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The end of the Arab world’s oil age is nigh


The world’s energy system is going through a transition. Over the
next thirty years it will change significantly in its composition as it
decouples from carbon, population and economic growth.
DNV GL’s Energy Transition Outlook seeks to understand the
nature and pace of this change. We have created an independent
forecast of what we believe to be the most likely energy future.
It will inform our own strategic choices over the years to come,
and we hope it will also provide useful insight to our customers,
partners and other stakeholders.
We forecast energy demand to flatten, mainly due to increased
efficiencies in the use of energy, after 2030. Industry across energy
sources and throughout the energy value chain will continue to
make energy available, affordable and clean.
There won’t be a ‘silver bullet’ for sustainable energy production;
instead the world will benefit from a portfolio of technically
sophisticated and cost-effective energy. The oil and gas industry
will continue to play an important role in this portfolio and
hydrocarbons will account for 44% of the total energy mix in
2050. Key areas of demand for fossil fuels will be within heavy
transportation, air and shipping. Gas is predicted to become the
largest energy carrier from 2033 to the end of our forecast period.
Tomorrow’s energy system will be characterized by enhanced
efficiency with reduced waste of energy, cost and resources in
all stages of the value chain. For oil and gas this not only means
enhanced recovery and cost efficiency, but also the use of each
energy source and carrier where it is most effective. A plateau in
demand and cheaper resources will lead to tough competition
between energy sources where supply exceeds demand. There
will be an increased need and opportunity to serve energy systems
with a flexible mix of sources and carriers, and to identify and
exploit synergies between these.
This transition does not come by itself, and the details of the energy
system will vary significantly between regions and countries.
Increased dialogue and collaboration is required to drive the
transition: between industry, policymakers and regulators,
between various parts of the energy industry and between
countries and regions.

www.ourenergypolicy.org › uploads › 2017/09 › DNV...
Oil makes Arabs rich, but cannot make them strong
Arabs were strong before oil.

no they wont. Their budgets will have to be reduced, gdp will fall and when they have no industries the foreign workforce will leave.
Keep dreaming. Just the Saudi investment in US bond is over $170 Billion. They can survive and even flourish from only the revenues of their investments all over the world. Money makes money.
If Iranian terrorist attacks stop, Saudi Arabia would emerge as an industrial Arab nation


strike sir! no wonder why pakistan did not develop, no foreigners can cause such a deep wound.. with this mind you are going nowhere except for a good working job in saudi arabia..

strike sir! no wonder why pakistan did not develop, no foreigners can cause such a deep wound.. with this mind you are going nowhere except for a good working job in saudi arabia..

Dude if you are not comfortable with my assessment than carry on with your terrorist attacks... and let's see if that bring out any good for any one.
50 Pakistani fighters killed in Turkish strikes in Syria — Pakistan officials
See... Pakistan actually voluntarily participated in terrorist activities against Arabs and Saudi interests... no one gave us even a single job, neither in Iran nor in Syria.
So isn't it better to have a good job in Saudi Arabia than to go around the region and kill babies to prove some misplaced loyalty, with some dead mulla.
BTW, plenty of Pakistanis work in USA are they all going no where?

You know what is shame full for me?............. Pakistan's current Prime Minister's Supreme Leader is no Pakistani but the head of IRGC, which as well is a declared terrorist organization.
carry on with your terrorist attacks.

if you label turkish strikes in syria as terrorist stikes than lnow that these 50 pakistanis have lesser value than a single dog for me.. may they rot in hell! anyone crying after that.. cry me a river I do not care..

man you look up for a job in a richer country lovingly to leave.. this kind of people also exist in my country and let me say this to them: in my eyes there are worser than scum! once I met some disgusting people in turkey talking lovly with flowers in their mothes about germany as a place far away and so sweet than even honey would taste more bitter than that.. and like they are living in darkness, sadness and sorrow! I wished I would have just broken their mouthes even I was just a visitor.. but giving visitorness some respect I idiotically did not do that even one of them was a woman I should have talked to them with my fists.. I deeply consider this as a big fault of my character!
these people wish a better place but if you want to have a better place than work for it in your home.. nothing has more value than your home but if you disrespect your home as a society than what to expect from the future? there is no future..

also giving iran the fault for a lazy arabs wich enjoys their goldfoiled cakes instead of going to work and industrialize their home.. man all this wealth in arab countries in the hands of real man and muslims it would have created a world super power but instead its given away for cars that have no value in 15 years for dancing womans and gold foiled cakes and foreign workers..

I am not saying we did it better, we had people who could have build a aerospace industry but instead they buried planes into the sand, we had great people designing things building things to be buried away in the histrory.. and our people went away from home butwhat did this bring to us? a better economy? nothing than people leaving to strange lands being strangers where only the next generations had little of the chance to be something.. but in your case people will only go to work and not be integrated into society..

there is no hope if you put your hope on strangers.. your hope and your future is pakistan and pakistanis.. no turks no arabs no persians no one else will have a mosqitos wing of benefit to your country than your own people

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