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Featured Video appearing to show Afghan troops brutality sparks outrage

Kailash Kumar

Oct 8, 2018
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Video appearing to show Afghan troops brutality sparks outrage

Authorities order an investigation into a video that shows gov't forces desecrating the bodies of Taliban fighters.

3 hours ago

Authorities in Afghanistan ordered an investigation on Thursday after a video circulated online that appeared to show a group of Afghan troops desecrating the bodies of Taliban fighters.

The two-minute clip, which quickly went viral on social media, surfaced ahead of expected peace talks between Kabul and the Taliban following Afghan President Ashraf Ghani's announcement to release the final batch of Taliban prisoners agreed as part of a US-Taliban deal.

The video, which AFP could not immediately verify, shows a man in military uniform using an axe to smash the heads and faces of what appeared to be two dead Taliban fighters.

Other bodies are seen nearby, and the sound of laughter can be heard as a group of men in uniform watch.

The Taliban said the video was filmed in Zabul province in the country's south and that government forces had treated the dead fighters "barbarically".

Afghan government orders investigation

The ministry of defence said it had ordered a probe into the video showing "what appears to be some security forces members acting inappropriately with a number of dead bodies".

"If verified that the violators are members of the ANA (Afghan National Army), they will be dealt with," the ministry said in a statement.

The desecration of corpses in Afghanistan's war has been a recurrent issue, with several videos emerging over the past 20 years, including one in 2011 showing a group of US marines urinating on three blood-soaked bodies.

That video sparked outrage around the world prompting an investigation and criminal charges.

The latest clip comes as Kabul is set to release about 400 Taliban prisoners ahead of peace talks with the armed group, which has fought US-led forces since it was removed from power in 2001.

Kabul has already freed about 4,500 Taliban prisoners, while the armed group have released about 1,000 Afghan security personnel as part of the February deal signed between the US and the Taliban in the Qatari capital, Doha.

The release of the Taliban prisoners has faced opposition in the country as many of the inmates were involved in brutal attacks targeting both Afghans and foreigners.

President Ghani on Sunday agreed to release 400 Taliban prisoners after an Afghan grand assembly, known as the Loya Jirga, passed a resolution to approve the move.

The intra-Afghan talks, which were initially slated to be held in March, were delayed as the Afghan government was reluctant to release all the Taliban prisoners.

President Donald Trump, up for re-election in November, has said repeatedly that he wants to end America's longest war, which began nearly 20 years ago.

I cannot post the video here, due to it being very graphic.
If you want to see the video, go to the link below, to the source of the article.

its a move to antagonist the Taliban. specially making the video and then spreading it over the social media is aimed at peace talks.
its hard enough to get the Taliban to talk who are not very keen on talking and settling for peace until they have not murdered enough of their opponents.

Northern Alliance thugl-ords are least interested in peace. they want the situation of Afghanistan to stay unstable forever so that they can keep getting the material support from the Americans.
its a move to antagonist the Taliban. specially making the video and then spreading it over the social media is aimed at peace talks.
its hard enough to get the Taliban to talk who are not very keen on talking and settling for peace until they have not murdered enough of their opponents.

Northern Alliance thugl-ords are least interested in peace. they want the situation of Afghanistan to stay unstable forever so that they can keep getting the material support from the Americans.
Norther Alliance has been given too much space to do whatever they desire along with the mayor of Kabul where as they should be bombed day and night by PAF while Taliban move on the ground. This fake regime with its Indian allies needs to be rooted from Afghanistan once and for all.
its a move to antagonist the Taliban. specially making the video and then spreading it over the social media is aimed at peace talks.
its hard enough to get the Taliban to talk who are not very keen on talking and settling for peace until they have not murdered enough of their opponents.

Northern Alliance thugl-ords are least interested in peace. they want the situation of Afghanistan to stay unstable forever so that they can keep getting the material support from the Americans.

Indeed, they have been left out of the loop as US and Taliban discussed the issues among themselves.

Kabul is fast trying to stay relevant in a world where they are no longer necessary.
Alot of videos emerged before too, this one deliberate i think.Before youtube had strict policies videos emrged of US soldiers urinating on dead taliban fighters.
Norther Alliance has been given too much space to do whatever they desire along with the mayor of Kabul where as they should be bombed day and night by PAF while Taliban move on the ground. This fake regime with its Indian allies needs to be rooted from Afghanistan once and for all.
DO you know?
Taliban became popular in the north too? they gained support and sympathy in the North of Afghanistan in the areas that are non Pashton?

since when? since last 10 years. why? how?

because of the repressive and corrupt practices of the Northern Alliance Thugs who run their areas like conquered territories, looting and persecuting the population. they persecuted the Pashtons sure, they targeted their homes, abducted the men, locked them up in miserable conditions, executed them mistreated the women like any traditional Afghan conqueror will do to a rival tribe or group.

But their excesses went to their own ethnicity too.
its been reported by western media as well in their investigative documentaries. this is why Taliban built support deep inside Afghanistan and up North in the areas that have no direct link to Pakistani areas hence ruling out the usual accusation on Pakistani support. check out the VICE documentary narrated by serving American solider called "is this how victory looks like? there are even more matter of fact on ground reporting which shows Taliban support in non Pashton areas and the reporting leaves the viewer to decide the causes for that after showing how Kabul authorities treats its own people.they were shedding the blood of each other before the rise of Taliban there is no alliance among them the moment their main common enemy is gone.

putting emotions aside I will advocate against direct confrontation with Northern Alliance except responding forcefully to its transgressions along the Pak Afghan border. we need to appraise the other stakeholders fully of the destructive practices of this cartel of thugs and scumbags sugar coated with the name of Northern Alliance.
Americans need to be put forward to confront the Northern Alliance and their not so covert ally India to stop all activities against the Afghan peace plan. other than that if nothing changes then unforeseen events are bound to happen where Northern Alliance leadership and its brutal figureheads can meet unnatural ends since its a conflict zone after all.
enough said
This Video has done no good to the peace efforts, the Taliban movement is going to gain momentum again. Even the Indian analysts predict a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in the very near future.
DO you know?
Taliban became popular in the north too? they gained support and sympathy in the North of Afghanistan in the areas that are non Pashton?

since when? since last 10 years. why? how?

because of the repressive and corrupt practices of the Northern Alliance Thugs who run their areas like conquered territories, looting and persecuting the population. they persecuted the Pashtons sure, they targeted their homes, abducted the men, locked them up in miserable conditions, executed them mistreated the women like any traditional Afghan conqueror will do to a rival tribe or group.

But their excesses went to their own ethnicity too.
its been reported by western media as well in their investigative documentaries. this is why Taliban built support deep inside Afghanistan and up North in the areas that have no direct link to Pakistani areas hence ruling out the usual accusation on Pakistani support. check out the VICE documentary narrated by serving American solider called "is this how victory looks like? there are even more matter of fact on ground reporting which shows Taliban support in non Pashton areas and the reporting leaves the viewer to decide the causes for that after showing how Kabul authorities treats its own people.they were shedding the blood of each other before the rise of Taliban there is no alliance among them the moment their main common enemy is gone.

putting emotions aside I will advocate against direct confrontation with Northern Alliance except responding forcefully to its transgressions along the Pak Afghan border. we need to appraise the other stakeholders fully of the destructive practices of this cartel of thugs and scumbags sugar coated with the name of Northern Alliance.
Americans need to be put forward to confront the Northern Alliance and their not so covert ally India to stop all activities against the Afghan peace plan. other than that if nothing changes then unforeseen events are bound to happen where Northern Alliance leadership and its brutal figureheads can meet unnatural ends since its a conflict zone after all.
enough said
Spot on mate. They are a quasi-drugs cartel, operating without any standards and accountability. They are warlords and brigands, and will be dealt with as such.
The ANA is more of a ragtag militia than a professional army.

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