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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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It is shame on the GoI that the Pandits , original inhabitants of the Valley have to run from Pillar to post to submit their pleas while the separatists and secessionists are met in their homes and concessions given to them by the truckload.
Here is the one in my city

Well, its common dilemma and complaint when Muslim goes down from valley to seek jobs, they been treated as Muslim terrorist or Pakistnai sympathizers and badly treated. So, go to see in forums Indian call them brother, but in real life not more then Pakistan sympathizers. That s call double standard and hypo ism in Indian politics and culture.

How can you say so buddy?? Lot of Kashmir have come out of valley and are living in the others part of competitive India.. And the discussion about this is purely OT which is not related on Geelani..

But for your information if they are competitive they can shine any where in India... If some are treated so it would be a direct impact of there behavior for sure.. Logically no one will hit a dog with a stone until it provokes any one... If people just come out of it for there survival they will survive in india.. and this situation doesn't is not there for muslims even for hindus of south indians.. they go to places like mumbai they boast themselves there around they get beaten... But some people go live quite and they were able to shine.... any where attitude works buddy.. not religion or location...
J&K turmoil: Do not study is Geelani's new refrain :tdown: :tdown:

NEW DELHI/SRINAGAR: As the state government prepares to counter the separatists’ call for shutdown and reopen educational institutions, the hardline Hurriyat Conference, led by Syed Ali Shah Geelani, has issued a warning to parents not to send their wards to schools and colleges.

“No right-thinking person can deny the importance of education in society, but to think that they (government) are concerned about the future of our children is like a mad man’s dream,” Mr Geelani said in a statement in Srinagar. The Hurriyat hawk alleged that most of the youths killed in the ongoing unrest in the Valley were students.

Mr Geelani also asked people to strictly observe civil curfew on Monday when schools and colleges would resume their normal functioning in the Valley. The Valley has so far been following the Hurriyat (Geelani) calendar — a line-up of shutdowns and protests published in leading local dailies — as the state government has been reluctant to take any stern steps against it.

Meanwhile, the Centre’s Kashmir package has failed to get the required backing for diverse reasons. While BJP charged the UPA government with “bowing before the separatists”, the Left described the proposals as an insufficient move. “The Centre has again bowed before the separatists and anti-national elements and continued its appeasement policy towards Kashmir while ignoring Jammu and Ladakh regions,” BJP state president Shamsher Singh Manhas said. He also criticised the Centre’s decision to release stone-pelters, questioning the message it sent across the country “by according leniency to those who break the law”.

CPM, which had been demanding release of stone-pelters against whom there were no substantial charges, said more needed to be done to instill confidence among the people and help restore peace and normalcy.

Seeking a change in the way police deal with protesters, CPM said the assurance of reviewing the location of bunkers in Srinagar city should be implemented immediately and not remain “only a promise”. CPM was in favour of partial withdrawal of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) and had even sought action against security personnel who had indulged in “excesses”.

CPM said the group of interlocutors for initiating a dialogue should be primarily political in nature, adding only a “political exercise” can help initiate a dialogue and sustain it. “While the announcement of the release of young men in jail for stone-pelting, review of detention under the Public Safety Act and compensation for the families of those killed are welcome, it is necessary to provide for compensation for those injured in police firings and for the rehabilitation of those permanently incapacitated,” a statement issued by the CPM polit bureau here said.

J&K turmoil: Do not study is Geelani's new refrain - The Economic Times

This AH has to shut his H. :frown:
So now we will see another round of conflict between these two leaders?

What about the people in P0K.. what do they want? Are they considering to include them in their decisions as well?

That is a dark land.. even if IOK is free(which wont happen any way) P0K will be under Pakistan... but they will be called Azad kashmir
So now we will see another round of conflict between these two leaders?

What about the people in P0K.. what do they want? Are they considering to include them in their decisions as well?

umm No! As far as I remember Geelani talked about his personal choice but said he will go with the majority!
Even its independent Kashmir, still Pakistan in win win situation. OK then do the plebiscite. Evac Indian forces and leave the new country name Kashmir from daily oppression. I think after 100,000 Kashmires death, India is just wasting its time,money and manpower.

An Independent Jammu & Kashmir will be the WORST CASE SCENARIO for Pakistan and then the whole Indus Water Treaty will have to be re-negotiated in which case Pakistan will then loose "considerable" Waters which will be for Jammu & Kashmir.

As such Pakistan will allow a "Creation" of the Independent State of Jammu & Kashmir and then in a short while will Invade the State of Jammu & Kashmir just as in October 1947.
Politics Karthik this is what is called Vote bank politics. Congress is famous for this, they will stoop to any low to please voters.

On the other hand bow to ur secular nation which upholds only minority rights while majority is neglected.
This is a side of the Kashmiri story which is conveniently swept under the carpet by all parties concerned including the entire Congress hierarchy .......a stark contrast to the days when Nehru and Indira because of their Kashmiri roots used to take a personal interest in the welfare of the Pandits......for all their talk of the Kashmir problem not about religion , the militants show their true faces when they indulge in this kind of ethnic cleansing......Simply cant wait to see a truly nationalistic party at the centre who can handle the vested elements in Kashmir with the strictures they deserve than repeated displays of weak knees by the congress incompetents.......
There is another non-lethal device available called LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) range approx 300m. Please check out Wikipedia for details.
It has been used aboard ships (incl. the Somali coast) with some success. May be suitable in J & K in vehicle mounted form.
In the United States it is legal for a civilian to carry a Taser C2 for self-defence. This is not considered a firearm because the cartridge uses gas, not gunpowder, to launch the probes. Taser advertises the C2, retailed at US $1200, and with a range of 15 feet, as superior to a stun gun, which must be in physical contact with the target; and to pepper spray, which is only effective to 6 feet away.

Too low for controlling stone-throwers. I guess rubber-bullets will be better.

But yeah, TASERs will definitely come in handy for city cops to tackle aggressive criminals.

How about these ?? ;)

PepperBall Gun Fully Automatic TAC-700

The TAC-700 on averages fires 700 rounds per minute in full automatic [with up to 60 ft. target accuracy] and up to 200 ft. accuracy for saturating an area with pepper. It is both tactical and compact.


The tactical and compact TAC-700 offers you distance, speed, versatility, and maneuverability with automatic performance for non-lethal use-of-force situations.


Target accurate up to 60 ft.; area saturation out to 200 ft. with new PepperBall 2part/3 gram rounds


Quickly deploy PAVA rounds at up to 700 rounds per minute


Enhance officer safety and effectiveness in crowd control, jail barricade busting, domestic violence, suicide by cop, and many other one-to-one or one-to-many non-lethal situations


The forward mounted high pressure air bottle allows for greater maneuverability and mobility in tactical situations

Variable Fire Power

Automatic feed system keeps rounds launching consistently while variable trigger settings allow you to conform to agency policy while giving officers the right capabilities to achieve all of their goals

Special Features:

Automatic Feed System

Feed and Fire up to 700 rounds per minute
The Automatic Feed System links the feeder sprocket to the air system. The faster you pull the trigger, the faster the feeder will feed.

Five (5) Adjustable Automatic Trigger Settings

Fully Automatic

Launches rounds continuously as long as the trigger is pulled

Semi Automatic

One round launched for each trigger pull

3 Round Burst

3 rounds launched for each trigger pull


One round launched per trigger pull; switches to auto if less than 1/4 second between pull and release

Auto Response

One round launched upon trigger pull and one launched upon trigger release
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Students on their way to school in Srinagar on Monday as many educational institutions opened after a gap of over 100 days. Meanwhile, curfew continued in almost all the ten districts for the fifteenth consecutive day. Photo: Nissar Ahmad


Kashmiri students attend classes at a school in Srinagar. IE photo: Shuaib Masoodi.

I think OIC need to invest its time into doing something good for the Muslim population of its members rather than giving advise to other countries. As India is not a member of OIC, they have no right to comment on India's internal matters. If they care so much about Indian Muslims then they should include India as one of the member as India is the country with third largest Muslim population. If they are not allowing India to be a member just because Pakistan is threatning to Quit OIC then it shows that its not interested in well being of Muslim Population.

There are thousands of Muslim people dying in its member countries due to hunger in a countries like paksitan, somalia etc... instead of working for the well being of them OIC talking abt Human rights of a country a country which is not even a its member state.

I guess they are only interested in Human Rights of the Muslims rather the thier life itself.
nothing gonna happen 2 days ago .. somobozo insulting indira gandhi by calling her witch nd her son as hairy bear...

He might be refering to Nixon and idra isnt a god.. ive seen indian memberscalling zardari mr 10%....did u report tht too?
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