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Erdogan slams Israel as ‘terrorist state’ that ‘kills children’


Sep 24, 2016
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Clashes near the Jewish settlement of Beit El, near the West Bank city of Ramallah December 9, 2017 © Mohamad Torokman / Reuters
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan lashed out against Israel Sunday, calling it a ‘terrorist state’ that ‘kills children.’ Erdogan promised to fight to the bitter end against Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state.

“Palestine is an innocent victim… as for Israel, it is a terrorist state, yes, terrorist!” Erdogan said at a congress of his ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) in the Turkish city of Sivas on Sunday. “We will not abandon Jerusalem to the mercy of a state that kills children,” he added.

As for the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, despite the Palestinians viewing the eastern part of the city as the capital of its future sovereign state, Erdogan promised to use “all means to fight” it, according to AFP.

Violent clashes have continued in East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza for several days after Trump’s announcement on Wednesday. Two Palestinians were killed and over 1,000 people injured on Friday, with a further 230 wounded on Saturday, as Israeli security forces fired tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannon at the protesters.

Erdogan blasted Israel as an “oppressive, occupation state,” calling the response of the police and military to the protests “disproportionate,” Hurriyet reported.

“The US ignored a 1980 UN Security Council ruling regarding Jerusalem which the US itself signed at that time,” Erdogan said as cited by the Daily Sabah. “A system in which the stronger one is regarded as being right can’t constitute justice, peace and stability,” he said, adding that the American approach could lead to more tragedies.

In response to Erdogan’s remarks, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu retorted that that his Turkish counterpart was hardly one to talk.

“I’m not used to receiving lectures about morality from a leader who bombs Kurdish villages in his native Turkey, who jails journalists” said Netanyahu, adding that Erdogan “helps terrorists, including in Gaza, kill innocent people.”

“That is not the man who will lecture us.”

Trump’s announcement faced widespread international condemnation and was backed only by Israel, which has been pushing for Jerusalem to be recognized as its capital for decades. The leaders of France, Germany and other European nations have all agreed that the US move is dangerous and harmful to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, urging the US to abide by international agreements. The Arab League also rejected the American decision, saying on Saturday that it amounted to recognition of the illegal occupation of East Jerusalem by Israel, and ipso facto had no legal basis.

Jews waiting for massiah christian waiting for christ shia islam waiting for mahdi and jesus sunni islam waiting for mahdi and jesus all want their kingdom capital as jerusalem so where is 2 state peaceful solution??? Ultimate destiny is war and destruction right?

Most interestong part even hidus are waiting for their final avtar but god knows will he is also aiming at jerusalem
erdo may do that but on the other hand he makes pipeline deals ;)
so this is a good opportunity to divert the attention of his voters to another direction..

Ultimate destiny is war and destruction right?

there is no peace... the israelis have all preperations done for the festivities, for their reconstruction of the temple , they are waiting - even the animals to sacrifice are ready, dont let yourself be fooled by those.. every mason nation is waiting for the messiah of the jews and you are a fool if you belive - that it will be good for you.. today they are very rough and rude and brutal and you think it will be otherwise in the future?

there will be a great war and destruction..
[QUOTE="there will be a great war and destruction..[/QUOTE]

This was predicted by Prophet PBUH already, things going to get worse.
calling it a ‘terrorist state’ that ‘kills children.’
Their holy text teaches them to do so
They want to be among the blessed ones

"How blessed will be the one who seizes your young children and pulverizes them against the cliff!"

"Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!"
there will be a great war and destruction..

For crying out loud.. haven't you religious nutjobs caused enough destruction and suffering already?.. Tell you what fruitloops, why don't you take your Mahdi, let the crazy ones in israel take their messiah, and the evangelical looney toons from america take their Christ, and go somewhere where you can't harm any innocents to play your little Armageddon game (Antarctica sounds great, but I pity the poor penguins who're gonna have to put up with your crap).

So, Go ahead and slit each other's throats to your heart's content, and get 4000 years worth of poorly written fairy tales out of your system. And leave the rest of us sane people to live our lives in peace. Believe me the world will be a much better place when you do so.
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Netanyahu says: "“I’m not used to receiving lectures about morality from a leader who ..."

Mr Netanyahu, you receive lectures from NONE, not even from the UN. Reality is this that you, Mr. Netanyahoo, are Fanatic who is unable to receive lectures from anyone while you have to usurp the Palestinian land.
For crying out loud.. haven't you religious nutjobs caused enough destruction and suffering already?.. Tell you what fruitloops, why don't you take your Mahdi, let the crazy ones in israel take their messiah, and the evangelical looney toons from america take their Christ, and go somewhere where you can't harm any innocents to play your little Armageddon game (Antarctica sounds great, but I pity the poor penguins who're gonna have to put up with your crap).

So, Go ahead and slit each other's throats to your heart's content, and get 4000 years worth of poorly written fairy tales out of your system. And leave the rest of us sane people to live our lives in peace. Believe me the world will be a much better place when you do so.
Good suggestion but would love to get lecture from peace and love seeker.
Can you share how you can bring peace harmony and love? which system?
For crying out loud.. haven't you religious nutjobs caused enough destruction and suffering already?.. Tell you what fruitloops, why don't you take your Mahdi, let the crazy ones in israel take their messiah, and the evangelical looney toons from america take their Christ, and go somewhere where you can't harm any innocents to play your little Armageddon game (Antarctica sounds great, but I pity the poor penguins who're gonna have to put up with your crap).

So, Go ahead and slit each other's throats to your heart's content, and get 4000 years worth of poorly written fairy tales out of your system. And leave the rest of us sane people to live our lives in peace. Believe me the world will be a much better place when you do so.

what about your kind of secularism like hitler or stalin? go and tell your fary tales other ppl you wont find me fooled by you..

boy soon you will see lets just wait for an appointed time :)
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