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COAS, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, endorsed punishment to 2 Army and 1 civilian office for treason.

I am not even surprised anymore. I met a bhagora brigadier who used to work for an important organisation back home. Met him through a mutual friend and we had a long chat about responsibilities as overseas Pakistanis but later I found out the S.O.B can't even return to Pakistan because he is on ECL.
Somewhere i read the most intense info gathering by US happens in iran and pakistan...so not surprised...there will be many more such agents from US i am sure still inside.
What needs to be looked at is why do we have officers even in senior ranks selling themselves to outside countries? I rarely see senior British Army officers or US Army officers or Russian Army officers doing the same. How are they innoculated against money, women etc? Anybody want to answer this puzzle?

*Ps. I can' even recall the last time I heard or read about a senior British Army officer doing this type of thing.
Yup admin of bhansa page Goraya even leaked their names.
Why though? Can we get US Marine General to grass up? Or British General? This needs to be looked at and addressed. I mean these men have good salary, comfortable living, prestige, respect and position in society. Certainly the British officers by comparison [note by comparison] do not enjoy the same perks, privilages or respect.

A brigadier in UK is just a brigadier. He has no signature outside of his base. He will stand in the same line as everybody else. He won't be able to cut corners because he is a 'brigadier'. But such treachery is unheard of in British Army.

This raises questions over recruitment, training, motivation, promotions etc.
2 Senior PA officers are in custody for espionage and further details will be shared once their court trial concludes.- DG ISPR Press conference

If these were RAW spies, Army would have remained silent. Either they are Hizb ul Tahrir agents, or CIA/Western Agencies.

There is no link to R&AW and also, in times when two sides deals in close & continuous contacts; there is a chance that one weak could be carried away as after all, human thing.

'Lt Gen (r) Asad Durrani violated military code of conduct'
Speaking about former chief of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Lieutenant General (retd) Asad Durrani, DG ISPR said, "He has been found guilty of violating the military code of conduct. His pension and other benefits have been stopped."

"Two senior military officials are under arrest for espionage. They are not part of a network and the army chief has ordered their court martial," he further said.
Look in army people come from different backgrounds. Some officers are highly 'non khandaani' type rascals. In army there is this need to crib about better life all the time. Some officers are disgruntled chronic cribbers and dishonest. Army has rubbish corruption controls contrary to popular understanding. These are not caught in early stage and they move up the ladder.

There is need to revamp ISSB.
Curb non conventional corruption and sort dishonest officers early in career.
Not linked to R&AW.

I can't believe how anyone can betray their people like this.

Capital punishment sounds like a slap on the wrist in this case.

If they are and as you claimed they are linked to CIA then the information is already with RAW and MOSSAD.

That’s how RAW operates

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