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‘Water diversion from Teesta by India' is alarming, says Bangladesh, Water ministry to write a letter to India

Dhaka can buy Kolkata over breakfast
I hope they do that instead of invoking government of India. The beef is between Dhaka and Kolkata, rest of the India neither benefits from nor cares for Teesta river dispute.
I hope they do that instead of invoking government of India. The beef is between Dhaka and Kolkata, rest of the India neither benefits from nor cares for Teesta river dispute.

Yes. The only solution is a Bengal Federation
Yes. The only solution is a Bengal Federation
India already is a federation. We don't need a separate federation for Bengal nor are people of Bengal dying to join Bengali federation.
India already is a federation. We don't need a separate federation for Bengal nor are people of Bengal dying to join Bengali federation.

Human development would come easy under a unified Bengal
Human development would come easy under a unified Bengal
Both Bangladesh and Pakistan should have joined the Akhand Bharat federation in 1947. You wouldn't have to carry the baggage of "Beggers can't be chooses" titles around the world and be ruled my Mullas and Faujeets.
Both Bangladesh and Pakistan should have joined the Akhand Bharat federation in 1947. You wouldn't have to carry the baggage of "Beggers can't be chooses" titles around the world and be ruled my Mullas and Faujeets.

This has nothing to do with Pakistan Army or Islam.
India is a federal country, no agreement can be forced down up on Kolkata. But hey, you can initiate talks with Mamta, she may even agree with you.

It is not a lame excuse, she has been rock solid behind not signing any agreement. Modi even tried to bring her to BD for talks and nothing seem to happen. So, yeah.
I personally believe Mamata is doing whatever is good for her Province.

I believe if BD thinks Teesta water is so precious, it should not allow the rain time water to fall into the BOB. It should build to retain water and India should pay the bill. This retained water can be used in BD to water fields in winter.

Our BAL brats here have no engineering knowledge, especially that callous @Black_cats. I expect the same from you. You may not understand what I said here.
China diverting Indian water
Indian diverting Pakistani and Bangladeshi water
Pakistan diverting Afghani water

Yeh ho kia raha hai..
I like the part, Pakistan diverting Afghantan's water.
India already is a federation. We don't need a separate federation for Bengal nor are people of Bengal dying to join Bengali federation.
As many as 600,000 Indians of Bengali origin are in BD working. This is what Kolkata TV news says.

The ancestors of many/ most of these young Hindus were from BD proper. So, they have equal claim for BD like the native Muslims.

It is possible that this group will form the core in the movement to make a Bengal Federation materialize.

But who can see the future?
It’s 48% for Bangladesh and 52% for India. Not 50% and 50% as you have said.
You are a great talent. You know so many things but you do not know anything about the Open Channel Hydraulics.

I wonder, what is this subject.
Both Bangladesh and Pakistan should have joined the Akhand Bharat federation in 1947. You wouldn't have to carry the baggage of "Beggers can't be chooses" titles around the world and be ruled my Mullas and Faujeets.
Did you get your daily bobs and vagana from your scam call center?

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