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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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Biggest joke and with out authentic source Fan boys have wasted 40 plus pages Oh my what a childish posts .Rest only possibiliites will be if we have AESA equipped JF17 might be slight chances that US will offer the same

tbh your post is the most childish I have read in all of the 40+ pages yet.
Doesn't matter its assumption or hope, but its not fan boys nor a joke, nor childish. If nothing else, its pretty much of a possibility and something worth thinking and discussing about.

I am just wondering what's gonna happen to your childish face if this becomes reality tomorrow?

I have this question since you're a nuclear power state who you think has the balls to attack you or worse invade you?!

I'd say save the money for something benefits the poor people better than wasting them on fighters tanks ships use them for infrastructure or supplement the low income people that's where the good investment

Sorry if my wishes make no sense to you actually that's what I like for my country

Nukes are good on paper, and even the most nuclear armed nations like Russia come bery close to fighting a war every other month or so.
Nukes ensure mutual destruction, hence no one is likely to use them on another nuke armed state. But at the same time no one stops these other nuke armed states from seeking a non nuke limited adventure with your military. Just like what india tried on 26th Feb.
The more and better weapons you have the more times the enemy will have to think before going on a stupid maneuver against you.
indians had been living in their delusional Bollywood fantasy of being superior, and they learnt some lessons on 26th and 27th February of this year. And have been learning many lessons ever since.
Bilal we should also try get used Airframes like from Belgium or Jorden may US has some about 25 jets upgrade is 1 billion if we get 100 total old airframe along these 24 new that 124 odd F16s a awesome number
US will never disrupt the balance by such a sale. Having said that 36 block 32/42 plus 18 uograded 52s plus the newer platforms would be enough for now for dhoti land to be in a state of perpetual dysentry for 5years. I would upgrade the ADFs with the hand me downs from the 52s. We should go for upgrades on airframes to extend life of airframes if possible fleet wide.
So does that mean that India is not buying any of US fighters including F18,F21 because unless they say no it will be hard for US to sell to India’s opposition.
Or India will get F35 then Pak gets Blk 70s

As long as Modi is PM or BJP is in power I don't think India will go for the US fighter aircraft. It probably has less to do with lack of trust on the US jets than with bureaucratic and corporate preference for Rafale. Right now Reliance (Ambanis) are partnered with Dassault on the Rafale project and Ambanis are said to be the biggest sponsors of Modi (in fact some say Ambani controls the entire government). Even if Congress comes to power next time they'll not ditch the Rafale as it was their own government and bureaucracy that opted for the jet. They could go for the US fighter jet alongside Rafale but all this foreign equipment clutter is causing operational problems for them, as they have probably learned during the 26th-27th Feb conflict. They would want to limit diversity for a start.
This is why I added "or Blk 72"

GE engine - even the lower thrust one, has an advantage over PW.
I thought PAF operated F16s with PW engines...wouldnt it be costly to switch them all over to GE ones? If only the new acquisition of F16s are to be GE ones while the rest remain the same(PW) then that would take away the commonality in the F16 fleet.
Thank you for this great and simplified explanation. Does same holds true for SAM batteries engaging an attacking aircraft?
Theoretical question, can PATRIOT shoot down a rogue F-16 from a friendly nation?
I am wondering why Turkey is buying S-400 and not PATRIOT? Can export versions shoot down aircrafts of the supplier country?
Without an IFF interrogator system, any aircraft is under risk whether allied or not. The PATRIOT system does have IFF interrogator capability. It does not matter who sells to whom, if the area is a combat zone and if there is an incomplete or no IFF response, an aircraft is at risk.
"Upgrading the Block 52+" must includes AESA radar, otherwise there would be no point in acquiring AIM-120D (150+ KM Range).
In terms of the F-16s, I think the order of priority would be: upgrading the Block-52+ and as many of the MLUs to F-16V-standards, and acquiring the AIM-120D and AIM-9X. Beyond that, it's luxury.
I am very much on topic, who brought in toys?

I think you failed to understand what i said... i said, fighter jet is not toy.. to say readily available... you are pretty much off topic...

Those monkeys have more bad news coming , besides the vipers :D

Pretty much mutual feeling... just some guys have emotional imbalance, either feeling excited or getting depressed..
Unfortunately you are an unknown while @Khafee is a very senior officer with a very illustrious career. And he is a major asset for the country.

you are truly a poet and a philosopher and a military historian all put in one.

So, now we have three people essentially saying the same thing, khafee, airomerix and, our resident Sherlock Holmes, @TheTallGuy

Do we need to call up PMIK to confirm this? Is our job here to satisfy the requirements of every keyboard warriors living in their mom's basement?
I am an amateur 'jack of all trades but master of none'!! Thanks for your accolades though ..
As far as it is about money $$; not to forget that US owe Pakistan almost 9 Billion $ in lieu of war on terrorism (CSF) to be paid and Trump stopped that which is not a surprise. We had spat over it and things went south. Then, a god sent opportunity knocked and as our rival failed due to bias strategy; Pakistan became the most important party. The interest risen and US started to talk. Without wasting the opportunity; in short, a list to do was shared and discussed.

Trump being a businessman will never pay $9+ billion just like that hence, it can be said that the decision was made to offer product in lieu of money, sell product by keeping money at home, paying LM as the money circulates within home, creates jobs & pays labour and both parties are at win win. Afghanistan exit may be succeeded, CSF obtained, had the best product because Pakistan doesn't need a whole new infrastructure or training etc when it comes to F-16s except for refresher & upgrades at facility.

The above can be possibility if, there were talks or a will being put on the table. What happened in recent days, provides estimated guess at best and we have seen ACM calls upon PM before his visit to US. COAS accompanied and so the Spy Master. Pentagon to White House; all glittery and rocking till now, will prove many of guesses as true in coming days.

These observations along with many updates let the thread to keep it running for a while. PAF does need birds and of advanced level and we all can only discuss the possibilities. Not everyone can conclude the whole picture at once but bit by bit, it can help understand well.

We had bitter relations with US since a while and things weren't pleasant but then again, strategic games does have opportunities and chances to win big. These games and geo-strategic importance can bring you the golden opportunity by any minutes and all we need to do is to be ready, active & be prepared to avail. The few having moment that US does this & that to Pakistan and this can't be made possible; are right to the extent of past but it is more of satisfying that they aren't seeing what's been happening. So, I will always wish that the adversary may remain occupied in thoughts that this is not going to happen.

@Khafee being a professional shared a news as per his own links/source and still own it so, him being a professional wouldn't risk it but provided a scenario which allows us to discuss with every possibility that exists to move on with US. What if proposed Block-70 or Block-72 news is one of the items we discussed & hopefully will have them too? I am saying this again as we are not paying upfront as usual as we don't have that luxury and there is pending balance of CSF with US so we have a way forward with mutual benefit in lieu of goodies for us & safe exit for US.

I don't think that Exit Bargain will be that cheap and I said it before. The mutual interests based talks does contain a long term working relation with benefits for each party, strategical security, leverage in regard to economical build-up, market access etc etc. There is a lot can be made out of it or we can guess but only time will tell how things turn out as it is a time consuming exercise especially when we have a whining, arrogant & very cunning enemy.

Lets say Pak is on talk for F 16 blk 72, khafee got it from internal sources.. kept secret to avoid xyz things.. being a professional how can he share it on public domain.. when Pak intend to keep the deal secret???where is the professionalism in their...
As far as it is about money $$; not to forget that US owe Pakistan almost 9 Billion $ in lieu of war on terrorism (CSF) to be paid and Trump stopped that which is not a surprise. We had spat over it and things went south. Then, a god sent opportunity knocked and as our rival failed due to bias strategy; Pakistan became the most important party. The interest risen and US started to talk. Without wasting the opportunity; in short, a list to do was shared and discussed.

Trump being a businessman will never pay $9+ billion just like that hence, it can be said that the decision was made to offer product in lieu of money, sell product by keeping money at home, paying LM as the money circulates within home, creates jobs & pays labour and both parties are at win win. Afghanistan exit may be succeeded, CSF obtained, had the best product because Pakistan doesn't need a whole new infrastructure or training etc when it comes to F-16s except for refresher & upgrades at facility.

The above can be possibility if, there were talks or a will being put on the table. What happened in recent days, provides estimated guess at best and we have seen ACM calls upon PM before his visit to US. COAS accompanied and so the Spy Master. Pentagon to White House; all glittery and rocking till now, will prove many of guesses as true in coming days.

These observations along with many updates let the thread to keep it running for a while. PAF does need birds and of advanced level and we all can only discuss the possibilities. Not everyone can conclude the whole picture at once but bit by bit, it can help understand well.

We had bitter relations with US since a while and things weren't pleasant but then again, strategic games does have opportunities and chances to win big. These games and geo-strategic importance can bring you the golden opportunity by any minutes and all we need to do is to be ready, active & be prepared to avail. The few having moment that US does this & that to Pakistan and this can't be made possible; are right to the extent of past but it is more of satisfying that they aren't seeing what's been happening. So, I will always wish that the adversary may remain occupied in thoughts that this is not going to happen.

@Khafee being a professional shared a news as per his own links/source and still own it so, him being a professional wouldn't risk it but provided a scenario which allows us to discuss with every possibility that exists to move on with US. What if proposed Block-70 or Block-72 news is one of the items we discussed & hopefully will have them too? I am saying this again as we are not paying upfront as usual as we don't have that luxury and there is pending balance of CSF with US so we have a way forward with mutual benefit in lieu of goodies for us & safe exit for US.

I don't think that Exit Bargain will be that cheap and I said it before. The mutual interests based talks does contain a long term working relation with benefits for each party, strategical security, leverage in regard to economical build-up, market access etc etc. There is a lot can be made out of it or we can guess but only time will tell how things turn out as it is a time consuming exercise especially when we have a whining, arrogant & very cunning enemy.
24 hrs is a long time in politics - former Turkish President Merhum Demirel used to always say!! Geopolitics is the mother of all politics.....
Am not delusional like you... be it BJP or anyother party in the power... they can't hide such things.. it will be political suicide and they need to address the parliament..
It can very well be the case that Su30 MKI disappeared on the radar, which may seem like it was "downed" just like how u guys keep insisting on that F16 being "downed". However there's more than one way an aircraft can disappear off the radar...it doesn't necessarily have to be destroyed. In any case this is not the thread to discuss such things...so let's just move on and stick to topic of this thread.
Brilliant! Logical thinking... now that @Khafee has leaked top secret on PDF... the US is going to get angry with Pak due to #KhafeeLeaks and F16 deal will be cancelled. Party over.

Alright folks... nothing to see here now... harmony restored... all those things that were on fire...can start soothing process. Ice.

made F16 deal fail. Logic. Reason...win the day!

Wah.. if the official wants to keep it secret.. he should not reveal it.
This is not going to happen. The best, release of eight F-16's that were ordered with aid now will be partly paid from the funds from CSF payments. Continued support of the fleet. Second release of the AH1Z Vipers and completion of the order.

Upgrade of Orions and support of the fleet. Complete all ongoing supply and refurbishment contracts that were brought to a standstill.

I don't see sale of big ticket items at all.
Brilliant! Logical thinking... now that @Khafee has leaked top secret on PDF... the US is going to get angry with Pak due to #KhafeeLeaks and F16 deal will be cancelled. Party over.

Alright folks... nothing to see here now... harmony restored... all those things that were on fire...can start soothing process. Ice.

made F16 deal fail. Logic. Reason...win the day!
Like @Irfan Baloch said, there is fire of galactic proportions across the border (something like that).

Hence them twisting in agony. Like I said earlier, there is more good news coming IA.
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