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The Un-Intended Eye Opener Of 27th Feb:---


Welcome to war news---. Some information is leaked intentionally in different formats and terms---to keep the enemy confused to what actually happened---.

WTF is rest assured mean---. Please---for godsake---don't insult---that is shameless---. Where did you learn that stuff from---. What school did you go to---what teachers that you had in school and college that taught you these things---how about family members & friends---.

What would you say next---. Dont appreciate what Jinnah did for pakistan---or Iqbal did for pakistan or what MM Alam did---someone else would have done it---.
Well? Your hissy fit aside, tell me just ONE country that is capable of making their own fighter planes that would've not only helped Pakistan build a fighter plane tailored to our needs but also make most if not all of their technology available to you? Others won't even sell us their planes while here, we got the entire manufacturing ability made available to us for a fighter plane that just proved is metal against some of the best of what Russia, France and isreal had to offer.

Give credit where its due bruda...
Even the F-16 role doesn't make much sense, looking at the battle zone.
The factor of major concern for IAF were PAF's F-16's. It's not just the aircraft (F-16), it's the experience on F-16 that PAF Pilots have since 1980's, Afghan war Air to Air kills and the knowledge that unlike 1999, these are BVR capable now as well as upgraded to MLU. IAF was facing a very different F-16 after 20 years.

After escalation, IAF would stay away from areas where F-16's would show up. IAF tried intruding at several places on IB and LOC , and after 27th Feb from the sea too. PAF didnt employ just one kind of aircraft for CAP's, there were mixed CAP's of F-7, Mirage III, JF-17 and F-16.

On 27th, IAF planes chased PAF planes (which were returning after bombing) since no F-16 was found nearby. Mig-21's got confident that taking on Mirages will be a piece of cake and JF-17 was probably under rated. Crap hit the fan when F-16's showed up from behind LOC and locked onto Mig-21's (or Mig21 and SU30--the story in military information circles) and took them down.
No credit for Pakistani engineers and technical minds ..... as if they didn't exist or don't exist? I hope we haven't missed that it is a JV with our close ally and neighbor, we both participate and contribute, nothing like what we had with US.

The February 27th was all teamwork right from an active PM to the crew flying the machines and the ground crew, everyone and nation behind them with hopes and prayers. We had ALLAH and our Jawans on Pakistan's side, the best combination that is bound to bring victory.

Now is the time to start capitalizing on this victory, right from this region where india has long acted as a bully. Now is the time to get the SAARC nations feel that they are not alone and there is someone in this region, may be smaller but with a strong swift punch ....... many nations would be looking towards Pakistan, thinking we thought they were a failed nation .... now is the time to look straight in the eyes of Karazais, Ghanis, Solemanis, and Haseenas and ask them one last time "Chose your sides very wisely, you stand with aggression or peace".

india will take some time to recover from this, a country that is 7 times in everything, boasts a trillion dollar economy ...... but decides to attack with missiles ..... that should show the helplessness and level of frustration. Even more frustration when they would have to drop the idea. By the way who uses missiles in this region to boast attacks? Any guess? There is this only one country right ....... the one that has been sending all sorts of Yadevs and Uzairs. Did india borrow that idea from them?

I would say lets play with indian elections. Manipulate and change the results.
LOL... It was first time in history that an Airforce defeated a politician.
Look at recent photos of Mr Modi. He is getting thinner day by day.
:pakistan:سر جی جس سانوں ستایا اس ٹانگہ ہی چلایا
پاکستان زندہ باد پاکستان آرمی زندہ باد... ا
Su-30 is some name as mini AWAC because of its radar range. That's why indian mig 21 usually flies with SU-30 especially if it is engaging enemy. You can refer to indian and american exercises for this more info
Su-30 is some name as mini AWAC because of its radar range. That's why indian mig 21 usually flies with SU-30 especially if it is engaging enemy. You can refer to indian and american exercises for this more info

They do that with an assumption that if Mig-21 has its radar off it will not be seen, apparently that is what happened in the exercise.

How accurate is that is big question mark on it given Mig-21 are not stealth fighters hence they should been seen and with combination of radars they should appear and were downed.
The response by PAF not only shocked india, but it shocked Amricans, French, & Israelis... They delivered there best and modern equipment to india.. But pak failed them like they are like toys for us... Now French & isrealis expert are on urgent visit to india on the request of modi to give us those toys which can kill a PAF jet .. Only 1 jet they want for face saving .. Now IAF is being re equipped with soms new toys and now they are again looking for target ... But now PAF will give them few more punch that they will lost their remaining values.. Inshallah our response will be more ruthless then the last one
I beg to differ!! Nobody, I repeat, nobody gives their indegenous best defense stuffs to others!!!! Hence, they have “export” versions!!! IMO they are now more worried about what have been held back by their opponents....
Good ho giya sir ji.

But as far as AM Latif is concerned, rest assured, Chinese would've found ways to get what they wanted, but no one was able to do for us what they have done for us. There's no disputing that...

I second that. Yes PAF supplied lots of their requirements, input on technologies etc to the Chinese, but Pakistan didn't have the "Industrial bases" to pull the coup itself. Therefore, we should be thankful to the Chinese without shadow of a doubt. The ideas or inventions means nothing until and unless you are capable to produce them. What Pakistani input has done is to create products which are meeting the requirements of their needs.
I agree that if China wasn't there, we would have been dead and buried unable to get latest arms from anywhere.
So thank you China. The swift delivery of PL 15 is case in point, China deliver on emergency basis a requirement which would help us tremendously in coming days. Believe you me, those days are only round the corner.
Modi will attack us again before the elections, every indication point to it.


Welcome to war news---. Some information is leaked intentionally in different formats and terms---to keep the enemy confused to what actually happened---.

@MastanKhan, Come on mate , who knows better than enemy!! It was on the receiving end.
For example, if all Pakistan jets were in Pakistan airspace, they wouldn't have gone back when Indian interceptors were launched!! They should have been ready to aim and shot down the interceptors.
Yes I agree that F16 didn't cross the LOC, so whatever role they played, i.e. as a watch and backup of the original hunting party, they were inside LOC and Pakistani airspace. Same cannot be said about others, i.e. JF and Mirages.
That is an excellent catch...bipin, the favorite loud mouth monkey of modi, has been as quiet as a little mouse ever since he got bombed on the 27th.
Few days before Feb27, bipin said "I follow Bajwa, keep an eye on his moves, why not he is Chief of PA" Bajwa sb is chilling walking in Karachi stadium in PSL final waving hand to people...but Bipin seems not following :hitwall:

What you think is negative---has many a positives hidden in it---ask @Khafee
Almost 20 years ago i read a eroti
I beg to differ!! Nobody, I repeat, nobody gives their indegenous best defense stuffs to others!!!! Hence, they have “export” versions!!! IMO they are now more worried about what have been held back by their opponents....
Europeans and Amricans can sold there mothers for money... Arabs are getting customized weapons according to their wishes... Modi want to win election at the cost of harming pak... Now he can fall to any level and at any cost.. Many countries have super weapons might be he can buy one from them
@Signalian ,,,, You made me confused and worried ……. If all the killed made by F-16 then DG-ISPR No F-16s were used ?? And if all the kill done by F-16 does that mean Chinees tech is not worthy of trying???????? Why we didn't use it????
And if all the kill done by F-16 , then forget any new or old F-16s coming to PAF …. Isreal and india will make sure that ……. And also forget any future upgrades for our F-16s , because USA wont allow that...…..
@MastanKhan , Nice article …… If indeed we used JF-17 , then that broke the cheery for west !!!! They are angry and we are their target …….. Imagine some "others" fallowing PAF , that will end the superiority hysteria..

No. Only mirages.
Madam , Which one is the killer on that day , F-17 or F-16 please clear the fog !!! Thanks
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