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India calls off Sushma Swaraj’s meeting with Pakistan’s foreign minister in New York

Massive diplomatic failure for India. Pakistan has always invited India for dialogue but the extremist government ( BJP which is extension of RSS) believes only in violence. Finally the international community can see the true face of "mother of terrorism" in South Asia.

Imran Khan's new government took a great initiative , some times just the timing of these small diplomatic measures have massive implications. Imran Khan 1-0 Modi
**** world, think for yrself...

we just dont need talks! just keep on making them pay heavy heavy prizes.

That is inevitable in any case. The LoC is glowing hot for a reason. India has to militarize occupied Kashmir for a reason LOL It suits us quite nicely. Our part of Gilgit Baltistan is enjoying CPEC development. Occupied Kashmir is militarized and suffering due to rape and hunger. The Kashmiri people aren't blind. They can see development and prosperity on one side and bloodshed on the other. The Indians are fighting a lost battle.
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Oh well, this just proves India is not interested in peace, Pakistan should not waste its time with these Gangadeshis.
Imran khan said he will take 2 steps if india takes one step.
But he forgot to say what india should do if pakistan take two backward step. (Stamp and mutilating soldiers body)

By the way why is imran khan so desperate to talk. What is there to talk about between us i dont understand really.
Actually this is good for Pakistan. Now world will see who wants to dialogue whose not.
Its same cycle of talks going on in last 70 years ..... If Indian govt go for talks ...its going to be bloddy waste and one major attack like Mumbai , Pathankot or may be even Kargil .... the way they dealing with Pakistan now is best way forward.....
Imran khan said he will take 2 steps if india takes one step.
But he forgot to say what india should do if pakistan take two backward step. (Stamp and mutilating soldiers body)

By the way why is imran khan so desperate to talk. What is there to talk about between us i dont understand really.
Oh well, this just proves India is not interested in peace, Pakistan should not waste its time with these Gangadeshis.

Rapists were never for peace. LOL India thinks it got wronged by their white colonial masters during the partition. The pain just won't disappear. It is a tough thing to live in constant pain.

Now they have to become a member and beg on a Pakistani defence forum on a daily basis. It feels good from whichever way you look at it.
Extremists sitting in raw office, Indian military will never want peace with Pakistan and under Modi they got their right man.
Talks are futile... I fail to comprehend what is it exactly that IK hopes to achieve through them... lights, camera, action ending in a spectacular flop, as usual, would only cost us time and energy, which could be spent on more realistic pursuits... for those who are skeptical, here is a brief reminder of some of the dirty tactics being deployed against us for decades...
  • water aggression
  • exploitation of Afghanistan
  • Iran-Indo alliance
  • economic warfare
  • funding of separatist movement and proxy terror groups
  • false flags (Samjhota express, Mumbai)... and so on...
India is an existential threat... period. Every time these negotiations seem to be getting somewhere, there is a Pathan Kot or a Mumbai attack and we are back to square one... when would our leaders realize that talks are not in India's interest... It only keeps up the pretense to fool the international community...

In my opinion, there is only one solution to India: Balkanization. If the mighty Soviet Union can be brought down, then why not India?... How can we stay silent on Khalistan, Assam, Nagaland, and Naxalite movement when India's PM openly calls out Pakistan on Balochistan??; and not-so-openly, sends Kalbhoshans across the border...
If India supports BLA and PTM, then Pakistan has every right to back India's separatists as well...

However, this is easier said than done. In my opinion, Pakistan has neither the resources nor the influence to wound India to a significant degree. Bringing China onboard, however, could be a different story... with Beijing's growing influence in India's direct neighborhood, the latter might soon find itself surrounded and isolated in the region... An internal political scuffle, coupled with a plethora of separatist movements (both externally financed of course), would not only force India to relocate troops from Kashmir to other parts, but also make India reconsider its stance on the issue altogether... With added economic and diplomatic pressures, who knows India might even find itself difficult to exist as a single entity one day... And only then folks, would Indians actually wanna listen to what we have to say... until then, it's all a pretense...

"laaton ke bhoot baaton se nahi mantay"

Also, India's rejection of OBOR and alliance with the US, could possibly catalyze this process further.
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things start when modi send letter
And it was a good gesture. He congratulated Imran khan on his win...like leaders of all other nations did. Letter was sent to convey that india is hopeful about talks.
i dont know why is IK desperate for india
Bhai, I think it's a good strategy, this will show to the world that Pakistan is interested in peace talks but india doesn't. india under modi don't want peace.

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