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U.S. Said To Be Lacking China Strategy



U.S. Said To Be Lacking China Strategy

The United States is not prepared to respond quickly if there is conflict between China and Taiwan and lacks a broad strategy for dealing with China’s rise, a congressionally mandated commission said on Nov. 9.

The commission reaffirmed its skeptical view of Beijing, concluding that over the past year “the trends in the U.S.-China relationship have negative implications for our long-term national economic and security interests.”

In its annual report, it urged Congress to impose an “immediate across-the-board tariff” on Chinese imports to force Beijing to strengthen significantly the value of its currency.

The U.S.-China Commission was established by Congress in 2000 to examine the national security consequences of America’s economic ties with China.

Its views are controversial and generally more hard-line than the official U.S. position, which recently has focused on how Beijing can work with Washington as a responsible member of the international system.

The report, based on 14 hearings involving 150 witnesses and other research, said the combination of a U.S. policy of “strategic ambiguity” and Taiwan’s hesitation in responding to China’s aggressive military buildup “sends a signal of ambivalence and weakness” to Beijing.

“The U.S. government has not laid adequate groundwork to allow a rapid response to a provocation in the Taiwan Strait,” it said. “Almost any possible scenario involving U.S. military support to Taiwan would require extensive political and military coordination with the Taiwan government and regional allies but the foundations for such coordination have not been laid.”

There is an urgent need for Congress to encourage increasing U.S. military capabilities in the western Pacific in response to China’s growing capabilities, it added.

Taiwan Conflict

U.S. experts have long worried about potential conflict between China and Taiwan. Beijing insists the self-governing island is part of China and will be reunited with the mainland, by force if necessary.

The United States has formal diplomatic relations with China but has pledged to help defend Taiwan, including by selling the island nation defensive arms.

The commission said its “greatest concern is that the United States has not developed a fundamental assessment of how American national interests are affected by our relationship with China.”

By contrast, “China’s leadership has a coordinated national strategy for dealing with the United States (and) is willing to achieve its goals through means that threaten many U.S. interests,” it said

“The United States must be prepared to respond more aggressively to China’s behavior and actions when they run counter to our interests,” the commission stressed.

The panel expressed particular concern that Washington’s failure to correct a worsening trade imbalance “conveys to the Chinese that the United States is either unable or unwilling to use its economic power to encourage proper adjustments.”

But it argued that China is heavily dependent on selling its products in the American marketplace and this provides the United States with “enormous leverage to demand that China adopt greater reforms and abandon its mercantilist practices.”

The commission described China’s proliferation record as poor. U.S. sanctions on Chinese companies accused of selling technology to problem states have been ineffective because the penalties affect subsidiaries, not parent companies, it said.

Its true, i dont think U.S will be able to respond quickly on China's aggression on Taiwan, it will take pretty much time, but the United States satellites gives all the information that U.S military needs. Whenever the armoured vehicles, missiles, and military stuff will be moved to eastern border of China, U.S will start to mobilize and will warn China to move those things back, if China refuses. U.S will most likely be sending its aircraft carriers on Taiwan ports.
Originally posted by Ahsan F@Nov 10 2005, 01:56 PM
Its true, i dont think U.S will be able to respond quickly on China's aggression on Taiwan, it will take pretty much time, but the United States satellites gives all the information that U.S military needs. Whenever the armoured vehicles, missiles, and military stuff will be moved to eastern border of China, U.S will start to mobilize and will warn China to move those things back, if China refuses. U.S will most likely be sending its aircraft carriers on Taiwan ports.
[post=2630]Quoted post[/post]​

No that Article is BS.....The U.S can easily respond to Chinese invasion of Taiwan. The U.S has large Naval basses in Japan, South Korea and Philipines so it can littaly stop a full scale invasion and crush the Chinese navy, Airforce and Army within about a Month. Why would the U.S use its Aircaft carriers which would leave them sitting like ducks to the Chinese navy ships, U.S has large airbases bases in Tawain, Japan, and Korea, so there's no need for a Carrier..
Originally posted by Kaiser@Nov 10 2005, 11:01 AM
No that Article is BS.....The U.S can easily respond to Chinese invasion of Taiwan.The U.S has large Naval basses in Japan,South Korea and Philipines so it can littaly stop a full scale invasion and crush the Chinese navy,Airforce and Army within about a Month.Why would the U.S use its Aircaft carriers which would leave them sitting like ducks to the Chinese navy ships,U.S has large airbases bases in Tawain,Japan,and Korea, so there's no need for a Carrier..
[post=2633]Quoted post[/post]​

US cant even defeat the Insurgents in Iraq with Ak's and RPG's. Defeating China in a month ? This is not Red alert 2 man :LOLANI:
I understand what you mean, that U.S will respond to Chinese invasion but it will not be very much against it. China is building its armed forces really fast. Not to mention they are now building their own aircraft carriers, and very advanced destroyers.

They are already have set up there land forces to be capable enough. They already have third strike nuclear launch capability, incase first and second strike capability fails. Now what China needs is allies, and keep building its armed forces to become a major super power in the near future.

Simply China will have have significant lost in the beganing, China's strategy should be attack hard with quantity and make the enemy force to retreat, and stay there control the area for defensive role.

Originally posted by Kaiser@Nov 10 2005, 04:01 PM
No that Article is BS.....The U.S can easily respond to Chinese invasion of Taiwan. The U.S has large Naval basses in Japan, South Korea and Philipines so it can littaly stop a full scale invasion and crush the Chinese navy, Airforce and Army within about a Month. Why would the U.S use its Aircaft carriers which would leave them sitting like ducks to the Chinese navy ships, U.S has large airbases bases in Tawain, Japan, and Korea, so there's no need for a Carrier..
[post=2633]Quoted post[/post]​
China doenst have any Aircraft Carriers and I am not aware of any plans for them to produce them in the near future.

China is spending a small proportion of its GDP on military as compared to U.S. China is spending only about 2% of GDP while U.S. is spending around 4%.

Conflict between China and U.S. won't flare up overnight. Nothing will happen in the remainder of Bush's term in office. He is a spent force and he would do well to prevent a total disaster in Iraq. It will be the next U.S. president who will decide whether conflict breaks out.

Remember should tensions rise China will increase military spending to match the U.S. at around 4%. The Chinese economy is 7trillion while U.S. is 11 trillion at PPP.

The Chinese economy has become a titan while the Chinese leadership has deliberately constrained military spending. Should tensions with U.S. increase we will be in for dramatic television viewing where a Global Power takes on a Super Power.

What it won't be is U.S. Abraham tanks blasting out the brains of Sandal wearing Iraqis with Kalashnikovs. What it will be is a war in which the U.S. will meet an opponent like that which it has never faced before.
I want to mention here that US will never ever try to fight with China.The only thing which US would do and what else US can do is that it will try to pressurise China which China is not going to accept.In the past of you see US was against those countries which didnt had any kind of good militery and they also lacked airpower.
But still US cant be able to get total hold of the teroteries which it invaded you can clearly see the Afghanistan and Iraq, US soldiers are still dying.What US did to those countires is that the common man of that county is homeless and jobless they can get their bread and butter,China is not a piece of cake which US would come and take it.
If you see in the past the wars between the bigger countries changed into world wars in which the allies of bigger nations took part.And now when US would try to invade China then US cant use its Aircraft carriers against China.How can some one say that an aircraft carrier would be standing 1000-2000 Km away from the chineese boarder and would be firing the cruise missiles toward China and China would be sitting and seeing the whole situation.The Flankers are there to stop this kind of situation.
The only mean to attack would be the Strategic bombers but they can also be intercepted by the flankers and also by the long range SAMs.If US would try to drop a nuke then this would gonna be critical no one can even think about this.

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