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PAK Navy successfully intercepts Indian Submarine, foils intrusion

My dear pakistani's

Images clearly showed that Indian submarine was imaged by a surface vessel..
It has cleary come out of water...

It's just to say that I am already here....

Even if Orion's have detected them it's nothing surprising
That only means that it had no choice but to surface.. that is how it goes when a submarine is detected by a surface ship..
1. The video has not been confirmed by CNN or any international source.
2. The sub was in international waters.
3. if India had actually intended to launch an attack it would have brought more than one sub. Pakistan does have anti ship capabilities, so the Indian Navies best strategy would be to overwhelm the PN through sheer numbers.

My guess is that it was probably scouting and testing Pakistan's reaction. Or potentially even trying to instigate Pakistan into attacking first, although that is more unlikely.

Also the video has not been confirmed by international sources yet @waz @Dubious @Oscar
Fog of war
Scorpene has AIP, it does not need to snorkel..It is either a Kilo class or a type-209..

They are using only outdated weapon systems, Mig-21, SU-30, Mirage 2000 and old submarines.. may be they are trying to play Sun Tzu, where he advised to confront the best enemy troops with one's weakest and then attack their weakest with your best..(actually there is also a middle strength force that plays a role too)..

It needs air..:lol:

Just to clarify, india did not order AIP with their subs.

The first question comes to mind is---what was this sub doing snorkeling in pakistani merchant lanes at times of hostilities---?

It obviously did not want to hide from the pakistanis---regardless of it being day time or night time---.

1. Did the indians wanted to check the ability of our EW systems---?

2. Secondly---was it a DARE mission by the sub---seeing if the pak navy had the ballz to take it down---?

3. Or was it covering for another sub---that was doing something else---?

I think that it was the last two---.

It was an open dare by the indian navy to see if Pak had the ballz to take it sub out---pak navy had the chance to avenge the atlantique---.

Why did the pak navy let it come in farther into our territory and let it have it---?
"snorkeling in Pakistani merchant lanes"
That is a message on its own!
What's special here?


Coordinates of the drill ship currently drilling offshore Pakistan..... By ExxonMobil as a potential major find... A potential game changer

How do you know it's April 2019? Some people say it will take months to find something

The drill is started January.. the should have reached TD (total depth by end of February) . They will flow the well and send the data to USA with fluid for analysis. The Well Test data ... Flow and build up will give some idea of the formation permeability and extent (boundary). This exploratory well should confirm if there is potential... All this should be done by April.

They will then drill other delineation wells to determine the pool extent and true reserves.

I bet my bottom dollar this is what the Indian Navy is trying to disrupt. If Pakistan becomes energy rich... It's game over for India. They have Pakistan by the b*lls because of our lack of reserves limits the time we can fight a war.

India wants a divided poor Pakistan.... And they plan and conspire. But He The Most High also plans, and he is the best of Planners.
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It will create shock and awe---and tear away at the security of the enemy establishemt---.

The death of a scorpene would be a terrible blow to the psyche of the enemy---.

Now we are in the do or die mode---. They want to play hardball---then let us play hardball---.

Let us be like the israelis---let us stop being the peace makers---. The Atlantique needs to avenged---.
You can only do like Usrael if you have the full unconditional support of the US..otherwise just play it smart..Pakistan is not suicidal..
It might be an attempt to lure out our sea surveillance planes to be ambushed by their long range fighters
That only means that it had no choice but to surface.. that is how it goes when a submarine is detected by a surface ship..
For all members of PDF

incident like this happened in pirate infested waters of Somalia between Chinese ship and Indian submarine
But Chinese had a different view
It might be an attempt to lure out our sea surveillance planes to be ambushed by their long range fighters


No---that part is incorrect---. Our aircraft were already there---the sub was already coming into pakistan's merchant shipping waters---so that part is out of question---.

The question is---why did pakistan not allow it to come closer as much as possible and then sink it right in our back yard---.

Or had pakistan already cowed down to the us---.
The drill is started January.. the should have reached TD (total depth by end of February) . They will flow the well and send the data to USA with fluid for analysis. The Well Test data ... Flow and build up will give some idea of the formation permeability and extent (boundary). This exploratory well should confirm if there is potential... All this should be done by April.

They will then drill other delineation wells to determine the pool extent and true reserves.

I bet my bottom dollar this is what the Indian Navy is trying to disrupt. If Pakistan becomes energy rich... It's game over for India. They have Pakistan by the b*lls because of our lack of reserves limits the time we can fight a war.

India wants a divided poor Pakistan.... And they plan and conspire. But He The Most High also plans, and he is the best of Planners.
Thanks for the explanation man....

No---that part is incorrect---. Our aircraft were already there---the sub was already coming into pakistan's merchant shipping waters---so that part is out of question---.

The question is---why did pakistan not allow it to come closer as much as possible and then sink it right in our back yard---.

Or had pakistan already cowed down to the us---.

It is in Pakistan best interests to ensure economic safety by driving away potential threats to the oil rig, without escalating the situation to the point of war. Once Exxon is fully entrenched and committed to the operation with billions on the line, I can assure you Pentagon first refers to Big Business before starting a war. There is no way India would be able to impose war.

As a matter of fact, given how many data centers are in India, all out war was always unpalatable to India, and will always be.

No---that part is incorrect---. Our aircraft were already there---the sub was already coming into pakistan's merchant shipping waters---so that part is out of question---.

The question is---why did pakistan not allow it to come closer as much as possible and then sink it right in our back yard---.

Or had pakistan already cowed down to the us---.
The closer it gets the more intelligence it can gather and send back to its base..So interrupting its mission is already a good achievement.. And how close it can get? up to 13 miles from the Pakistani shores is still considered international waters..it might just stick there and will not only be able to listen but to see too..So the farther away it is intercepted, the safest it is..intelligence wise..
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