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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Ahhh hypocrites.if they evr wanted to go by consensus of the people in jammu and kashmir they would have abandoned their stance long a go.

If your so sure about your stance that the majority favour india ,then you guys would have no problem winning a vote on the issue of kashmir.....or is then when your hypocrisy is exposed!
heeee huuuuu huuuu... Mr Geelani is one comedy piece .... When his kins and family are away from valley who are not struggling for JK independence he has got no right to talk about JK independence..Let his family members shed a drop of blood for the valley then we can listen to him.. until then ask him to :lazy:.. ask some senior person in JK to talk ... Ask this kid to stay at home.. Instead of him, Pakistan have got rights to speak about JK independence as they have shed lot of blood
I agree. Once the word Islam is used or green flags are seen, that section will be seen as rogue. Kashmiris need to learn from Palestinians. Dont use green flags or turn into a Islamic movement. Keep it a secular movement by the intelligentsia.

Well the "christian" slant worked east timor and the basic crux of the matter in kashmir is that the muslim majority areas where supposed to go to pakistan during the partition......so in essence it has everything to do with islam.
By having a strictly secular set up it got the palestinians nowhere ,it was only the "islamic" oriented Hamas and hezbollah of lebanon that have been able to put up resistance against isreal and the islamic leaning of the mujahideen that defeated the russians.
Trying to appease the west by not showing the green flag has never worked.
When his kins and family are away from valley who are not struggling for JK independence he has got no right to talk about JK independence..Let his family members shed a drop of blood for the valley then we can listen to him.. until then ask him to

Does the same criteria fit the indian leadership that you demand of Geelani?

ask some senior person in JK to talk .

I can tell you right now that the only thing the kashmiris want to talk about is for indians to quit kashmir.

Instead of him, Pakistan have got rights to speak about JK independence as they have shed lot of blood

Yeah i forgot that pakistan sent the army into IOK and has killed hundreds of thousands during the past decade.
Geelani to parents: Don’t send children to school

With educational institutions all set to reopen on Monday in the Kashmir Valley, the hardline Hurriyat faction, led by Syed Ali Shah Geelani, on Sunday asked parents not to send their wards to schools and colleges.

“No right thinking person can deny the importance of education in society, but to think that they (government) are concerned about the future of our children is like a mad man’s dream,” Mr. Geelani said in a statement here.

The Hurriyat leader alleged most of the youths killed in the ongoing unrest in the Valley were students.

Many more were injured and hundreds were languishing in jails, he further alleged.

Mr. Geelani appealed to people to strictly observe civil curfew on Monday when schools and colleges would resume their normal functioning in the Valley.

The separatist leader also appealed to teachers and the non-teaching staff to stay at home.

Education system has suffered immense damage during the ongoing unrest and imposition of curfew in Kashmir.

On Saturday, the hardline Hurriyat faction rejected the Centre’s eight-point formula to de-escalate the current turmoil in Kashmir terming it as an “eye wash”.


:rofl: Mr. Geelani does whats best for the Kashmiris eh?
heeee huuuuu huuuu... Mr Geelani is one comedy piece .... When his kins and family are away from valley who are not struggling for JK independence he has got no right to talk about JK independence..Let his family members shed a drop of blood for the valley then we can listen to him.. until then ask him to :lazy:.. ask some senior person in JK to talk ... Ask this kid to stay at home.. Instead of him, Pakistan have got rights to speak about JK independence as they have shed lot of blood

At the moment its you who is acting like a comedian :D
Its futile debating, what gilani wants means nothing, no Indian government will part with kashmir.
If we go back to history Kashmir has always been a part of India.Kindly google & you will find it.
Talks, killings of the stone throwers (good thing) will continue.

lasltly we will not give kashmir no matter what others want.


India is Banned..along with Israel!Though both claim to be "secular"

India, which has the world's third largest Muslim population, has shown an interest in joining the OIC as an observer nation.[39] While India's candidacy is supported by some OIC members including Saudi Arabia,[40] Pakistan's strong opposition and threat to boycott the OIC have led to India's inclusion into the OIC being blocked. The Pakistan Foreign Office argued that India's inclusion in OIC would be against the rules of OIC, which state that an aspirant should not have an ongoing conflict with a member state

Philippines - The Philippine government has made attempts to join the OIC, but this is opposed by the Moro National Liberation Front, an OIC observer located in the Philippines. The MLF claims that Philippine membership is unnecessary[citation needed]. In 2009, the country's bid has received stronger support and has been advocated by Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, and the United Arab Emirates, among others.[42][43][44][45]


India is Banned..along with Israel!Though both claim to be "secular"

India, which has the world's third largest Muslim population, has shown an interest in joining the OIC as an observer nation.[39] While India's candidacy is supported by some OIC members including Saudi Arabia,[40] Pakistan's strong opposition and threat to boycott the OIC have led to India's inclusion into the OIC being blocked. The Pakistan Foreign Office argued that India's inclusion in OIC would be against the rules of OIC, which state that an aspirant should not have an ongoing conflict with a member state

Philippines - The Philippine government has made attempts to join the OIC, but this is opposed by the Moro National Liberation Front, an OIC observer located in the Philippines. The MLF claims that Philippine membership is unnecessary[citation needed]. In 2009, the country's bid has received stronger support and has been advocated by Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, and the United Arab Emirates, among others.[42][43][44][45]

Which proves that OIC is not a neutral organisation and hence perfect reason for India to ignore it.:coffee:


India is Banned..along with Israel!Though both claim to be "secular"

India, which has the world's third largest Muslim population, has shown an interest in joining the OIC as an observer nation.[39] While India's candidacy is supported by some OIC members including Saudi Arabia,[40] Pakistan's strong opposition and threat to boycott the OIC have led to India's inclusion into the OIC being blocked. The Pakistan Foreign Office argued that India's inclusion in OIC would be against the rules of OIC, which state that an aspirant should not have an ongoing conflict with a member state

Philippines - The Philippine government has made attempts to join the OIC, but this is opposed by the Moro National Liberation Front, an OIC observer located in the Philippines. The MLF claims that Philippine membership is unnecessary[citation needed]. In 2009, the country's bid has received stronger support and has been advocated by Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, and the United Arab Emirates, among others.[42][43][44][45]

this shows that how much pakistan is feared of diplomacy of india.if u have enough power then let india to join n face on grounds.:pakistan::pakistan:
Does the same criteria fit the indian leadership that you demand of Geelani?

I can tell you right now that the only thing the kashmiris want to talk about is for indians to quit kashmir.

Yeah i forgot that pakistan sent the army into IOK and has killed hundreds of thousands during the past decade.

No it wont fit for Indian leaders... because they are not like Geelani who eats others life for there welfare... Indian leaders eat only others money not others life...

You can tell what Kashmirs want i cant tell want India wants and nothing is going to change.. JK is an Indian territory and kids like Geelani can only dream...

And killing people is not new for Pakistan army buddy... they are part of a big conspiracy already
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