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China blocks India's bid to designate JeM Chief Masood Azhar as a global terrorist in the UN

Just impose 200 percent duty on Chinese goods to India
first make sure Modi-ji's made in India is underway otherwise almost all consumer goods will cost 3 times more. Unless it is a novel way of cheating Indian public out of more money (a new gst like tax on purchases)
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China says ...the resolution lacks its core ....The matter should be reviewed without being sided with anyone and the solution must be acceptable to both India and Pak.
shot across the bow of Modi-ji's ship (follow the script or else face humiliation after humiliation)

He is following the script, its just his international backers are not as powerful as he though they would be. He has taken india between the rock and hard place. Both hostile China and Pakistan as neighbours staring at it, all done on behalf of extra regional powers and now India is in tight corner.
China done a good thing, Masood Azhar is a good Pakistani citizen.
India and it lobby miserably failed at UN in designating Masood Azhar as terrorist. There was lack of evidence against him which India failed to provide and no one can be designated as terrorist based on propaganda.

This is a developing story........

Will be updated soon.

There was a technical issue.

So China had ditched Pakistan and was staying neutral in this conflict? lol
Time is approaching that many many Indians would be designated terrorists under this UN's list.
They have got away far too long after butchering Muslims, depriving the Kashmiris their rights and calling their freedom struggle as terrorism.
No small thanks to the corrupt thugs of PMLN and PPP who have aided and abated the Indians and the West in their efforts to turn Kashmir freedom movement in to something it is not. For one reward, they should be allowed to rape Pakistan black and blue.
If in any doubts, look at the speeches, press conferences of Bilawal Zardari in last two weeks.
china is raising the right point.they are asking for evidence to proof that masood azhar is responsible for indian attacks.now this should be the job of our government but look at china,defending our case based on facts.this is very shameful for present government who is now arresting madrassa people just because of uncle sam.this defensive policy only humiliate pakistan.india is a liar.it lied to all foreign countries thousand times.when you lie hundred times,people will think that may be you are right.our government should ask help from china or at least ask them to correct our foreign policy.
Thanks a lot our Chinese brothers @beijingwalker :pakistan::china:

You don't have to thank China for this. They did us no favor but instead they did their duty in a just way. They asked for evidence and when there was no evidence they blocked the move because propaganda cannot be used to designate anyone terrorist. End of story. India media gives baseless lies and they think world believes them is their mistake. World needs evidence not propaganda. Court need evidence not media trails of perception.
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