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Iran's Supreme Leader orders the restart of enrichment activities


Oct 24, 2013
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Nuclear agency must get ready for enrichment up to 190,000SWU as of tomorrow
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has ordered the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) to make preparations for enrichment of uranium up to a level of 190,000SWU without any delay.

Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in a ceremony held at the Imam Khomeini Mausoleum in south Tehran to commemorate the 29th anniversary of the passing away of the founder of the Islamic Republic while talking about Iran's nuclear deal with the P5+1 group of countries, which is officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

“It seems from what they say that some European governments expect the Iranian nation to both put up with sanctions and give up its nuclear activities and continue to observe limitations [on its nuclear program]. I tell those governments that this bad dream will never come true,” the Leader said.

Stressing that the Iranian nation and government cannot tolerate to be both sanctioned and be put in the “nuclear custody,” Ayatollah Khamenei ordered the AEOI to take rapid steps to make preparations for starting uranium enrichment “up to a level of 190,000SWU for the time being within the framework of the JCPOA” and take other preliminary steps that the president has ordered from tomorrow."

My comment:
That's the correct and logical response because without having a card to play at the table while sanctions are being imposed Iran, the country would be left with nothing to negotiate with other than it's Ballistic Missile program!
And EU has already proven that it's incapable of doing anything on it's own and their political leaders can disagree with the U.S. all day long but at the end of the day the U.S. owns them!
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Why does this not have coverage in mainstream media?
France is about to announce its withdrawal from the deal, the US already left .. what is the use to stay in such a deal except IAEA reports on Iran fully compliance to it?
I hope they do it fast if they've made the decision.
When Iran pulls out of the NPT treaty, then I will believe Iran will be developing nuclear weapons.

Till then, it does not look like Iran will get nuclear weapons.
Well, enrichment is not enough at this point....we need a full program. Because time and time again it has been proven that the Zionists and the West only respect force. We have nothing to lose at this point, these guys are bent on destroying Iran, they want Iran to be a failed state. We need to go for broke.
They gave up Arak Reactor for nothing! Billions thrown down the drain.

Now with sanctions, the redesign of Arak Reactor with foreign assistance will never happen.

Bravo IRI, only the Qajar Dynasty managed to be more inept then you guys.

I wish we could see what would be happen if there would be no deal.
The deal saved IRI of economic collapsing. Iran unblocked over 150 billion dollars of its own money. iran have been selling oil over 2 and half million barrels while before deal it was less than 700 thousand barrels and was falling down day by day.
Iran got investment from international companies in many industries such as mining, oil and gas ,Automotive and etc.
If you want to blame something, start with foreign policy since the beginning after revolution.

France is about to announce its withdrawal from the deal, the US already left .. what is the use to stay in such a deal except IAEA reports on Iran fully compliance to it?
I hope they do it fast if they've made the decision.

The problem is about several security council resolutions. if the deal break up for any reason, all those security council resolutions will automatically be Returned and iran will be completely Isolated in a sudden and even it wont be able to work and trade with small companies in any country. so it will be a victory for trump while he is struggling with other security council powers, he Applying several security council resolutions against iran without getting any sign and vote of the council members.
the period of Returning resolutions automatically will be end in next 7 years. after that iran will be treated by internatinal laws as a normal situation country and also monitoring on its nuclear program will be in normal level. in that time if anything happens, they need to start from beginning in UN and security council.
to cut a long story short, you have to choose between bad and worth.

zaman ahmadinejad ke aghaye jalili miraft to mozakerat o ensha mikhund o fardash ye ghatnameye jadid zede iran tasvib mishod o aghaye ahmadinejad migoft ienghadr ghatname bedin ta ghatname dunetoon pare she, inja mitunim fajeye aafaride shode o asaratesh ro bebinim.
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I honestly miss the days of Khomeini to be honest. we need another no nonsense decisive leader like him.

Khamenei is way too cautious and timid for my liking.

Khomeini had empty hands, an all out war imposed on iran, the US at top of its game on irans throat and threatning war and was leading a very weak and shaky revolutionary government.. Yet the guy was absolutely fearless and never blinked.

Iran today is a hell of a lot stronger and in a far stronger and more stable position. Yet Khamenei doesn't have remotely that same confidence/decisiveness as his predecessor.

we need to return to that revolutionary decisiveness. Even the euro sissies have come to the understanding that trump is a bully and the only way to talk to a bully is standing up to him.

These westerners are terrified of fearless islamists. that's what they feared from Khomeini. We need to go back to that revolutionary decisiveness.

this semi-pragmatic approach is not working, and is only leading to iran getting tricked into giving concessions for nothing.

if Khomeini was around. There is no question in my mind iran would have left the NPT by now, started building nukes, and ratcheted up tensions massively in the straight of hormuz. calling the orange buffoon on his bluff and daring the US to do something about it.

"America cant do a damn thing" was literally the guys motto. khomeini was an islamic reza shah...... RIP imam khomeini

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