Asian countries, China has over one million South Koreans living in China, China, Japan and Korea all have large expats groups living in their countries from each other, cause it's to blend in and adapt culturally.
If you want to be free from free informational why don't you move to China?
It's heaven for people like you.

This is a typical "Love what you have, hate who you are" mentality.

Most people here have no "Chinese Experience" the only experience they have may be coming from a visit here and there? And that's it.

Now, try live in an environment where you basically cannot do anything without permission, which is like a prison, and any wrong move and you will be punish, whether or not you actually did wrong, because the interpretation of "Right" and "Wrong" are different in China.

Now, if you are safe and sound in the safety of country like Australia and US, well, of course you can say "I love China" but when you have to live there for 5 or 10 years? I wonder, how many can actually do that?

I just want to say, we take our freedom for granted for too long, and this forum show exactly that.
You are mistaken ...... there is no such thing as "Free Information". There is only "Perception" of being free, and I can't change your mind.

Says a person where the Whole Turkish media is now controlled by the Government through legislation after the coup attempt. As they say "Ignorance is bliss", and you are an Ignorant Hun no doubt. :lol:

you are now setting up a red herring.

You can have a philosophical debate all you want.
But you expressed support for the way China controls information.
If you support such a model then you should move there and live that model.
you are now setting up a red herring.

You can have a philosophical debate all you want.
But you expressed support for the way China controls information.
If you support such a model then you should move there and live that model.
It's very hard for non east Asian people to merge in east Asian countries, China has over one million South Koreans living in China, China, Japan and Korea all have large expats groups living in their countries from each other, cause it's to blend in and adapt culturally.
It's very hard for non east Asian people to merge in east Asian countries, China has over one million South Koreans living in China, China, Japan and Korea all have large expats groups living in their countries from each other, cause it's to blend in and adapt culturally.

There are plenty of Westerners and Middle Easterners living on all east Asian countries.

When I lived in Korea, the major cities had many shops where you can get halal meat (most of which came from china oddly enough)

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